Prominent Amenities

You may notice a small group of prominent amenities that show in certain key areas like on search results or at the top of the individual property page.  These prominent amenities have icons next to them and will appear, dynamically, based on whether the property includes that amenity.

Here is the comprehensive list of all prominent amenities:

  • - shows if the property allow pets
  • - shows if the property is accessible
  • - shows if the property has internet
  • - shows if the property has woodstove, fireplace or firewood provided
  • - shows if the property is oceanfront, oceanview, near ocean, ocean, beachfront, beach view, beach, lakefront, lake view, lake, river, waterfront or water view
  • - shows if the property is in the mountains or has mountain views
  • - shows if the property is in a forest
  • - shows if property is in a desert
  • - shows if property is downtown
  • - shows if property has a private pool
  • - show if property has a hot tub

Forest is under the location type features similar to mountain, desert and downtown. Check the Location and Accommodations tabs for where to select these.

If you have a multi-property hosted website, also see the Amenity Filters and the Availability/Property Search sections of the Setting up widgets for inquiries, bookings, availability, rates and reviews support article.

This list of prominent amenities cannot be changed or added to.  The icons that show cannot be changed.  If you have other amenities that you believe are prominent, please contact us to let us know.