Leaving Hostaway because of their booking fee?

Field Codes

While managing the booking lifecycle, you often need to "mix in" guest or booking information so that your messages are personalized. For instance, instead of saying "Hi, thanks for booking" in your welcome email, you might want to say "Hi Susan, thanks for booking Acme Cabin!". The same is true of renter agreements, guest forms and other things.

You can do that with field codes! Field codes are specific words, wrapped with curly braces, that dynamically insert snippets of text into the custom content you prepare.

We've created a walk-through video about how field codes work.  Before reading the rest of this articles, watch this first:

The full list of field codes is below. The list is broken out into types because different field codes are available based the type of template, message or agreement you are personalizing.

NOTE: if you are logged into OwnerRez when you visit this page, you will see your own "custom" field codes show up below in addition to the system field codes. Custom fields codes can be created in the Settings > Custom Field Definitions area.

Account field codes

{MYFIRST} First Name My first name
{MYLAST} Last Name My last name
{MYFULL} Full Name My first and last name together
{MYCO} Company Name My company name
{MYCOFIRST} Company or First Name First name if company is empty
{MYCOLAST} Company or Last Name Last name if company is empty
{MYCOFULL} Company or Full Name Full name if company is empty
{MYEMAIL} Email Address My email address
{MYURL} Company URL A link to my company website
{MYDOMAIN} Company Domain My company web address without the HTTP prefix
{MYPHONE} Company Phone Number My company phone number
{MYPHONEI} Company Phone Number (Informal) My company phone number without +1 if USA based
{MYPORTTITLE} Portal Site Title My portal's branded portal site title
{MYFORUM} Forum Display Name My profile forum display name
{MYLOGOIMGURL} Logo Image URL A link to the logo image
{MYFACEBOOK} Facebook Link A link to my Facebook page
{MYINSTAGRAM} Instagram Link A link to my Instagram page
{MYTWITTER} X (Twitter) Link A link to my X (Twitter) profile
{MYYOUTUBE} YouTube Link A link to my YouTube channel
{MYTIKTOK} TikTok Link A link to my TikTok profile
{MYLOGOIMG} Logo Image My logo image
{MYSOCS} Social Links (single-line) All social network links on a single line
{MYSOCM} Social Links (multi-line) All social network links on separate lines
{MYCONS} Contact Details (single-line) Email, phone, and web address on a single line
{MYCONM} Contact Details (multi-line) Email, phone, and web address on separate lines

