Rate & Fee Differences

Our Channel Management feature is extremely powerful and can greatly simplify your channel advertising. Learn how it works by reading our Channel Management Overview article.  The most powerful part of our Channel Management is the API Integrations we have with certain channel partners.

However, each API Integrated channel has different sorts of rates and fees that they accept. Every channel supports nightly rates, but some also support additional fees, length of stay discounts, etc.

Difference Table

See the table below for a list of rates/fees that we can push to each API integrated channel. Note the info bubbles on some channels -- some things we can't push but can be configured on the channel side. Look below the table for more information about each function.

Channel Rate Discounts Fees Taxes
Nightly Week/Month Last Minute LOS Guests Cleaning Pets Other
Vrbo Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Airbnb Yes No Yes   Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes   Yes  
Booking.com Yes No Yes   No   Yes No   No No   No  
FloridaRentals.com Yes Yes FloridaRentals displays rates to the guest, but you'll get a normal OwnerRez inquiry and you will create an OwnerRez quote with full charges calculated out of OwnerRez.

There are two main categories of channels when it comes to rates -- those that do nightly rates and Length Of Stay (LOS) discounts and those that do night, week, month rates. We recommend using nightly rates and Length Of Stay (LOS) discounts only -- for channels that do week/month rates instead of LOS discounts, we will transform LOS discounts into those week/month rates. We do not transform week/month rates into LOS discounts.

Automatic mode surcharges & discounts will be applied based on the listing site conditions. Any surcharge or discount applied Manually, Optionally, or By Code will be ignored and never sent to a channel.

Targeting Surcharges & Discounts by Channel

You can target surcharges and discounts to specific channels (or to everything but specific channels) by using the Conditions > Listing Site section.

To limit your surcharge or discount to specific listing sites, select One Of and your desired listing sites.

The "Contains a Holiday: No" booking field condition is supported by channels to an extent. One thing to note: with Channels, you can't do "not these dates" -- you can only do "just these dates" so the discount would still apply on a booking that laps over holidays, just not for the whole thing.

Also, if you're trying to target holiday rates to channels, you can still use seasons for that.

Per-Channel Details and Idiosyncrasies

Each channel does things a bit differently. This section covers the specifics of what's supported by each one and how to configure them. We attempt to make things transparently work across as many channels as possible with the simplest configuration, but some channels just don't support certain concepts or conditions.


Vrbo has the richest system to describe nightly rates, discounts, and fees. They do not support week/month rates but do support Last Minute discounts and LOS discounts.

Nightly Rates: We will send the exact rate you have configured in OwnerRez for each night (with any rate adjuster from the channel settings)

Discounts: Last Minute discounts, LOS discounts, and pretty much any other type of discount is supported. Vrbo supports up to 15 different discounts. You can do per-night or per-stay discounts.

Surcharges: Guest fee, Cleaning fee, Pet fee, Refundable Damage Deposit, other fees -- and pretty much any type of fee is supported.

  • Vrbo supports up to 15 different surcharges of each type, including per-night or per-stay fees.
  • NOTE: Vrbo only gives the guest a "I have a pet checkbox" so it'll come across as 0 or 1 pet. If they have more than 1 pet and you charge per pet, put that in your house rules and adjust the charges after booking accordingly. 
  • Vrbo does not support applying "Percent of subtotal" fees to taxes. It will only apply to the rent and other surcharges regardless of the "Place this below tax line items" setting.
  • The surcharge fee type displayed on Vrbo is controlled by the Surcharge Category and Description fields in OwnerRez.

Taxes: All taxes you configure in OwnerRez (that are applicable to the Vrbo channel) will apply. You are responsible for remitting them.

For the purposes of surcharge taxability, you can only have one taxability setting per category of surcharge. For example, you can have a taxable guest fee and a non-taxable cleaning fee. But you cannot have a taxable cleaning fee and also a non-taxable cleaning fee.

Supported Conditions & Multipliers: 

The following multipliers and booking conditions will pass through to Vrbo for surcharges. Any condition or multiplier not on the list will not be used.

  • Standard Condition: Property, Season, Listing Site
  • Multiplier: Guests, Adults, Children, Pets. Only supports multiplying for every 1 item (not every 2 etc). Discounts don't support multipliers.
  • Arrival Days From Now
  • Number Of Nights
  • Guests, Adults, Children: You can use any of these conditions but only one of them
  • Booked Date
  • Arrival Date
  • Departure Date (not recommended as it is treated as stay conditions, see below)
  • Booked Month of the Year
  • Arrival Month of the Year
  • Departure Month of the Year (Not recommended as it is treated as stay conditions, see below)


