Leaving Hostaway because of their booking fee?

Lodging Rate Fees, Discounts, & Taxes

Click here for an example response payload that includes the parameters described below.


List of fixed rate and percentage based fees from the Surcharges section.

  • <flatRefundableDamageDepositFees>
    • List of flat amount refundable damage deposit fees in OwnerRez. These can be from the security deposit setting on the property Rules page or from fees in the Surcharges section with category “Refundable Damage Deposit”.
    • Applicable rules: 
  • <percentOfRentRefundableDamageDepositFees>
    • Refundable damage deposit fees with the “Percent of Rent” option selected.
    • Applicable rules: 
  • <percentOfRentFees>
    • Fees that have the “Percent of Rent” option selected. (Does not apply to refundable damage deposits or fees with multipliers.)
    • Applicable rules: 
  • <percentOfSubtotalFees>
    • Surcharges with the “Percent of Subtotal” option selected. Only shows up if there are other surcharges for the fee to be applied to.
    • Applicable rules: 
  • <petFees>
  • <guestFees>
  • <cleaningFees>
    • Surcharges with the category “Cleaning Fee” selected. Does not apply to percentage based fees or fees with pet or guest multipliers.
    • Applicable rules: 
  • <otherFees>
    • Surcharges where the category is not “Cleaning Fee” or “Refundable Damage Deposit”. Does not apply to percentage based fees or fees with pet or guest multipliers.
    • Applicable rules: 


List of flat amount and percentage based discounts from the Discounts section in OwnerRez.

  • <percentOfRentDiscounts>
    • List of discounts with either the “Percent of rent” or “Percent of subtotal” options selected. There is no identifier that shows if discounts apply to fees.
    • Applicable rules: 
  • <flatAmountDiscounts>
    • List of discounts with the “Fixed amount” option selected. These can apply per stay or per night, which is denoted by one of the child elements listed below.
    • Applicable rules: 

Tax Rules

List of taxes from the Taxes section in OwnerRez.

  • <percentOfRentTaxRules>
    • Percentage based taxes that apply to rent only. Taxes will fall under this category if the “Percent” option is selected and there are no surcharges with the Taxability option set to “Taxable”.
    • Applicable rules: 
  • <percentOfRentAndFeesTaxRules>
    • Percentage based taxes that apply to rent and fees. This category replaces <percentOfRentTaxRules> if there are surcharges with the Taxability option set to “Taxable”.
    • Applicable rules: 
  • <percentOfFeesTaxRules>
    • Percentage based taxes that only apply to fees. These are set up the same as <percentOfRentAndFeesTaxRules>, but with Rent Taxability set to “Not-Taxable” on the Pricing Preferences page.
    • Applicable rules: 
  • <flatTaxRules>

Rule Application

These are sub-elements for the fees, discounts, and tax rules above and provide more information on their configuration in OwnerRez.










Criteria Definition

These criteria are child elements of the rules listed above. They provide information on additional criteria and specifications.


  • Contains the range of nights booked in advance necessary to apply the fee or discount. This is set by adding an “Arrival Days from Now” booking criteria on the target item.


  • Contains the range the number of nights booked must fall under to apply the fee, discount, or tax. This is set by adding “Number of Nights” booking criteria on a surcharge or discount and by filling out the box for “Max Nights” criteria on a tax.


  • Shows the range of guests for which the fee or discount will apply and can be added or modified with the “Number of Guests” booking criteria.


  • Includes the range of dates the booking date must fall in for the fee, discount, or tax rule to apply. This is set for fees and discounts with the “Booked On Date” booking criteria and for taxes by adding an effective date and selecting “Booked Date” for the “Effective As Of” option.


  • Includes the range of dates the arrival date must fall in for the fee, discount, or tax rule to apply. This is set for fees and discounts with the “Arrival Date” booking criteria and for taxes by adding an effective date and selecting “Arrival Date” for the “Effective As Of” option. Will also include dates of applied season criteria on fixed amount, per stay fees and discounts.


  • Description: Provides ranges of dates for seasons applied on a fixed amount, per night fee or discount. Will also show date ranges set with the “Departure Date” booking criteria.


  • Includes ranges of dates for seasons applied to “Percent of Subtotal” fees. Also shows date ranges for fixed night, per stay fees and discounts with the “Departure Date” booking criteria.


  • Shows the minimum number of pets required for the surcharge to apply.


  • Shows the minimum number of guests required for the surcharge to apply.


  • Included if a child or adult multiplier was applied to the surcharge instead of a standard guest multiplier. In the case of a child multiplier, the value shown is a maximum of 7. In the case of an adult multiplier, the value shown is a minimum of 8.


  • Shows the product codes of other fees that “Percent of Subtotal” surcharges are applied to. The product codes map to the category set on the surcharge.