Property field codes

{PNAME} Property Name The name of the property
{PPUBNAME} Property Public Name The public name of the property
{PDISPNAME} Property Display Name The display name of the property (based on account preferences)
{PPRIVCODE} Property Internal Code The internal code of the property
{PURL} Property URL A link to the property's web page
{PIMGURL} Property Image URL A link to the property's first image in the Photos section
{PIMGCAPTION} Property Image Caption The caption of the property's first image in the Photos section
{PPHONE} Property Phone Number The phone number at the property that guests will use on-site
{PPHONEI} Property Phone Number (Informal) The phone number without +1 if USA based
{PADDRS} Address The address of the property, single line
{PADDRM} Address Multi-Line The address of the property, multi line
{PADDRUG} Location in Google Maps A link to the property location in Google Maps (attempts to use lat/long first then address)
{PADDRUB} Location in Bing Maps A link to the property location in Bing Maps (attempts to use lat/long first then address)
{PADDRUH} Location in Here A link to the property location in Here (attempts to use lat/long first then address)
{PADDRUM} Location in Mapquest A link to the property location in Mapquest (attempts to use lat/long first then address)
{PADDRUO} Location in OpenStreetMap A link to the property location in OpenStreetMap (attempts to use lat/long first then address)
{PADDRUGAO} Address in Google Maps A link to the property address in Google Maps
{PADDRUBAO} Address in Bing Maps A link to the property address in Bing Maps
{PADDRUHAO} Address in Here A link to the property address in Here
{PADDRUMAO} Address in Mapquest A link to the property address in Mapquest
{PADDRUOAO} Address in OpenStreetMap A link to the property address in OpenStreetMap
{PADDRLAT} Latitude The geographical latitude of the property
{PADDRLONG} Longitude The geographical longitude of the property
{PBEDS} Bedrooms The number of bedrooms at the property
{PBATHS} Bathrooms The number of bathrooms at the property
{PMAXGUESTS} Max Guests The maximum number of guests allowed by the property rules
{PMAXADULTS} Max Adults The maximum number of adults allowed by the property rules
{PMAXPETS} Max Pets The maximum number of pets allowed by the property rules
{PINSTDIR} Directions to the Property Directions to the property (from the Guest Instructions tab)
{PINSTCHECKIN} Check-in Instructions Check-in instructions for the property (from the Guest Instructions tab)
{PINSTINTER} Internet Instructions Internet instructions for the property (from the Guest Instructions tab)
{PINSTMAN} House Manual House manual for the property (from the Guest Instructions tab)
{PREGNUM} Registration/License Number The registration/license number of the property
{PCCSTEXT} Credit Card Statement Text The text shown on the guest's credit card statement
{PCHECKIN} Check-in Time The time that the guest may check in
{PCHECKINSTART} Check-in Start Time The earliest time that the guest may check in
{PCHECKINEND} Check-in End Time The latest time that the guest may check in
{PCHECKOUT} Check-out Time The time that the guest may check out
{PWIFINAME} Wifi Network Name The name of the wifi network at the property
{PWIFIPASS} Wifi Password The password for the wifi network at the property
{PSDAMT} Security Deposit Amount The amount held for the security deposit
{PSDRS} Security Deposit Reserve Days The no. of days before arrival that the hold is placed
{PSDRL} Security Deposit Release Days The no. of days after departure that the hold will be released
{PCANPOL} Cancellation Policy The effective cancellation policy for this property
{PCANPOLLEGAL} Cancellation Policy Legal Description The effective cancellation policy for this property in legalese
{PMINAGE} Minimum Age of Primary Renter The minimum age allowed by the property rules
{PDESHEAD} Headline Default Headline
{PDESLONG} Description Default Description
{PDESSHORT} Short Description Default Short Description
{PDESOWNSTORY} Owner Listing Story Default Owner Listing Story
{PDESWHYPURCH} Why Puchased Default Why Puchased
{PDESUNQBEN} Unique Benefits Default Unique Benefits
{PDESACCOMSUM} Accomodations Summary Default Accomodations Summary
{PDESACCOMDET} Accomodations Details Default Accomodations Details
{PDESINTGST} Interaction With Guests Default Interaction With Guests
{PDESFEATDESC} Features Description Default Features Description
{PDESGSTACS} Guest Access Default Guest Access
{PDESGETTHERE} Getting There Default Getting There
{PDESGETARND} Getting Around Default Getting Around
{PDESLOCDESC} Location Description Default Location Description
{PDESLOCACT} Location Activities Default Location Activities
{PDESREGNUM} Registration Number Default Registration/License Number
{PDESRTNOTE} Rate Notes Rate Notes
{PTAGS} Property Tags A list of tags for the property

