Experience the difference of "Elite".

Caleb M

OwnerRez Team Member
Joined March 2022
164 posts

Blog » Logos and Themes and Booking Files, oh my!

Hi Steve, Files that are uploaded manually by yourself to your account are able to generate a public link and send to guests via templates. We have a small guide on that process here - https://ww…

(Posted May 22, 2023 10:54 AM)

General Help and Questions » Hosting Fees default commission...

Hi John, to change those settings Chris shows in his screenshot you'll want to navigate via PM > Owners > Owner In Question > Change > Settings. Once you've changed that default for the owner, then y…

(Posted May 22, 2023 10:31 AM)

Feature Requests » Drop Down Arrow Next to Properties

This is doable via CSS, if you navigate via Settings > Hosted Websites > Website in Question > Theme & Layout > CSS you can either paste code provided to you or your own in this section to modify man…

(Posted May 18, 2023 1:22 PM)

General Help and Questions » cleaner notifications

It may be worthwhile reading through this article if you haven't already: https://www.ownerrez.com/support/articles/bookings-display-for-cleaners#portal-access Here's a key excerpt from that …

(Posted May 17, 2023 3:37 PM)

Feature Requests » Floor Plans, potrait photos, search option for forums

Hello, You have the ability to upload your floor plans as PDFs within your  Account > Files (https://app.ownerrez.com/account/files)  page. This would allow you to grab the public URL for said fi…

(Posted May 11, 2023 5:34 AM)

General Help and Questions » Owner statement column definitions

Hi Alana, I also wanted to jump in and add some information here for you, Generally when creating a custom view, or generating a statement the system does provide small descriptions within mo…

(Posted May 10, 2023 1:13 PM)

General Help and Questions » Turno Integration - Log Cleaning Date, Name, Cost into OwnerRez?

Hi, For specific issues such as the one you're detailing, I'd recommend emailing into our helpdesk at help@ownerreservations.com (mailto:help@ownerreservations.com)  with details such as the rel…

(Posted May 8, 2023 2:06 PM)

General Help and Questions » Tracking AirBNB Resolution submittals on a booking in OR?

A PM lock should prevent any and all changes to the financials of a given booking. This is no exception with channel bridge or the API transaction sync.

(Posted May 8, 2023 12:16 PM)

General Help and Questions » Tracking AirBNB Resolution submittals on a booking in OR?

Hi, In the past running Channel bridge would be our first recommendation, but as of the week we have a new transaction sync option you can opt into if you'd like. This should automatically handle…

(Posted May 4, 2023 12:50 PM)

Feature Requests » Ribbon view at a specific date

Hi Tarki, We completely agree, the filter option is super powerful! We have no plans to stop supporting the old ribbon view, it should remain available at least until the old filter option is…

(Posted May 4, 2023 11:56 AM)

Feature Requests » Adding a "Private Feedback" section to the review process

At this time the only means to leave private feedback is within the review itself, either from the CRM dropdown, or the reviews tab of a booking. Within the automated 5 star review process, there is …

(Posted May 3, 2023 1:25 PM)

Feature Requests » Triggering surcharge for Early Check-in/Late Check-out

Ken was partially correct, we have similar stuff planned, but nothing that quite tackles what you're looking for. I'd recommend turning this into a FR at this time.

(Posted Apr 27, 2023 12:39 PM)

General Help and Questions » Definitions for Terms in PM Owner Statements

Hi Mila, If you'd like specific help with those numbers you're seeing that do not match your calculations, please do email our help desk. The request will likely hit my desk and I can take a dire…

(Posted Apr 27, 2023 11:43 AM)

General Help and Questions » Check Payments Due

Hi Allison, We actually have an upcoming release with an included feature that should be fixing this. ~Caleb

(Posted Apr 18, 2023 12:35 PM)

Feature Requests » Ability to Edit Owner Statement Email

Hi, Currently you are able to create an email template with the category of "Owner Statement" via Settings > Templates > Create Email Template > Owner Statement https://ownerrez.zendesk.com/a…

(Posted Apr 11, 2023 7:45 PM)

General Help and Questions » HOUFY API Integration - Discounts Not Showing Up

Hi Jeremy, I went ahead and tried to be proactive, I took a look at what I believe to be your listing and it appears that Houfy is properly calculating a 7% weekly stay discount, based on what is…

(Posted Mar 13, 2023 2:12 PM)

General Help and Questions » Issues with connecting Payment Processor Accounts

Hi Gus and Lindsey, I wanted to make sure you received our response to your help request,   we had to trace some additional things because Lynnbrook was saying they weren't receiving any …

(Posted Mar 13, 2023 1:29 PM)

Feature Requests » Add a "Select All" Option for Owner Booking Statements

The shift+click function typically works whenever there is a table present. There may be edge cases as well, but on the page you've displayed in your screenshot it does not work.

(Posted Mar 3, 2023 12:48 PM)

Feature Requests » Overview button on all sections of Guest Record

Hi Charlie, If the booking is an upcoming booking, the system should already display it on the sidebar for you to click on. This typically would stay up during any screen of the guest record. If …

(Posted Mar 1, 2023 5:28 PM)

Feature Requests » Add a "Select All" Option for Owner Booking Statements

Currently OwnerRez supports shift+click to select multiple entries on a list at the same time. The way this works is if you select the first box check box, then shift+click the bottom box, it'll sele…

(Posted Feb 28, 2023 5:15 PM)