cleaner notifications

Brenda B
May 15, 2023 8:13 PM
Joined Feb, 2023 1 post

How do you set up notifications of bookings and cancellations to cleaning staff?


Caleb M
May 17, 2023 3:37 PM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 174 posts

It may be worthwhile reading through this article if you haven't already:

Here's a key excerpt from that article:

You can create a trigger email in OwnerRez that sends a customized email template (that you create) which only shows the departure day. Something like "Guest departing tomorrow (May 14)" which is sent 1 day before departure, or one that sends immediately when the booking is created.  This would notify the cleaner when a guest is departing so they know the property needs to be cleaned.
Similarly, you can create a custom email template and trigger for cancellations, with trigger criteria specifying that it should only be sent in the event of a booking cancellation.

Stay Awhile P
Jun 4, 2023 11:47 PM
Joined Jun, 2023 2 posts

How can I make it so the cleaner gets a text alert of a new booking? 

Adria H
Jun 4, 2023 11:53 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2022 155 posts

If you have SMS enabled, simply setup an SMS template and trigger. Hard code the cleaner's phone number in the template. You could put something like this:

New Booking:





{BNGUEST} guests, {BNADULT} adults and {BNCHILD} children, plus {BNPET} pets

Booked via {BSOURCE}