Booking field codes

{BID} Booking ID (display purposes) The ID or # of the booking record
{BIDRAW} Booking ID (number only) The ID or # of the booking record without 'ORB' on it
{BFORMKEY} Booking form key The unique booking key for public links and guest forms
{BLEGACYID} Booking Legacy ID The legacy booking id entered during import
{BLISTINGTOKEN} Booking Listing Site Token The token or id used to refer to the reservation on its source listing site/channel
{BCRE} Created Date The date that the booking was created in, or imported into, OwnerRez
{BBKDT} Booked Date The date that the booking was booked
{BARR} Arrival Date The date that the guest arrives
{BARRDAY} Arrival Day The day of the week that the guest arrives
{BDEP} Departure Date The date that the guest departs
{BDEPDAY} Departure Day The day of the week that the guest departs
{BCHECKIN} Check-in Display The time that the guest may check in. Prefixed with Early, Late, or Standard depending on property time vs. booking time. Displayed as a range if Check-in End is set
{BCHECKINSTART} Check-in Start Display The earliest time that the guest may check in. Prefixed with Early, Late, or Standard depending on property time vs. booking time
{BCHECKINEND} Check-in End Display The latest time that the guest may check in. Prefixed with Early, Late, or Standard depending on property time vs. booking time
{BCHECKOUT} Check-out Display The time that the guest may check out. Prefixed with Early, Late, or Standard depending on property time vs. booking time
{BCHECKINTIME} Check-in Time The time that the guest may check in. Displayed as a range if Check-in End is set
{BCHECKINSTARTTIME} Check-in Start Time The earliest time that the guest may check in
{BCHECKINENDTIME} Check-in End Time The latest time that the guest may check in
{BCHECKOUTTIME} Check-out Time The time that the guest may check out
{BPENDDATE} Pending Until The date that the booking will be auto-canceled if a payment hasn't been entered
{BPENDDAYSFN} Pending Until Days From Now The no. of days with "from now" or "ago" from the Pending Until date
{BCLEANDATE} Cleaning Date The date that cleaning is scheduled for this booking
{BNNGHTS} Number of Nights The number of reserved nights
{BPEMAIL} Platform Email Address The email address through the channel, if any
{BGPARTY} Party The party as comma-separated list
{BNGUEST} Number of Guests The number of total people in the party
{BNADULT} Number of Adults The number of adults in the party
{BNCHILD} Number of Children The number of children in the party
{BNPET} Number of Pets The number of pets in the party
{BNOTES} Notes Notes for the booking
{BTITLE} Title Title for the booking
{BSOURCE} Listing Site/Channel The name of the listing site/channel this booking came from
{BTAMT} Total Amount The total amount of the booking charges
{BTRENT} Total Rent The total amount of the booking rent charges and surcharges included as rent
{BTRENTONLY} Total Rent (No Surcharges) The total amount of the booking rent charges
{BTPAY} Total Paid The total amount of all payments
{BTKEPT} Total Kept From Security Deposit The total amount that was kept from the security deposit.
{BTTRANS} Total Guest Transactions The total amount of all payments (minus refunds) plus any amount that was kept from the security deposit.
{BTPAYPCT} Paid Percentage The percentage that has been paid so far against the total (including any amount that was kept from the security deposit).
{BTTAX} Total Tax The total amount of tax for this booking
{BTREF} Total Refunded The total amount of all refunds
{BTOWE} Total Owed The total amount owed for the booking
{BTHOSTFEE} Total Host Fees The total host fees for the booking
{BTGUESTFEE} Total Guest Fees The total guest fees for the booking
{BTNETAMT} Total Net Charges The total amount of the booking charges, minus any host fees
{BTNETTRANS} Total Net Transactions The total amount of all payments (minus refunds) plus any amount that was kept from the security deposit, minus any host fees
{BBACT} Billing Activity The billing activity in the form of a bulleted list
{BBACTD} Billing Activity, Latest First The billing activity list but in descending order
{BBINFO} Billing Info High-level overview about billing shown to the guest in the confirmation email
{BCTAB} Charges Table The table that shows the charges
{BULEASE} Lease Form Link The public link to sign the lease form
{BULEASESIGNL} Most Recent Signed Lease Link The link to the PDF download file of the most recent signed lease for this booking
{BULEASESIGNF} First Signed Lease Link The link to the PDF download file of the first signed lease for this booking
{BLEASESIGNLIST} Signed Leases List A list showing links to the PDF download file for all the signed leases for this booking
{BUTRAV} Travel Insurance Link The public link to view or buy travel insurance
{BUPAY} Payment Link The public link to make payments for a booking
{BUSECDEP} Security Deposit Link The public link to make a security deposit for a booking
{BUBILLINFO} New Billing Info Link The public link to submit new or updated billing information (ie. new credit card) for a booking
{BUFIXUP} Booking Clean-Up Link The public link to collect any missing contact info, agreement signatures, or security deposit information for a booking
{BUREVIEW} Review Link The public link to write a review for a booking
{BUBOOKING} Booking Link The internal (control panel) link to the booking
{BPREVARR} Previous Arrival Date The previous date (before being changed) that the guest was supposed to arrive
{BPREVDEP} Previous Departure Date The previous date (before being changed) that the guest was supposed to depart
{BPREVCHECKIN} Previous Check-in Time The previous time (before being changed) that the guest was supposed to check in
{BPREVCHECKINSTART} Previous Check-in Start Time The previous earliest time (before being changed) that the guest was supposed to check in
{BPREVCHECKINEND} Previous Check-in End Time The previous latest time (before being changed) that the guest was supposed to check in
{BPREVCHECKOUT} Previous Check-out Time The previous time (before being changed) that the guest was supposed to check out
{BPREVPNAME} Previous Property Name The previous property (before being changed) for this booking
{BPREVPDNAME} Previous Property Display Name The display name of the previous property (before being changed) for this booking
{BAUTOCANCELWHY} Auto cancellation reason The reason the booking was automatically canceled from a pending state. Blank if canceled manually.
{BSDAMT} Security Deposit Amount The amount held or charged for the security deposit
{BSDRS} Security Deposit Deposit Days The no. of days before arrival that the deposit hold or charge is placed
{BSDRSDATE} Security Deposit Deposit Due Date The date that the security deposit hold or charge is placed
{BSDRSFN} Security Deposit Deposit Days From Now The no. of days with "from now" or "ago" from the current date that the security deposit is due
{BSDRL} Security Deposit Release Days The no. of days after departure that the deposit will be released
{BFPPOA} 1st Payment % or Amt. The amount the guest must pay, as percent or flat amount, for the first payment
{BFPAMT} 1st Payment Amount The exact amount (not a percent) the guest must pay for the first payment
{BFPDATE} 1st Payment Date The date of the first payment (or the date booked if there is no first payment yet)
{BSPAMT} 2nd Payment Amount The exact amount (not a percent) the guest must pay for the second payment
{BSPDAY} 2nd Payment Days The no. of days before arrival that the 2nd payment is collected
{BSPDATE} 2nd Payment Due Date The date that the 2nd payment is due
{BSPDAYSFN} 2nd Payment Days From Now The no. of days with "from now" or "ago" from the current date that the 2nd payment is due
{BADJOPEN} Adjacent Open Nights A description of open adjacent nights, before or after the booking.
{BPROPAVAILALL} Available Properties (all) A bulleted list of all available properties between the desired arrival and departure dates, including the current property if applicable
{BPROPAVAILOTHER} Available Properties (other) A bulleted list of other available properties between the desired arrival and departure dates, excluding the current property even if applicable
{BDOORCODE} Requires Lock Service Door Code The door lock code(s) generated for this booking
{BDOORCODETABLE} Requires Lock Service Door Code Table A table showing all door codes for this booking
{BDOORCODELIST} Requires Lock Service Door Code List A list showing all door codes for this booking
{BCANPOL} Cancellation Policy The effective cancellation policy for this booking
{BCANPOLDAT} Cancellation Policy With Dates The effective cancellation policy for this booking with exact dates supplied based on arrival
{BCANPOLLEGAL} Cancellation Policy Legal Description The effective cancellation policy for this booking in legalese
{BTRAVINS} Travelers Insurance Deadlines A paragraph that describes the deadline for purchasing travelers insurance.
{BTAGS} Booking Tags A list of tags for the booking

