Leaving Hostaway because of their booking fee?

Setting up widgets for inquiries, bookings, availability, rates and reviews

We've got many different widgets that let you set up integrations with OwnerRez from your site, from inquiry/quote/book now widgets to availability calendar displays to searching properties by availability and showing rates tables and reviews. 

The easiest way to get started is to look at the widgets section in your account. Add some new ones to play with. You can test the widget in the live preview.

Available Widget Types

We've got widgets for inquiry/quote/booking -- including online book now if you want it, availability calendars in multiple months for one property, one month for multiple properties, and single property/month, searching properties by availability, and rates display.


Book Now

The book now widget does a lot of things all in one widget. You can allow bookings, inquiries, and live quoting. By default, all of those are enabled. Common configuration questions:

  • How do I turn off Book Now? If you want full control over who books, want to vet guests before allowing booking etc. you can turn off Book Now on the widget. To do this, change the Mode at the top of the widget settings to Inquiry Only as shown below. That's a good way to ease into OwnerRez and widgets -- start in Inquiry Only mode and switch on Book Now when you're comfortable.

Inquiry Widget Inquiry Only (RTB)

  • How do I allow the guest to pick a property? Enable the Show Property Selector option under Fields. That'll add a dropdown at the top of the widget where the guest can pick a property.

Property Selector

  • How do I hide Children or Pets fields? Uncheck these field options under the Fields section as detailed below.

Booking/Inquiry Widget: Hide Children or Pets Fields

  • How do I turn off live quoting? If you don't want the guest to see a quote until they hit Book Now, set the Quote Price setting in the Quoting section to Never Quote as shown below.

Never Quote

  • How do I show errors if the guest chooses something invalid?  You can set the widget's Quote Price setting to Allow Quote and Show Errors or Show Errors. This is helpful, because it provides the guest with immediate feedback as to what's wrong rather than just rejecting the inquiry, which could cause the guest to simply go away. 
If you set Allow Quote and Show Errors it will show both the error and the quote closest to what the guest would receive if the errors were resolved.
Allow quote and show errors
And guests would see an error message as shown below allowing them to revise their booking request.
Booking error message example
If you don't want to show the quote if there is an error, set Show Errors instead. That will only show the quote if there isn't an error.

Show Errors

And guests will see an error message, with no quote, as shown below.

Show errors with no quote

Availability Calendars

The availability calendars are simple compared to the book now widget. Pick the type you want based on what you want to display, and customize your color scheme if desired. If you want to hide Today or Holidays, set that color to None.

  • The Multiple Month Calendar widget displays 1-24 months at a time. It will responsively size to fit desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile screens and re-layout the calendars using the latest flex box standards.
  • The Ribbon Calendar widget displays a list of properties for one month at a time. It is similar to the Ribbon view on the Bookings page, but will go to a two row mode per property on small screens.
  • The Month Calendar widget displays one property for one month at a time in a big calendar view.

The Availability/Property Search widget for multi-property hosted website functions in several modes -- it can be a search selector, a results page (SERP), or both. It defaults to both and will display results in place, but if you want a search selector on one page and the results on a different page, use the Show Results On a different page option. That's useful if, say, you want the guest to enter Arrival/Departure on your main home page, click the search button, and be sent over to your Properties page to see the results.

  • Sort Results: Search results can be displayed alphabetically, in a specific order you've configured in OwnerRez, or randomly so every property gets the same amount of love even if it's named "Zzzzz..." By checking the "Show all properties on first load" (default), all properties will display on your properties webpage.
  • Available Properties: If guests search for particular dates, do you want properties to appear in the result even if your rules (e.g. checkin/checkout days or min-nights) wouldn't actually let them book their desired dates?  Or should it show them anyway, in hopes they'll fall in love with the property and decide to stay longer to qualify?
  • Rates: 
    • Follow the Default Rate setting in pricing preferences (will use min or max only).
    • Show range (default) for min and max (eg. "350-499/night"). For more information, see the Availability/Property Search Widget Rates section, and the Property Rate Settings section of the Hosted Websites Rates Display support article.
    • Hide Rates: For searches without dates, the default rate should show next to each property. Rates can be turned off entirely by selecting Hide Rates.
    • Calculate Stay Totals: For searches with dates, calculate what the total would be for the stay and show that instead of the nightly rate range.
    • Hide Min Sleeps

