Price Accuracy

All OwnerRez Google Vacation Rentals (GVR) integrated properties are subject to Google's Price Accuracy PolicyGoogle computes a score for OwnerRez that provides ratings based on how often our GVR-integrated properties comply with Google's policy. This score serves as the basis for potential penalties, such as lower search rankings or delisting, that Google may impose on OwnerRez GVR-integrated properties.

What does this mean for OR users?

Rates listed on Google Vacation Rentals listings must match the rates of their OR Hosted Website or The OwnerRez Global Landing Page (aka Public Booking Link). The Price Accuracy of YOUR GVR-integrated property affects the score of ALL OwnerRez GVR-integrated properties.

For this reason:
  • There is almost no room or margin for error. Successful price matches are weighted at a smaller value than a penalty.
  • Penalties accumulate and remain for 90 days.
  • A single mistake applied across ten properties could cause OwnerRez and all OR's GVR-integrated properties to get delisted.
  • OwnerRez is responsible for maintaining Google's Price Accuracy Policy, which imposes collective penalties on all OwnerRez GVR-integrated properties based on the price accuracy failures of individual GVR listings.

Because the stakes are so high, OwnerRez has implemented a 14-day process to delist Google Vacation Rentals API-connected properties that encounter continued price accuracy failures.

Google Vacation Rentals Delist Process

The Google Vacation Rentals (GVR) Delist Process is 14 days long. For each property experiencing GVR price accuracy issues, you will receive daily email notifications titled "There are listing issues with your Google Vacation Rentals," and includes the following.

  • Specific errors are listed in the Error field and also available through the Listing Quality Analyzer (LQA) tool.
  • The Delist Date, along with the day countdown, are listed.

There are listing issues with your Google Vacation Rentals email notification example

If you clear the GVR price accuracy listing issues for your property within 14 days, no further action is taken. If your property continues to experience GVR price accuracy issues after 14 days, your property will be automatically delisted from the OwnerRez Google Vacation Rentals integration.

Specific Delist Error Messages

The Listing Quality Analyzer (LQA) tool also provides all Google Vacation Rentals (GVR) errors.

Not all percentage taxes have the same number of max nights.

This is caused by the "First XX Nights" tax settings. Google Vacation Rentals does not support this tax setting.