Example - Booking Modification

This support article is under construction 👷

Please pardon the incompleteness while we work on this. We have made the article visible in the meantime because the content may be useful.

The ModifyBooking endpoint is only available to MOR channel partners.

When sending orderItem elements that are not RENTAL type, make sure to include the externalId of the lodging rate element that sourced them so they can be mapped back to the correct item. This should start with ORSUR (for fees and discounts) or ORTAX (for taxes): 

cURL example:

curl --user ${ownerrez_user}:${ownerrez_key} --location --request POST "${ownerrez_api}/haolb/modifybooking?type=${ownerrez_user}&key=${ownerrez_key}&bookingId=${ownerrez_booking_id}" \

XML payload:

<ownerFee currency="USD">100.00</ownerFee>
<serviceFee currency="USD">125.50</serviceFee>
<name>5 nights</name>
<preTaxAmount currency="GBP">1605.00</preTaxAmount>
<totalAmount currency="GBP">1605.00</totalAmount>
<name>Cleaning fee based on £150.00 per stay</name>
<preTaxAmount currency="GBP">150.00</preTaxAmount>
<totalAmount currency="GBP">150.00</totalAmount>
<name>State Tax</name>
<preTaxAmount currency="GBP">120.00</preTaxAmount>
<totalAmount currency="GBP">120.00</totalAmount>