Availability/Property Search Widget Settings

The search results are populated based on the amenities information you have entered into OwnerRez. If you don't have any in place, only the property name will show. The results will be progressively enhanced as you enter more info. The following fields will display if you've configured them:

  • The first photo you add to the property Photos section
  • Property Short Description (Description section)
  • Beds/baths you set in the Amenities section. Sleeps is also calculated from beds. Sleeps can be overridden on the property info page, and min sleeps can be turned off on the widget settings by going to Hosted Website Settings, selecting "Properties", then select "Change Settings" for the "Availability/Property Search Widget". Select the box to "Hide Min Sleeps."

Availability/Property Search Widget

Users can also access the Availability/Property Search Widget Rates Section by navigating to their Hosted Website > Home and/or Properties pages.

Users can also access the Availability/Property Search Widget Rates Section by navigating to their Hosted Website > Home and/or Properties pages.

Users should note that changing the settings of the Availability/Property Search Widget on one of the Hosted Website pages does not affect the  Availability/Property Search Widget on the other Hosted Website page.


Amenity Filters for popular property Amenity Features, including Accessibility, Business, Dining, Entertainment, Family, Kitchen, Location, Outdoor, Parking, Pool & Spa, Popular Amenities, and Safety Features. To add your Amenity Features, navigate to your Hosted Website > Properties webpage > Availability/Property Search Widget > Change Settings > Filters > Amenity Filters.

To add your Amenity Features, navigate to your Hosted Website > Properties webpage > Availability/Property Search Widget > Change Settings > Filters > Amenity Filters.

Amenity Suitability Filters include the following.

  • Events Allowed
  • Has Elevator
  • Pets Allowed
  • Smoking Allowed
  • Wheelchair Accessible

You can add these Suitability Amenity Filters to your Availability/Property Search Widget by navigating to your Hosted Website > Properties webpage > Availability/Property Search Widget > Change Settings > Filters > Amenity Filters > Suitability.

You can add these new Suitability Filters to your Availability/Property Search Widget by navigating to your Hosted Website > Properties webpage > Availability/Property Search Widget > Change Settings > Filters > Amenity Filters > Suitability.

The Suitability Amenity Filters will then be displayed on your Hosted Website Property page.

These new Suitability Amenity Filters will be displayed on your Hosted Website Property page.

You can also create your own filters through the use of Tag Groups and selecting those from the Tag Group Filters.

Create your own filters through the use of Tag Groups and selecting those from the Tag Group Filters.

Prominent amenities on Hosted Websites are another way for guests to sort and select individual properties.


The rates widget shows a list of all your configured seasons and the rates assigned to them. Related rules like changeover days, surcharges, taxes, etc., aren't currently included, so we recommend adding a rules text block on your site to list those.

The rate widget's default setting shows only the options available according to the rules that apply to that season. You can change these settings on the rate widget in your Hosted Website's Rate webpage by navigating to Settings > My Website > Hosted Websites > your Hosted Website > Rates webpage > Rates Widget > Change Settings. 

For Nightly and Weekend Nights, you can select the "Show Always" option to make them visible regardless of the rules.

For Nightly and Weekend Nights, you can select the


The reviews widget shows a list of all your reviews and provides simple filter/sort options similar to what you see on retail websites like Amazon or Walmart.com.  If you set a review to "hidden" in OwnerRez, it won't be displayed in the widget.  You can select to show reviews across all properties or just for specific properties.

Don't like how review responses always show your company name? Users can also change the name of the responder to the Review. 


Here are some examples of hosted websites with embedded widgets on their sites. 

Add a widget to your site

Go to the widget page in OwnerRez for the widget you want to add and copy/paste the HTML code in the Embed Code box into your site.

If you've got a custom coded website or know HTML, you'll know how to do that. If you've got a page builder driven site, we've got step by step guides for adding OwnerRez to several page builders:

If you run into issues or there is an additional site guide you'd like to see, let us know.

FAQ: Common Issues & Questions

A lot of questions come up when adding widgets to your site, so we've listed the common ones here. Questions about how to configure different widgets are handled on their specific sections. See the Widget Common Issues & Questions support article for more information.