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September Product Update - New Sign In With Google, Airbnb Review Tags, Lynnbrook Guest ID, Design Updates, and more!

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As you enjoy your Pumpkin Spice Latte, fall into our September Product Update, which details the new Sign in with Google option, Airbnb Review Tags, Design Updates, and more!

New Features

Sign in with Google

Signing in or logging into an app with Google simplifies your login, enhances security, reduces password fatigue, and provides seamless access across multiple apps.

With our September 11th release, the main OwnerRez login page was modernized to match our new design, and the "Sign in with Google" option for your login and profile pages was simultaneously added.

You now have the option to log into OwnerRez using your Google account. This process may be familiar to you if you've used this method for other services. Please note that this is entirely optional. You can still log in to OwnerRez the way you always have, but now you can use your Google account to sign in.

When you start your OwnerRez login, you can click the Sign in with Google button to access your Google authentication page.

Click the Sign in with Google button to be taken to a Google authentication page.

Select the Google account you'd like to use, then click Next to authorize your Google account connection.

After clicking Next, you will be redirected to OwnerRez, where you will either be automatically logged into your account or see the following screen, which asks you to log in with your OwnerRez Email and Password. If you see this, it is because the email associated with your OwnerRez account is not the same email you selected when signing in with Google.

OwnerRez Google Log In

Once you sign in with your OwnerRez credentials, we won't have to ask you to do this again, and you'll be able to sign in with Google going forward. Remember that you can use your regular login at any time if need be.

Once you sign in with your OwnerRez credentials, we won't have to ask you to do this again, and you'll be able to sign in with Google going forward. Remember that you can use your regular login at any time if need be.

You can disconnect your Google account anytime by navigating to your Profile and clicking Disconnect Google Account. You also have the option to connect your Google Account from your OwnerRez Profile (if you don't want to log out to do so).

disconnect your Google account at any time by navigating to your Profile and clicking on Disconnect Google Account.

Airbnb Review Tags

Airbnb encourages hosts and guests to provide additional details about why they selected their rating when they leave reviews. For a while now, Airbnb has had its own version of Review Tags when you review a guest on its platform. OwnerRez has now added those Airbnb Review Tags in-app.

These Airbnb review tags allow you, as the host, to specify what went well or could have gone better in several categories about your Airbnb guests by selecting additional Airbnb review tags while you choose the star rating. Here's an Airbnb API-connected booking where you can review your guests by navigating to the specific Booking > Reviews > Write Review or Reviews > Host > Host Reviews and select an individual guest to review.

Airbnb Guest Review Tags

Not to be confused with OwnerRez Tags, we might decide to adjust the naming of the Airbnb Review Tags to reduce potential confusion in the future.

If you have configured automatic 5-star guest reviews for your API-connected Airbnb listing, the "Neat & tidy" and "Kept in good condition" review tags will automatically apply to the Cleanliness category for those reviews. And, if API-connected and you choose to review your guests' old-school style on the Airbnb platform, those review tags ("Neat & tidy" and "Kept in good condition") will be imported into the Cleanliness category into your OwnerRez reviews.

Support for Lynnbrook Guest ID

OwnerRez has added support for Lynnbrook Group's Guest ID program.

Guest ID is a two-factor authentication approach that takes guests through a familiar process that takes less than a minute to complete. It's fully automated, removing the need for time-consuming manual verification practices.

Lynnbrook Group has launched its Guest ID feature for OwnerRez users who use the Lynnbrook Group payment method. The Guest ID feature is exclusively available to users who utilize Lynnbrook Group as their payment method in OwnerRez. Please note that this does not apply to the older "Lynnbrook Classic" payment method. Access to Lynnbrook Group's Guest ID program is automatic, so there is no need to activate anything. If you have any questions about Guest ID, please get in touch with Lynnbrook Group at (919) 761-1560 or support@lynnbrookgroup.com.

New Design Progress

Significant design changes were implemented in September 2024. For those of you wondering how we've found time to work on all these new designs, OwnerRez added a dedicated in-house designer in the spring of 2024! Make sure to check out our regularly updated New Design 2024 support article to stay informed about OwnerRez design changes.

Guest Forms

Online booking forms collect information digitally, simplifying short-term rental bookings and streamlining the booking process for hosts and guests alike.

