Implement Know Your Customer (KYC) to make chargebacks less likely - ID Checking to lower Fraud

Status: Requested 42 Votes
Aunger Vacation
Nov 7, 2022 12:19 PM
Joined Apr, 2021 56 posts

The backing industry and wider spread to stop fraud are implementing KYC this is a global push and not just local. This should be a serious priority because the reported by Stripe and others, FRAUD in the travel industry is a very high risk. 

Unfortunately, we live in a world where we are going to Identify Ourselves, and people need to be identified to be trusted conforming to all the privacy laws, etc can leave the small business very exposed, but there are solutions. 

Companies such as Stripe and others are starting to become specialists in this and will become more prevalent because of the rise in fraud. 

Instead of the OwnerRez doing ID upload, maybe OwnerRez might be better to implement a KYC platform that already does ID checking. 

Stripe Identity: Verify identities with confidence 

Stripe Identity is built on the same technology that Stripe uses to verify millions of global users. It's a critical part of our own global Know Your Customer (KYC) process, risk operations, and more.

Since OwnerRez is a partner with Stripe already, this might be an option to implement very quickly. 

Verify global users

Fragmented government ID standards make it challenging to verify identities for global users. With Stripe Identity, you can confidently verify the authenticity of ID documents from over 100 countries.

  • Capture IDs with a conversion-optimized verification flow
  • Retrieve extracted data from documents
  • Access collected images of ID documents and selfies.


Lots of other options out there. 

Verif-y | Delivering Trust in a Digital World


Rex C
Nov 7, 2022 12:51 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 59 posts

Great question!

Our development team has been in discussion with Stripe (and others) about implementing an Identity-type system into OwnerRez but we do not have a timeline for that yet.



We do have an integration currently with SUPERHOG, who not only offers property protection plans but also offers various levels of ID screening.

This can be from just collection to verification of a legitimate ID, to biometric recognition and more.


Aunger Vacation
Nov 13, 2022 4:38 PM
Joined Apr, 2021 56 posts

Thanks for the heads up. Would be great to see Stripe and others as tight integration with one of them looks more legitimate to a guest. 

Please keep us updated. 

Ventura County V
Nov 14, 2022 12:59 PM
Joined Mar, 2022 122 posts

Agreed.  I used to use Superhog, but that is a horrible name for an insurance company.  I'd get quite a few questions about them.  Something coming from Stripe would be much better.

Robin E
Jul 18, 2023 2:17 PM
Joined Jan, 2021 3 posts

the stupidest name ever! It does not instill confidence or suggest what they do as a company. 

what did you switch to?

sunchic vacation
Aug 19, 2023 9:06 AM
Joined May, 2021 21 posts

Agree and looked into Stripe's Identity to integrate myself, but would be much more seamless as an OwnerRez integration with Stripe to be configurable based on channel, location, lead time to booking, etc. Is this on the new feature wish list?

Jan 10, 2025 2:36 PM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 149 posts

[Another topic was closed as a duplicate of this topic (Stripe Identity)]

Steven C
Feb 7, 2025 11:15 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2021 15 posts

Agreed.  I used to use Superhog, but that is a horrible name for an insurance company.  I'd get quite a few questions about them.  Something coming from Stripe would be much better.

I know this is an old post.  But just FYI, Superhog has changed their name to Truvi:

I guess they finally heard the message that SuperHog wasn't the best name.  FYI, SuperHog was supposed to be short for Super Host+Guest.  It was certainly a memorable name of a company!  But can see how it may have raised questions.    Just in case you wanted to give them another look.  Perhaps the new name would inspire more Trust with your guests?

Also I would mention that the Lynnbrook Group has a feature they call GuestID.  It is free for last minute booking made within 7 days of the date of stay as Last minute bookings like that tend to be the highest rates of fraud.   The feature is also available for other bookings for a fee.  More info on Lynnbrook's offering here:
And our support doc here: