Properties - Importing Listing Details From Airbnb & VRBO

Properties are the core of OwnerRez. Without properties, you cannot create quotes or bookings.  However, properties are vast and can take awhile to fully flesh out and configure.  To help fill in your properties quickly, we have created some push-button import pages that will copy details from your listings on VRBO or Airbnb.

Airbnb and Vrbo listings must be active and bookable to complete the listing import. Users should note that attempting to import Airbnb and Vrbo listings that are paused/snoozed or otherwise unbookable or unavailable may result in import failures. 

This video shows an end to end walk-through of importing listing details (photos, descriptions, amenities) from Airbnb & VRBO into your OwnerRez properties. You'll also see what is missing and needs to be filled in manually. You do not need to have channel integration in place to use this - these imports rely on public URLs only.

Here's additional information about this process.