In our September 11th release, we included design updates for our redesigned OwnerRez Guest Forms. Guests view and complete these online forms as part of their booking, and these design element updates will guide our work as we apply them to the remaining guest forms. 

The Global Landing Page (currently for Google Vacation Rentals only) has been updated to include more consistent error messages with a cleaner look and feel.

Here's what the Global Landing Page looked like before.

Old OwnerRez Global Landing Page

Here's the updated Global Landing Page. Notice that the Dates and Guests section has been reworked a bit. This screenshot shows the Book Now button disabled if a potential guest has errors that need to be corrected before they can book.

New 2024 OwnerRez Global Landing Page. Notice that the Book Now button is disabled if a potential guest has errors that need to be corrected before they can book.

We updated the guest booking Review form a bit more, too!

New 2024 Guest Review Form PageWe also updated the guest Travel Insurance form some. The Standard and Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) options' styling has been reworked, featuring them as "silver" and "gold" level offerings. Notice that the CFAR has the text "Best" above it, but if it isn't available, the text "Not Available" will be displayed.

New 2024 OwnerRez Travel Insurance Guest Form

Finally, we improved the Guest Payment section on the Guest Travel Insurance form. When your guest inputs their credit card number, the type will be lit in red.

And, finally, we improved the Guest Payment section on the guest Travel Insurance form. When your guest inputs their credit card number, the credit card type will be lit up in the color red.

Support Center Search Page

Due to the abundance of information, navigating the OwnerRez public Support Center, Blog posts, and Vacation Rental Guides (and more) comprehensive search results can prove challenging. Not only has the search been optimized, but with our September 18th release, we've updated the the public website search results design to make it easier to filter specific results intuitively.

But how did the OwnerRez public website search results appear before? Here's an example of the previous public website search results page.

But how did the OwnerRez search results appear before? Here's an example of our old search results page.

Here's an example of the updated OwnerRez public website search results page, which includes all of the functionality of the previous search results page but now has more visible filters displayed on the right, allowing for dynamic filtering. Gone are the large green icons, replaced with smaller icons and text to share the areas where the results reside.

New 2024 OwnerRez Search Results Page

While you could, and still can, sort by Most Recent, we also added a When dropdown that allows you to select even more time frames and a Clear Filters link. If no search results are returned, browsing options will be displayed.

If there are no search results to display, browsing options will be displayed.

OwnerRez public website search results are mobile-friendly, too, with condensed visual filtering.

Search results are mobile-friendly, too, with condensed visual filtering.

Error and Subdomain Landing Pages

OwnerRez has updated our subdomain landing pages (Fast API, Booking, Hosted Websites, Service page/Link shortener, API for Apps) to have a consistent look and feel.

Sometimes, guests became frustrated if they encountered an error or broken link while accessing a guest form through one of the links you provided. OwnerRez has improved the handling and display of these rare instances.

For example, in the rare case when a guest encounters an error when they click on a booking link, this error message will be displayed instructing them to contact you, the host, for further instructions.

In the rare case when a guest encounters an error when they click on a booking link, this error message will be displayed instructing them to contact you, the host, for further instructions.

If a guest mistakenly lands on an incorrect property link, this error message will be displayed.

If a guest lands on an incorrect property link, this error message will be displayed.

We've also added similar guest form error messages for the Guest Global Landing Page, Travel Insurance, and Review forms

Similar to these guest form error messages, these subdomain landing pages have comparable designs. For example, the Fast API landing page looks like this.

OwnerRez Fast API Landing Page Example

And if you happen to land on an OwnerRez hosted website test location unexpectedly, you'll see this landing page.

OwnerRez Hosted Website Test Location Landing Page Example

Left and Top Navigation Menus

With the September 18th release, the bottom four left navigation menu items (e.g., Properties, Settings, Team Access, and Billing) were pinned or anchored to the bottom of the menu for larger screens. This allows the addition of new menu items in the future while maintaining some visual space between the "pinned" items and the regular left navigation menu.

Here's the previous menu.

Old OwnerRez Left Navigation Menu

And here's the updated OwnerRez left navigation menu.

New 2024 OwnerRez Left Navigation Menu

OwnerRez shuffled some top menu icons and replaced the Announcements icon in the September 18th release. Having a hard time remembering what the previous top menu looked like? Here's a refresher.