Property Management Booking field codes (requires PM feature)
{BPMNONCOMM} PM Only PM Non Commissionable The total non commissionable amount for the booking
{BPMNETFORCOMM} PM Only PM Net for Commission The net amount used to calculate commission for the booking
{BPMCOMM} PM Only PM Commission Amount The total commission for the booking
{BPMCOMMEFF} PM Only PM Commission Effective Percent The effective commission percent for the booking
{BPMPAYOUT} PM Only PM Payout Amount The total payout amount to the PM for the booking
{BPMCANREMIT} PM Only PM Can Be Remitted The total amount that can currently be remitted to the PM for the booking
{BPMREMITTED} PM Only PM Already Remitted The amount that has already been remitted to the PM for the booking
{BPMREMITTABLE} PM Only PM Payout Balance The remaining amount that can currently be remitted to the PM for the booking
{BPMFULLCOMM} PM Only Fully Commissionable 100% commissionable charges
{BPMCOMMLESSFULL} PM Only PM Commmission Less Fully Commissionable PM Commission - Fully Commissionable
{BOWNERREVENUE} PM Only Owner Revenue Amount Owner Payout Amount + PM Commission - Fully Commissionable
{BOWNERPAYOUT} PM Only Owner Payout Amount The total payout amount to the owner for the booking
{BOWNERCANREMIT} PM Only Owner Can Be Remitted The total amount that can currently be remitted to the owner for the booking
{BOWNERREMITTED} PM Only Owner Already Remitted The amount that has already been remitted to the owner for the booking
{BOWNERREMITTABLE} PM Only Owner Payout Balance The remaining amount that can currently be remitted to the owner for the booking
{BTEXPREIMB} PM Only Total Expenses to Reimburse The total expenses to reimburse by the owner for this booking
{BTEXPDED} PM Only Total Pre-deducted Expenses The total expenses that are pre-deducted from the owner amount for this booking

