Leaving Hostaway because of their booking fee?

Getting to your booking area

As soon as you log in to OwnerRez, you are immediately presented with your bookings (if you have some in the system).  If you are already logged into OwnerRez, click Bookings on the top menu to go to the same place.  This acts as the bookings "overview" or "home" page.

When you first begin with OwnerRez, the default bookings view will be the Ribbon view. Play with the Ribbon, Month, Year, Current and List views to see how they work and find what you're looking for. You can toggle between all the views towards the top right of the page.

Under Display Preferences in the My Account section, you can set which booking view you would like as default. You can also make the booking view "sticky" so when have switched views, it will return you to that view when you come back to Bookings. A couple other settings on this page deal with the Booking List and Ribbon views.

The Booking List view is a grid with several filter/sort options.  If you don't see any bookings, click Show All as the bookings you have in the system so far may be in the past.

If you've created something but don't see it under Bookings, it's possible that you were responding to an inquiry or creating a quote.  To see those, visit the Quotes or Inquiries menus.