Vrbo Messaging

For those accounts that are Vrbo, channel-integrated, native in-app Vrbo messaging is available! Corresponding with Vrbo guests directly in OwnerRez allows users to unify their guest messaging that much more. With OwnerRez's inbox, conversation view, system alerts, and channel templates/triggers, you can automate more of your messaging to be delivered via the channel (or "on the platform").

Check out the Trigger Examples support article for more information and ideas for Vrbo guest messaging.

If you already use Airbnb messaging in OwnerRez, you'll be quite comfortable with the addition of Vrbo messaging. Vrbo Messaging is not compatible with Expedia, so email messaging is recommended for Expedia guests.

Vrbo messages come into OwnerRez even before a booking is made! So, if the prospective guest has a question about your property, it will appear in OwnerRez. There may be a minute or two delay for it to appear in OwnerRez (i.e., you may see the message come through via email alert from Vrbo or the Vrbo Owner mobile app first). Once it comes into OwnerRez, there are a few different places you can see it, but if it's not yet a booking, the quickest way to get to it will be the Inbox. If you keep alerts enabled, you can click the link in the email system alert you receive.


The Inbox is located on the left menu. Vrbo messages are listed in the Inbox. Note that the Via column indicates where the messages are from, in this example, Vrbo.

Vrbo messages are listed in the Inbox. Note that the Via column indicates where the messages are from, in this example, Vrbo.

Clicking on each individual message opens the message in the Conversation View.

In the Conversation View, users can see any comments that Vrbo guests have added, allowing them to respond directly to the Vrbo guest within OwnerRez.

In the Conversation View, users can see any comments that Vrbo guests have added, allowing them to respond directly to the Vrbo guest within OwnerRez.


Vrbo inquiries appear in the OwnerRez left menu Inquiries section. Note the Via Listing Site column shows that these inquiries are from Vrbo guests.

Vrbo inquiries appear in the OwnerRez left menu Inquiries section. Note the Via Listing Site column shows that these inquiries are from Vrbo guests.

When users view the inquiry, they will see all the information associated with this inquiry. 

Further down on the inquiry page, users can see the following.

  • General Info about
    • Date the quote was received
    • Which property
    • Number in party
  • Channel information
  • Guest information
  • Requested Dates calendar view
  • Any Comments added by the potential Vrbo guest
  • Inquiry Activity

Answer Vrbo Inquiries

Users can respond to inquiries by clicking on the Answer Button button.

Conversation View

When users open the Conversation View, they can see any comments that Vrbo guests have added, allowing them to respond directly to the Vrbo guest. Click Send.

When users open the Conversation View, they can see any comments that Vrbo guests have added, allowing them to respond directly to the Vrbo guest. Click Send.

Users will see a Message Queued modal pop-up in the upper right side of the screen letting them know that the message is outgoing.

Message Queued Modal Pop-up

Back in the Conversation View, users will be able to see their guest conversations. Note that this outgoing message is still in the queue to be sent. Users can open specific sections by clicking on the right side downward facing arrow Expand Arrow to view more information. 

Guest Conversation View

Users can open specific sections by clicking on the right side downward facing arrow Expand Arrow to view more information. Clicking on the View Vrbo Message will display that specific Vrbo message.

View Vrbo Message

Users can view message details at the top of the message including the following.

  • Message sender
  • Message recipient
  • What Inquiry number the message was sent regarding
  • How the message was sent. In the case below the message was sent manually.

Vrbo Message

Users can click on the green links to return to the Inquiry or All Messages.

Communication History

More info and screenshots coming soon...


Vrbo messaging Alerts (found under the Profile dropdown menu) are enabled by default. You can disable them if you do not want to receive email alerts when a message comes in or fails to send. We recommend you keep them enabled until you know how they assist you in your workflow.

Please Note: Turning off Channel Message Received Alerts will also disable alerts for Booking.com

Channel Templates and Triggers

Users can utilize Channel Templates (e.g., Booking, Guest) and booking triggers to automate messaging to their guests via the channel (e.g., Vrbo, Airbnb, Booking.com). This can be done in place of or to augment other custom messages (e.g., email, SMS) sent on your behalf to the guest.

Common Issues and Questions

See the Messaging section of the Vrbo Common Issues & Questions support article.