Contact field codes

{CFIRST} Contact First Name The first name of the contact
{CLAST} Contact Last Name The last name of the contact
{CFULL} Contact Full Name The full name of the contact
{CEMAIL} Contact Email Addresses All of the contact's email addresses
{CEMAILPRIME} Contact Primary Email Address The single primary email address of the contact
{CPHONE} Contact Phone Numbers All of the contact's phone numbers
{CPHONEPR} Contact Primary Phone Number The single primary phone number of the contact
{CPHONEPRRW} Contact Primary Phone Number (digits only) The raw digits of the primary phone number of the contact
{CPHONEPRRWUS} Contact Primary Phone Number (digits only, no +1 prefix) The raw digits of the primary phone number of the contact. No 1 prefix for US.
{CADDRS} Contact Addresses All of the contact's addresses, single line
{CADDRM} Contact Addresses Multi-Line All of the contact's addresses, multi line
{CADDRPRIMES} Contact Primary Address The single primary address of the contact, single line
{CADDRPRIMEM} Contact Primary Address Multi-Line The single primary address of the contact, multi line
{CADDRPRSTREET1} Contact Primary Address Line 1 The first address line for the primary address of the contact
{CADDRPRSTREET2} Contact Primary Address Line 2 The second address line for the primary address of the contact
{CADDRPRCITY} Contact Primary Address City The city for the primary address of the contact
{CADDRPRSTATE} Contact Primary Address State or Province The state or province for the primary address of the contact
{CADDRPRPOSTAL} Contact Primary Address Postal Code The postal code for the primary address of the contact
{CADDRPRCOUNTRY} Contact Primary Address Country The country for the primary address of the contact
{CTAGS} Contact Tags A list of tags for the contact

Lease field codes

{LDAT} Sign Date The date that the guest signed
{LNAME} Signer's Name The name used by the guest to sign the lease
{LIPADDR} Signer's IP Address The IP address of the device that the guest used to sign the lease
{LUDOWNLOAD} PDF Download Link The link to the PDF download file of the signed lease

Blocked-Off Time field codes

{BOTID} Blocked-Off Time ID The ID or # of the blocked-off time record
{BOTCRE} Created Date The date that the blocked-off time was created
{BOTSTART} Start Date The date that the blocked-off time begins
{BOTEND} End Date The date that the blocked-off time ends
{BOTREASON} Reason Reason that the time was blocked off
{BOTTITLE} Title Title for the blocked-off time
{BOTCLEANDATE} Cleaning Date The date that cleaning is scheduled for this blocked-off time
{BOTDOORCODE} Requires Lock Service Door Code The door lock code(s) generated for this blocked-off time
{BOTDOORCODETABLE} Requires Lock Service Door Code Table A table showing all door codes for this blocked-off time
{BOTDOORCODELIST} Requires Lock Service Door Code List A list showing all door codes for this blocked-off time
{BOTTAGS} Blocked-Off Time Tags A list of tags for the blocked-off time

