Would be nice to have the option of triggering a template based on whether guest has left a review. We can not only us it for reminders (no review left) or for thank you messages.
It would be GREAT if we could even get the "value" of the review, such as # of stars!
I have thought about this as well and definitely an important feature to have, if possible!
Yes please, I would like to see this as well.
Yes please!!! I want to send discount codes to guests who leave reviews, and it would be amazing if this could be a triggered event!
[Another topic was closed as a duplicate of this topic (Trigger Condition for Review submitted/not submitted)]
[Another topic was closed as a duplicate of this topic (trigger based on review submitted yes/no)]
[Another topic was closed as a duplicate of this topic (Automated email trigger filter based on reviews)]
This would be VALUABLE to keep tabs on if a review came in so that we could keep triggering the guest to review their stay until they do.
I just got on the Feature Requests forum to make this request and found it top on the list.
Yes, please add this feature ASAP!
I am getting requests from owners who want to know when a review is left on their home. I agree the number of stars filter for the trigger would be great.
Yes will be great
We should also have a trigger based on if Guest has a Problem so that we can avoid sending review requests to GWAPs.
We don't have a trigger for that specifically, but, you can certainly avoid sending review requests to GWAPs by using Conditions based on the presence of that Tag:
The trigger condition 'tag contains' options don't include the built in 'Guest has a Problem' tag. Are you recommending to create a custom Guest has a Problem tag and then using that as well as the regular Guest has a Problem tag found under the notes? Seems a bit redundant as we do like to enter the notes on the guest as well.
this request is 3 years old now... would be such a nice feature especially since would could use Auto Tagging now as well if we could trigger based on reviews!
We would love to have the ability to send a follow up request to our guests if they have not reviewed the property after 5 days. Currently we also have a next day notification go out asking for them to review us but some guests already have so it would be great to have the condition here as well. I know this has been asked for for years now, can we get this added as a feature for trigger conditions? Thanks
Hello all,
We are working on prepping to add some much-needed conditions. Here is what we've honed in on for our next round of trigger and tag automation enhancements. We may not get to all of them in the next round, but as of now, we're trying to.
It's not in development yet, but we're actively planning for it. Thanks for your patience.
Hi Shawn,
Excited for the next round of development around triggers! Do you have an rough timeframe of when you plan to role those out to OR users? Secondly, is it possible to add one onto your list? Specifically, include Custom Fields as a trigger criterion? Even though all custom fields are just an open text field (so, technically, you never know what a guest will write) I could still automate a lot of my management tasks. In my example, I prompt the guest to reply "yes" or "no" for adding optional pool heat onto their reservation, so 99 times out of 100, I guest just say "yes" or "no". It may also be useful to have a trigger option for "Is empty" if the guest didn't write anything in the custom field. FYI - I did include some suggested custom field enhancements to help resolve some of the ambiguity around custom fields, but those can wait.
PLEASE add a "review written" condition option for triggers! This is so crucial so that we're not reminding guests who have already submitted their reviews!
Preach! :)