Tracking guest interactions through Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel

As you plan and implement advertising for your properties, the more data you have the better!

Users can integrate with their Google Analytics and/or Facebook Tracking Pixel account to update their analytics with every move guests make in OwnerRez whether that be a page view on a hosted website, Public Booking Link, guest forms, widget, sending an inquiry, viewing a quote, and eventually a full conversion to a booking.

Google Analytics (and third-party tracking software generally) is a separate tracking script, which means that it can be blocked by a guest's browser based on cookie restrictions, ad-blocking software, etc.

  • Ad blockers are used by some 40% of users, so the number of transactions you see in Google Analytics is unlikely to match what OwnerRez has because OR will have every transaction while GA will only have the number of tracking hits that weren't blocked. 
  • Some embedded browsers in Facebook Messenger on iPhones are very restrictive and may interfere with tracking.

Google Analytics

Log into your Google Analytics account to locate and copy your Measurement ID. There are a couple of steps to find it.

  1. Select your website from the top dropdown menu and click on Admin.Select your website from the top dropdown menu and click on Admin.
  2. Click on the Data Stream to load the details.
    Click on the Data Stream to load the details.
  3. Select your website from the Data Stream list. In the popup window, copy the Measurement ID at the top right of the data stream details.Copy the Measurement ID in the top-right of the data stream details.
  4. Paste that Measurement ID that you copied in the previous step into the Google Analytics Tracking ID box in the OwnerRez Analytics Tracking section in OwnerRez (Settings > Advanced Tools > Analytics Tracking).Paste that Measurement ID that you copied in the previous step into the Google Analytics Tracking ID box in the OwnerRez Analytics Tracking section in OwnerRez(Settings > Advanced Tools > Analytics Tracking).

If you have multiple separate Hosted Websites, at present OwnerRez only supports one tracking account for all your websites because while a session may start on a hosted website, all quotes and forms are handled by the domain for secure credit card handling. Both Google and Facebook allow you to filter tracking by domain in their reporting systems, so this should not be a problem to tell your websites apart in your tracking reports if they each have their own domain name, as they should.

It is also possible to put custom tracking code in the Footer of your Hosted Website, under the Theme & Layout area.

If you're using OwnerRez widgets on your site, you may also want to enable cross-domain tracking when you embed the widgets

Google Analytics Data

Once you've got the tracking key entered, your Google Analytics account will receive data from OwnerRez.

If you're using OwnerRez widgets on your site, you may also want to enable cross-domain tracking when embedding them.

Once you set up the integration, you'll see the following actions show up in Google Analytics:

  • Page view on guest forms: quote accept (checkout) pages, one-off payment pages
  • Page view on hosted website pages
  • Widget -> Loaded when a widget is loaded
  • Widget -> QuoteDisplayed/QuoteErrored on book now widget when the guest enters information and the quote summary is displayed or a validation error occurs, respectively
  • Widget -> QuoteDetailExpanded on book now widget when the guest expands the quote details panel
  • Widget -> BookingStarted event on "book now" button click in book now widget (with event value of quote total)
  • Widget -> InquirySent event on "send inquiry" button click in book now widget (with event value of quote total)
  • Widget -> Search / SearchPage event on searching in availability search widget -- Search is fired when the search button is clicked, while SearchPage is fired when navigating between pages
  • Quote -> BookingStarted event on view of the initial quote checkout page (with event value of quote total)
  • Booking -> Booked event on booking complete (with event value of booking total)
  • Ecommerce transaction on booking complete

Facebook Tracking Pixel

Log into your Facebook Ads Manager and copy your tracking ID. Choose "Install the Code", then "Copy and Paste the code":

All you need is the actual pixel ID, not all of the code, so paste the code into Notepad or Word and then copy out just the pixel ID. It'll look something like: 12345678901234. We'll use that to create the full code block on our end, generated on every page of your Hosted Website and in every Widget. Here's a Facebook article on creating/finding your Pixel ID if you need help tracking it down.

Paste that ID into the Facebook Tracking Pixel ID box in the OwnerRez Analytics Tracking section and you're good to go.

Once you set up the integration, you'll see the following actions show up in Facebook:

  • Page view on widget pages (whether inside your website or separately hosted), quote accept (checkout) pages, one-off payment pages, hosted website pages
  • AddToCart event on "book now" button click in book now widget (with event value of quote total)
  • Lead event on "send inquiry" button click in book now widget (with event value of quote total)
  • InitiateCheckout event on view of the initial quote checkout page (with event value of quote total)
  • Purchase event on booking complete (with event value of booking total)

Google Ads and Analytics

Linking your Google Ads account to your Analytics property allows users to see the full customer cycle, from how users interact with your marketing (e.g., seeing ad impressions, clicking ads). Link your Google Ads account to your Analytics property by following the instructions on this Link/unlink Google Ads and Analytics article.

Users can send conversions from Google Analytics to Google Ads by following the instructions on Import conversions into Google Ads. 

Users can also generate conversion javascript code in their Google Ads account and paste it into the conversion events on the Booking/Inquiry widget. Add your Google Ads generated conversion javascript code by navigating to Settings > My Website > Widgets >  Booking/Inquiry widget > Change > Conversion Tracking.

Add your Google Ads generated conversion javascript code by navigating to Settings > My Website > Widgets >  Booking/Inquiry widget > Change > Conversion Tracking.