Old OwnerRez Top Menu IconsWe shuffled the top menu icons around for better placement and replaced the Announcements bell icon with a bullhorn icon.

New 2024 OwnerRez Top Menu Icons

The only top menu icons displayed on mobile devices are the Search and Announcements icons, which provide more visual space for your account name.

While on mobile, the top menu icons displayed are the Search and Announcements icons only to provide more visual space for your account name.

The Tools and Help icons are still available from the Kebab (sometimes called the hotdog) icon dropdown menu.

The Tools and Help icons are still available from the Kebab (sometimes referred to as the hotdog) icon dropdown menu.

Many of you are familiar with our green "New" badge or label, which we add in-app to indicate any new features. OwnerRez has updated the styling of the in-app "New" badge.

As new features are released, the "New" badge or label is added to the associated left and top navigation menus. They may appear differently depending on your device and whether the left navigation menu is open or minimized. Note how the "New" badge changes to a green dot when the left navigation menu is minimized.

2024 OwnerRez

Here's an example of the "New" badge on the in-app top menu (in the unlikely event that four "New" badges were applied).

Here's an example of the 

On a mobile device? The "New" badge on the in-app top menu would appear similarly.

On a mobile device? The 

Finally, Deposits were moved from the Tools menu and promoted to the left navigation menu with a bank icon in the September 18th release.

Deposits was moved from the Tools menu and promoted to the left navigation menu in the September 18th release.

Tools Menu

With the September 18th release, we updated the in-app search by moving the search button from below the search box to the right of it.

New 2024 OwnerRez In-app Search

In our September 18th release, we refined the Direct Rate Tester to compress the form fields into fewer lines, providing more visual space for results.

New 2024 OwnerRez Direct Rate Tester

As part of our September 18th release, we adjusted the Listing Quality Analyzer search elements from three to one line, providing more visual space for results.

New 2024 OwnerRez Listing Quality Analyzer

Privacy and Security

Along with the updated Login page and the Sign in with Google release, we updated the Two-Factor Authentication page.

Here's our previous Two-Factor Authentication page. 

Old Two-Factor Authentication Page

And here's our updated Two-Factor Authentication page. It may not look like it, but you can easily copy and paste your two-factor authentication code into this page.

New 2024 OwnerRez Two-Factor Authentication Page

While updating this area, we revamped the Forgot Password page. Here's the previous page to refresh your memory.

Old OwnerRez Forgot Password Page

Here's our current Forgot Password page!

New 2024 OwnerRez Forgot Password Page

Enhancements & Tweaks

New Way of Selecting Conditions for Discounts, Surcharges, Tag Automations, and Triggers

OwnerRez triggers are a powerful tool for automatically sending custom guest messages based on certain criteria being met. They can streamline your vacation rental business processes by reducing errors and improving efficiency.

We've updated the Conditions section of Discounts, Surcharges, Tag Automations, and Triggers for a more dynamic and cleaner look and feel.

Instead of just adding a text label, as we did before, a dynamic dropdown menu is automatically added when you add a Condition by clicking on the Add Condition button, providing more flexibility as you fine-tune your Condition.

Trying to remember what the previous text label Conditions style looked like? Here's an example of the earlier Condition text label.

Old OwnerRez Condition text label example

 And this improved Conditions dropdown menu style for Discounts, Surcharges, Tag Automations, and Triggers.

New OwnerRez Conditions dropdown menu style for Discounts, Surcharges, Tag Automation, and Triggers.

When you change Conditions in the type dropdown, the rest of the line item adjusts to the available options.

By incorporating this dropdown menu style, we have expanded the visual space of the Conditions section, making it cleaner and easier to understand.

When you change Conditions in the type dropdown, the rest of the line item adjusts to the available options.  By incorporating this new dropdown menu style, we have expanded the visual space of the Conditions section, making it cleaner and easier to understand.

We also moved a couple of conditions around in the Conditions dropdown menu.

  • Tags were moved to the Applicability subgroup. 

Tags were moved under the Applicability subgroup.

  • A new Gaps subgroup was added rather than the older text label, "Adjacent Available Nights Status."

Gap options now have their own subgroup.

Additionally, we made some changes to the Condition operator language. Condition operators are intended to target specific criteria, so we removed the Condition operators of "Everything But" and "All."

