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Joined June 2016
1127 posts

General Help and Questions » Auto responders and inquries via listing sites

Do i understand correctly that auto responders work only when inquiry comes via inquiry widget? I notice that when I have received a "quotable" inquiry via a widget, it has been auto-repsoned to; how…

(Posted Jul 14, 2016 10:16 AM)

General Help and Questions » Rate widget?

Could not find one. Is there one in existence (not the same as Inquire and book widget ). I mean the one that just displays some sort of a table with rates that I can embed in my website. Thank you.

(Posted Jul 1, 2016 10:22 AM)

Blog » Facebook Availability and Book Now/Inquire Widgets

Excellent write up! Just note that tabs are not visible in Mobile, but thunderpenny provided a mobile link which you can post for your mobile Facebook page visitors.

(Posted Jun 28, 2016 2:10 PM)

General Help and Questions » Hyperlinks in custom fields

I have defined several custom fields as "rich text". However, when I try to populate the field for given property and make it like this: Please find HVAC operation Info <-- this is supposed to bec…

(Posted Jun 19, 2016 2:43 PM)

General Help and Questions » I searched and did not find - images in email templates

Any way to embed images into email templates. For example, in my typical "check in instructions" which are PDF on other sites, I do have picture of my lock with instructions explaining how to operate…

(Posted Jun 17, 2016 7:08 PM)

General Help and Questions » New quote not being sent

yes they started to show as 'sent' now

(Posted Jun 16, 2016 4:51 PM)

General Help and Questions » New quote not being sent

have emails shown as 'queued" since 1PM ET today. It is 4;24 PM now.

(Posted Jun 16, 2016 4:24 PM)