  • Not Equal To conditions is not supported
  • Percentage discounts will only target rent, not other surcharges/discounts regardless of the percent of rent or percent of subtotal setting in OwnerRez -- Vrbo only supports percent of rent discounts
  • Percentage multipliers are not supported
  • Month of Year conditions can wrap around the year end. If you want to target Arriving October to February, you could do:
    Arrival Month of the Year >= 10
    Arrival Month of the Year <= 2
  • Combining Arrival Date and Departure Date conditions may work. However, adding additional conditions in the attempt to create a range of arrival and departure dates to this combination may be interpreted differently by Vrbo, resulting in unpredictable results. Note that this can mean that the surcharge/discount may work very differently in Vrbo than elsewhere.
The Departure Date/Departure Month of the Year condition is not recommended to be used as a Booking Condition for Vrbo as it is treated as a "stay dates contain" condition.
If Departure Date/Departure Month of the Year is used at all, OwnerRez recommends that it is the only Booking Condition used, and not used in combination with any Arrival Date Booking Condition.
  • Multiple conditions can work together (i.e. you could have Arrival Days From Now and Number Of Guests), but remember that the conditions must all apply (AND). For example you could do these together:
    Arrival Days From Now >= 5
    Arrival Days From Now < 8

    But not:
    Arrival Days From Now = 5
    Arrival Days From Now = 6

    Because the combination of conditions will never apply.
  • Vrbo evaluates based on ANY date conditions matching, not ALL as OwnerRez does. We recommend using a single date range field, like Arrival Date >= 1/1/2022 and Arrival Date <= 12/31/2022, then it will match if either of those conditions matches rather than requiring both to match.
  • Percent of Subtotal type surcharges only support number of nights and stay dates conditions. They don't support nights booked in advance, booked date, arrival/departure date, or number of guests conditions.
  • Surcharges or discounts that exist with "Contains a Holiday" booking field conditions and result in greater than fifty holiday date ranges will not all be recognized. Vrbo only supports the first 50 date ranges.
  • Arrival/Departure Day of the Week is not supported.


Airbnb supports nightly rates and some specific surcharges and discounts.

Nightly Rates: We will send the rate you have configured in OwnerRez for each night, combined with any rate adjuster from the channel settings, and also combined with any per-night surcharge or discount that applies to that single night. Airbnb doesn't support rich surcharge/discount conditions, so instead we roll as much as possible into the nightly rates. OwnerRez pushes updates approximately every 24 hours as well as 15 minutes after any other changes are made to keep them up to date as date conditions are adjusted.  By its nature, this means that daily rates displayed in Airbnb will often not be exactly the same as those displayed elsewhere, but the general "gist" of your rate setup should be maintained.

OwnerRez auto calculates your rates as either the minimum or maximum price in your availability window and users can choose either minimum or maximum on their Settings > Pricing Preferences page. Selecting the Min of nightly rates can be better for marketing if users have rates fully populated and ensure that with a maximum of days in advance booking window rule.Channel Default Rates


For complete discount information, see the Airbnb Discounts support article.


For complete surcharge information, see the Airbnb Surcharges support article.

Taxes: Taxes can be remitted by Airbnb or remitted by you depending on what Airbnb supports in your area. In some places Airbnb lets you add or override the taxes they collect but in others the only thing you can do for additional taxes is to include in your nightly rate.

For details on surcharge configuration, see the Airbnb Taxes FAQ entry.

NOTE: Airbnb only supports flat per guest, flat per night, flat per guest and night, and percent per reservation taxes. They do not support flat per stay taxes.

NOTE: Airbnb does not support future dated rate changes -- they only support one effective rate, so the rate effective as of now will be pushed.


Booking.com supports updating nightly rates and a per-guest fee via API. Any other fee, discount, or tax has to be configured on Booking.com and then it will come through to OwnerRez as part of a booking.

Nightly Rates: We will send the rate you have configured in OwnerRez for each night combined with any rate adjuster from the channel settings and also combined with any per-night surcharge or discount that applies to that single night. Booking.com doesn't support rich surcharge/discount conditions so instead we roll as much as possible into the nightly rates and push updates every 24 hours to keep them up to date as date conditions are adjusted.

Discounts: No per-stay discounts are supported. Any other discounts like Last Minute discounts must be per-night or per-stay percentage, with conditions that allow them to match a night. If they meet those requirements, the discount will be applied as an adjustment to the nightly rate.

Surcharges: Only a per-guest fee is supported. All other fees must be configured on the Booking.com side. When you configure a taxable fee in Booking.com, make sure to set it taxable on Booking.com so they will send the correct tax to OwnerRez. If you don't see an option for taxability, contact Booking.com support and they'll be able to make the change for you.

Taxes: Taxes must be configured on the Booking.com side. Booking.com passes back a total tax amount to OwnerRez and we will split that total among the taxes you have configured in OwnerRez. Since booking.com doesn't have a charge type of "Tax", we look for charges sent from booking.com with the word "tax" or "vat" in the description to find the tax total.

Unsupported Conditions

  • Arrival/departure date conditions are used to form an applicable range for dates of stay but won't exclude bookings lapping over the beginning or end
  • Booked
  • Maximum nights conditions are not supported
  • Guests/Adults is supported only for the Guest fee
  • Guests/Adults/Pets is not supported for any other surcharges or discounts