OwnerRez users can view their account billing and billing history by navigating in-app to their Billing page. Our pricing structure is per month, based on property count. Each month, we create an invoice in your account showing the number of properties you have and the corresponding fee.
We also have Premium Features that are not covered by the per-property fee. Premium features are also charged monthly per property based on a different pricing table. Each Premium Feature has its own pricing table.
Use this handy pricing page calculator to estimate your monthly bill. The property slider and Premium Feature buttons will help you quickly calculate your monthly total.
Navigate in-app on the left menu to your Billing page.
Billing includes all payments, subscription charges, and the following subtotals:
You can change your Credit Card, Close your Account, and Change Premium Features by toggling them on and off.
Export your Account Billing History by selecting the format (Excel, CSV, or TSV) desired from the Export dropdown menu in the Billing History section.