Quote field codes

{QID} Quote ID The ID or # of the quote record
{QCRE} Created Date The date that the quote was created in, or imported into, OwnerRez
{QQTDT} Quoted Date The date that the quote was quoted
{QEXP} Expiration Date The date that the quote expires
{QARR} Arrival Date The desired arrival date
{QARRDAY} Arrival Day The desired arrival day of the week
{QDEP} Departure Date The desired departure date
{QDEPDAY} Departure Day The desired departure day of the week
{QCHECKIN} Check-in Display The time that the guest may check in. Prefixed with Early, Late, or Standard depending on property time vs. booking time. Displayed as a range if Check-in End is set
{QCHECKINSTART} Check-in Start Display The earliest time that the guest may check in. Prefixed with Early, Late, or Standard depending on property time vs. booking time
{QCHECKINEND} Check-in End Display The latest time that the guest may check in. Prefixed with Early, Late, or Standard depending on property time vs. booking time
{QCHECKOUT} Check-out Display The time that the guest may check out. Prefixed with Early, Late, or Standard depending on property time vs. booking time
{QCHECKINTIME} Check-in Time The time that the guest may check in. Displayed as a range if Check-in End is set
{QCHECKINSTARTTIME} Check-in Start Time The earliest time that the guest may check in
{QCHECKINENDTIME} Check-in End Time The latest time that the guest may check in
{QCHECKOUTTIME} Check-out Time The time that the guest may check out
{QNNGHTS} Number of Nights The number of desired nights
{QGPARTY} Party The party as comma-separated list
{QNGUEST} Number of Guests The number of total people in the party
{QNADULT} Number of Adults The number of adults in the party
{QNCHILD} Number of Children The number of children in the party
{QNPET} Number of Pets The number of pets in the party
{QHCTAB} Header & Charges Table The table that shows the header info and charges
{QHCTABNOPAY} Header & Charges Table Without Payment Footer The table that shows the header info and charges but without the bottom payment links and footer
{QTAMT} Total Amount The total amount of the quote charges
{QTTAX} Total Tax The total amount of tax for this quote
{QTRENT} Total Rent The total amount of the quote rent charges and surcharges included as rent
{QTRENTONLY} Total Rent (No Surcharges) The total amount of the quote rent charges
{QSDAMT} Security Deposit Amount The amount held or charged for the security deposit
{QSDRS} Security Deposit Deposit Days The no. of days before arrival that the hold or charge is placed
{QSDRSDATE} Security Deposit Deposit Due Date The date that the security deposit hold or charge is placed
{QSDRSFN} Security Deposit Deposit Days From Now The no. of days with "from now" or "ago" from the current date that the security deposit is due
{QSDRL} Security Deposit Release Days The no. of days after departure that the deposit will be released
{QFPPOA} 1st Payment % or Amt. The amount the guest must pay, as percent or flat amount, for the first payment
{QFPAMT} 1st Payment Amount The exact amount (not a percent) the guest must pay for the first payment
{QSPAMT} 2nd Payment Amount The exact amount (not a percent) the guest must pay for the second payment
{QSPDAY} 2nd Payment Days The no. of days before arrival that the 2nd payment is collected
{QSPDATE} 2nd Payment Due Date The date that the 2nd payment is due
{QSPDAYSFN} 2nd Payment Days From Now The no. of days with "from now" or "ago" from the current date that the 2nd payment is due
{QUPAY} Payment Form Link The public link to accept/finalize the quote
{QNOTES} Notes Notes for the quote
{QSOURCE} Listing Site The name of the listing site this quote came from
{QPROPAVAILALL} Available Properties (all) A bulleted list of all available properties between the desired arrival and departure dates, including the current property if applicable
{QPROPAVAILOTHER} Available Properties (other) A bulleted list of other available properties between the desired arrival and departure dates, excluding the current property even if applicable
{QCANPOL} Cancellation Policy The effective cancellation policy for this quote
{QCANPOLDAT} Cancellation Policy With Dates The effective cancellation policy for this quote with exact dates supplied based on arrival
{QCANPOLLEGAL} Cancellation Policy Legal Description The effective cancellation policy for this quote in legalese
{QTAGS} Quote Tags A list of tags for the quote

Inquiry field codes

{IID} Inquiry ID The ID or # of the inquiry record
{ICRE} Created Date The date that the inquiry was created in, or imported into, OwnerRez
{IINQDT} Inquired Date The date that the inquiry was received
{IARR} Arrival Date The desired arrival date
{IDEP} Departure Date The desired departure date
{INNGHTS} Number of Nights The number of desired nights
{IGPARTY} Party The party as comma-separated list
{INGUEST} Number of Guests The number of total people in the party
{INADULT} Number of Adults The number of adults in the party
{INCHILD} Number of Children The number of children in the party
{INPET} Number of Pets The number of pets in the party
{IPHONE} Phone Number The guest's phone number
{ICOMM} Comments Any comments that the guest made
{ISOURCE} Listing Site The name of the listing site this inquiry came from
{IOITAB} Original Inquiry Table A table showing the original inquiry information
{IDES} Description A short auto-generated description of the inquiry
{IDBEMAIL} Double Blind Email Address The proxy email address, if one exists, provided by the listing site
{IRULEVTXT} Rule Violation Text A bulleted list of rule violations
{IPROPAVAILALL} Available Properties (all) A bulleted list of all available properties between the desired arrival and departure dates, including the current property if applicable
{IPROPAVAILOTHER} Available Properties (other) A bulleted list of other available properties between the desired arrival and departure dates, excluding the current property even if applicable
{ITAGS} Inquiry Tags A list of tags for the inquiry

