OwnerRez Vrbo API-integrated users that are on the Pay-Per-Booking (PPB) model are charged booking commissions at the end of each month. OwnerRez's Vrbo Commission import tool assists users in importing Vrbo booking fee commissions via a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file.
Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files are delimited text files that use a comma to separate values. Each line of the file is a data record consisting of one or more fields, separated by commas.
Vrbo provides the CSV files on the first of each month detailing the previous month's Vrbo booking fee commissions. Users can find those CSV files and download them by logging into their Vrbo Owner Dashboard, clicking on their profile link in the upper right-hand corner, and selecting Booking Statements.
On the Booking Statements page, download the monthly CSV file.
To import the Vrbo CSV file, users will probably have to "unzip" or extract the file. Users can accomplish that by right-clicking on your downloaded file and clicking on Extract. Users will be asked to Select a Destination and Extract Files. Again, click on Extract. The extraction process will create a folder in the selected destination with the same name (unless you named it something else during the extraction process) with the downloaded CSV file inside.
Head back to OwnerRez and navigate to Tools > Import/Export > From a Listing Site > Import Vrbo Commissions.
And to make it even easier, OwnerRez added the steps to complete the process on the import page.
Click the Choose File button and select the CSV file you downloaded from Vrbo to import the commissions. Hint: users may have to choose All Files from the drop-down list as shown below. Click on Open.
If successful, users will receive the "Import Successful" message. If not (and we hope that is not the case), there will be a list of CSV rows that were not imported with expanded information. Users can click on the Booking ID links to take them to the specific Booking > Transactions > Fees page.
In the specific Booking > Transactions > Fees section, users will see the Vrbo PPB Commission listed, in this case, $38.19.