Experience the difference of "Elite".

Levels of Team Access Permissions
(page 2 )

Status: Planned 48 Votes
Shawn H
Jan 30, 2024 5:53 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 236 posts

Unable to provide an ETA of any kind, but it is on our list to work on more this year. Read-Only was added last year and we have plans to add more tiered permissions as soon as we can. Happy New Year!

Kimberly R
Aug 22, 2024 2:44 PM
Joined Jan, 2021 3 posts

100% agree. At least provide 1) status update of general timeline for this functionality and 2) what are some recommended options that others are doing to work around this lack of functionality? Much appreciated as we love OwnerRez!

David M
Aug 22, 2024 2:48 PM
Joined Jun, 2024 2 posts

we want team levels per assigned property!

we love OwnerRez but we all want these features and fast!

Spencer S
Aug 22, 2024 2:56 PM
Joined Dec, 2023 7 posts


David & Keri N
Aug 22, 2024 6:32 PM
Joined Jan, 2023 3 posts

This would be extremely helpful to have!

Serg F
Aug 23, 2024 2:23 PM
Joined Jul, 2023 3 posts

We need more flexibility on portal user access. Our cleaners need to know how many guests we have on each reservation which gives our cleaners info on number of linens used etc etc Aldo the cleaners need access to guest communication. It is because often times guests will verbalize potential problems (example: mold in the shower) which cleaner can automatically identify by reading the messages. Guests oftentime let us know that they are going to depart earlier which also gives our cleaning crew flexibility on when they can start cleaning. 

So I'd say it is important to add flexibility to your portal/staff access areas. As of right now I see that portal access does not give enough information to the cleaners and staff access gives WAY too much. It would be nice to have more flexibility here. 

Harry D
Aug 23, 2024 2:50 PM
Joined Mar, 2022 8 posts

Asking again for some kind of update. This is an essential function. It is not realistic to give virtual assistants or guest support specialists access to my entire business software. They need access to only the inbox/conversation features. I can't go much longer without this feature. I am still running another PMS side by side with OwnerRez strictly because I have to give my staff access to messaging. 

by Edward G – Aug 22, 2024 6:22 PM (UTC)

@Edward: which other PMS you're currently using that give your staff access to messaging?

Shannon D
Aug 23, 2024 2:56 PM
Joined Feb, 2022 2 posts

This has been in plan stage for 3 years.  Why wasn't it prioritized in the release announced today.

Edward G
Aug 23, 2024 3:00 PM
Joined Dec, 2023 6 posts

I won’t name any other PMS or software because Owner Rez support seems to remove my posts if they mention anything else by name and I don’t want this thread to get taken down. But basically every other PMS I am aware of has this functionality. It’s absolutely vital. I changed from one to Owner Rez and shopped around a lot of platforms. This is such a basic feature I didn’t even think to look if OR had it. I was flabbergasted when I went to make my final changes from one PMS to OR with regards to messaging and I couldn’t. So now I have been stuck for 6 months paying for 2 PMS because I can’t just leave behind my staffs access to messaging and I refuse to give them access to everything in the business. 

Shawn H
Aug 28, 2024 10:54 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 236 posts

[Another topic was closed as a duplicate of this topic (User Access authorities)]

Beth C
Aug 29, 2024 2:43 PM
Joined Jun, 2017 7 posts

Any update on this?  When might we have this “this year”?