Payment field codes

{PAYTYPE} Type Check, Cash, Credit Card, etc.
{PAYTYPEDET} Type Details A multi-line set of details that describes the type
{PAYCOL} Collected On The date that the payment was processed or recorded
{PAYAMT} Amount The amount of the payment
{PAYCCTYPE} Card Type The type of credit card
{PAYCCNUM} Card Number The last four digits of the credit card
{PAYCCEXT} Card Exp. Date The expiration date of the credit card
{PAYCHKNUM} Check Number The check number
{PAYCHKDAT} Check Date The check date
{PAYBFIRST} Billing First Name The billing first name
{PAYBLAST} Billing Last Name The billing last name
{PAYBFULL} Billing Full Name The billing full name
{PAYBADDRS} Billing Address The billing address, single line
{PAYBADDRM} Billing Address Multi-Line The billing address, multi line
{PAYBPHONE} Billing Phone Number The billing phone number
{PAYBGEMAIL} Billing Email Address The billing email address

Refund field codes

{REFTYPE} Type Check, Cash, Credit Card, etc.
{REFTYPEDET} Type Details A multi-line set of details that describes the type
{REFPAID} Paid On The date that the refund was processed or recorded
{REFAMT} Amount The amount of the payment
{REFCCTYPE} Card Type The type of credit card
{REFCCNUM} Card Number The last four digits of the credit card
{REFCCEXT} Card Exp. Date The expiration date of the credit card
{REFCHKNUM} Check Number The check number
{REFCHKDAT} Check Date The check date
{REFBFIRST} Billing First Name The billing first name
{REFBLAST} Billing Last Name The billing last name
{REFBFULL} Billing Full Name The billing full name
{REFBADDRS} Billing Address The billing address, single line
{REFBADDRM} Billing Address Multi-Line The billing address, multi line
{REFBPHONE} Billing Phone Number The billing phone number
{REFBGEMAIL} Billing Email Address The billing email address

Security Deposit field codes

{SDTYPE} Type Credit Card, PayPal, etc.
{SDTYPEDET} Type Details A multi-line set of details that describes the type
{SDRESAMT} Deposit Amount The amount that was held
{SDRESDAT} Deposit Date The date that the hold or charge was placed
{SDRESDATF} First Deposit Date The date that the first hold or charge was placed on the guest's credit card
{SDRELAMT} Release Amount The amount that was released
{SDRELDAT} Release Date The date that the deposit was released
{SDRELDES} Release Statement A short auto-generated description of the amount released
{SDRELCOMM} Release Reason Comment about what was released and why
{SDCCTYPE} Card Type The type of credit card
{SDCCNUM} Card Number The last four digits of the credit card
{SDCCEXT} Card Exp. Date The expiration date of the credit card
{SDBFIRST} Billing First Name The billing first name
{SDBLAST} Billing Last Name The billing last name
{SDBFULL} Billing Full Name The billing full name
{SDBADDRS} Billing Address The billing address, single line
{SDBADDRM} Billing Address Multi-Line The billing address, multi line
{SDBPHONE} Billing Phone Number The billing phone number
{SDBEMAIL} Billing Email Address The billing email address

Owner field codes PM Only

{ONAME} Name The name of the owner
{OEMAIL} Email Address The email address of the owner
{OPHONE} Phone Number The phone number of the owner
{OPHONEI} Phone Number (Informal) The phone number without +1 if USA based
{OADDRS} Address The address of the owner, single line
{OADDRM} Address Multi-Line The address of the owner, multi line
{OCOMM} Owner Commission Rate The default commission rate for the owner
{OTAGS} Owner Tags A list of tags for the owner

Owner Statement field codes PM Only

{OSCREDAT} Creation Date The date that the owner statement was created
{OSFROMDAT} Start Date The statement start date
{OSASOFDAT} End Date The statement end date
{OSASOFDATD} End Date Day The statement end date day of month
{OSASOFDATM} End Date Month The statement end date month
{OSASOFDATY} End Date Year The statement end date year
{OSUDOWNLOAD} PDF Download Link The link to the PDF download file of the owner statement
{OSNOTE} Notes The statement notes
{OSBAMT} Total Bookings Amount The total amount remitted for all bookings on the statement
{OSEAMT} Total Expenses Amount The total amount remitted for all expenses on the statement
{OSAMT} Grand Total The total amount remitted for all bookings minus the total amount remitted for all expenses on the statement

Utility field codes

{ZCURDAT} Current Date Today's date
{ZCURDATDAY} Current Day of the Week Today's day of the week (Sunday, Monday, etc)
{ZCURYEAR} Current Year Today's year