  • We removed "All" because it was no longer necessary since it represented everything by default. 
  • "Everything But" was changed to "Anything But" because we felt that the word "any" is more appropriate than "every."
  • "Between" allows you to select a number between two numeric inputs.
  • The following Condition operators were added to allow you to select multiple options from a dropdown list.
    • "Any Of"
    • "One Of"
    • "None Of"

OwnerRez Condition Operator Options

Airbnb API Settings Booking Mode Options

Airbnb now requires all Hosts, Co-Hosts, and Guests to be identity-verified on their platform. Due to this change, Airbnb has changed its instant booking options, and OwnerRez has updated the Airbnb API Settings Booking Mode options to remove both of the following.

  • Only guests with verified government-issued ID and who have traveled on Airbn, are recommended by other hosts, and have no negative reviews can make Instant Book reservations.
  • Only guests with verified government-issued ID can make Instant Book reservations.

These are the updated OwnerRez Airbnb API Settings Booking Mode options.

Updated OwnerRez Airbnb API Settings Booking Mode Options

Guest Phone Number Input

Maintaining current guest phone numbers ensures smooth communication, quick problem resolution, and an enhanced overall guest experience at your property. 

As we continue to update phone number input areas following last year's International Phone Number Input release, OwnerRez has updated the in-app Guest Contact Info phone type options with internationalization included. You can navigate to this area through Tools > Find or Create a Guest or click on the Guest Info for a specific guest.

The Guest Contact Info Phone Number field now includes a dropdown list allowing you to select the type of phone number and our regular phone internationalization option.

The Guest Contact Info Phone Number field now includes a dropdown list allowing you to select the type of phone number as well as our regular phone internationalization option.

Airbnb Host Fees

Access to complete booking financial transactions is essential to your vacation rental business. OwnerRez now automatically imports various Airbnb host fees to individual bookings as part of the Airbnb Transaction Sync, enabling our users to account for these different host fees or bill them to an owner.

Current Airbnb host fees include Reservation host fees, Landlord Commission host fees, Co-host Adjustment fees, Cancellation fees (penalty), and Tax withholding fees and appear on individual Bookings > Transactions.

Current Airbnb host fees include Reservation host fee, Landlord Commission host fees, Co-host Adjustment fees, Cancellation fees (penalty), and Tax withholding fees.

Legacy Payment Methods

OwnerRez has deprecated some of our older legacy payment methods. Those legacy payment methods include the following.

  • NETbilling
  • NMC / National Merchant Center
  • PayPal Payflow Pro
  • Plug'n Pay
  • PSiGate
  • Redsys
  • Sage Payments
  • TrustCommerce
  • USAePay
  • Worldpay (formerly SecureNet)

OwnerRez will no longer allow new connections to these legacy payment methods. If you are currently using one of the above payment methods, you can continue to use it, but you'll see a Deprecated label next to the payment method's name in the Payment Methods grid.

If you are using one of these legacy payment methods, please transition to one of our recommended payment methods instead.

Merchant of Record Listing Channels Allowed to Make Booking Modifications

By working with OwnerRez's Partnerships team, we now allow the option for certain Merchant of Record (MoR) listing channels to develop the capability to modify bookings (e.g., dates, property, charges, and payments) within OwnerRez. While not all listing channels will choose to leverage this option, allowed Merchant of Record (MoR) listing channels include Glamping Hub, Got2Go, Hopper Homes, and Whimstay.

Bug Fixes

September 4th release with 14 bug fixes

Allow Editing Manually Recorded Booking Fees. This edge case occurred when a user encountered fees manually added from a Booking > Transaction page that was not editable or deletable. We corrected this glitch to ensure that fees manually added from a Booking > Transaction page will be editable or deletable.

Always Consider Booking.com Virtual Credit Cards as Already Verified. Some Booking.com (BDC) bookings failed due to BDC virtual credit card validations. OR resolved this issue by always considering BDC virtual credit cards as already verified.

Extend Channel Bridge Request Timeouts. Due to the 30-second timeout limitation, users were experiencing Channel Bridge (CB) payment report failures. We fixed this bug by increasing the CB timeout to 50 seconds.

Filter Out No Longer Connected Properties From Airbnb Messaging. Because we could not filter them, non-OwnerRez property messages from Airbnb accounts used to come in from Airbnb. OR resolved the issue by filtering for OwnerRez property messages to ensure that only the correct property messages will come in from Airbnb now.

Fix Booking Balance is Past Due Notification Failing on Booking.com Bookings. Booking.com (BDC) "Booking balance is past due" notifications failed to be sent. We corrected this glitch, and BDC "Booking balance is past due" notifications will be sent as expected.

Fix Bug Causing Booking.com Bookings to Error When Virtual Credit Card is Missing Required Information. Booking.com (BDC) bookings with missing required virtual credit card information resulted in booking errors. OR fixed this bug so that BDC bookings with missing required virtual credit card information will no longer result in booking errors.

Fix Bug Where Team Access Users Would Get an Unclear Error Page When Accessing a Record They Do Not Have Access to. Team access users received an unclear error page when attempting to access a record they didn't have permission to view. We corrected this glitch, and team access users will receive a straightforward error message when attempting to access a record they don't have permission to view.

Fix Error for Airbnb Booking Alteration Request When Account is No Longer Connected/Active. OwnerRez received errors for Airbnb booking alteration requests for inactive or disconnected Airbnb accounts. OR resolved this issue to ensure that we no longer receive Airbnb booking alteration requests for inactive or disconnected Airbnb accounts.

Fix for Airbnb Inquiries Received for Unavailable Dates. Some users incorrectly received Airbnb inquiries for unavailable dates. We corrected this glitch, and users will no longer receive Airbnb inquiries for unavailable dates.

Fix for Changeover Restriction Overrides Not Applying on Widgets and Channels. We experienced a code regression in which some property changeover restrictions were not correctly applied to widgets and listing channels. OR fixed this bug, and property changeover restrictions will now be correctly applied to widgets and listing channels.

Increase Channel Rate Adjustment Percent Limit. At a user's request, OwnerRez has increased the channel rate adjustment percentage limit from 100,000% to 2,000,000%.

Switch TripAdvisor to Validate Against Total Guests Only on Quote Attempts. TripAdvisor quotes were incorrectly validating adults only rather than the correct number of guests, leading to incorrect quote attempts. We corrected this issue to validate against total guests only.

Truncate Discount Titles That Exceed Google Vacation Rentals' 50-character Limit. Users who set long discount titles (50+ characters) that could be applied to Google Vacation Rentals (GVR) encountered listing failures due to GVR's 50-character limit on discount titles. OR resolved this glitch by truncating long discount titles (50+ characters) that could be applied to Google Vacation Rentals (GVR) listings to be within GVR's discount title 50-character limit.

Wait 24 Hours After Airbnb Booking to Send Booking Balance is Past Due Notification to Allow for Transactions to Process. Booking balance is past due notifications for Airbnb bookings were mistakenly sent following a booking because the transaction had not yet been processed. We fixed this bug to send the past-due Booking balance notifications for Airbnb bookings by waiting 24 hours after the booking is created to allow transactions to be processed.

September 11th release with 10 bug fixes

Don't Error on Smaller Images Uploaded for Expenses Via API. Some smaller images of expenses uploaded via API encountered errors. Oremoved the size checking to allow smaller images of expenses to be uploaded via API.

Enhance RemoteLock API Integration for Shared Locks. Our RemoteLock API integration did not handle an edge case around shared locks correctly, resulting in potential door lock code failures. We fixed this bug by enhancing the RemoteLock API integration to handle shared locks correctly.

Fix Email List Report From Timing Out. When multiple filters were selected, some users encountered Email List report time-out errors. OR optimized the Email List report so it will not time out when multiple filters are selected.

Fix Missing Culture Settings in Certain Notifications. Some non-US users experienced missing culture settings when receiving certain OwnerRez notifications. We fixed this bug so non-US users' configured culture settings will apply to notifications.

Fix QuickBooks Sync for Automated Deposits. Automated QuickBooks deposits were preventing updates and causing issues with the QuickBooks sync process. OR resolved this issue to ensure automated QuickBooks deposits will not interfere with the QuickBooks sync process.

QuickBooks Deposit Skip Reason Should be Displayed to User. When QuickBooks deposits were skipped, the reason for that skipped deposit was not properly conveyed or displayed to the user. We corrected this glitch by showing the user the reason for any skipped QuickBooks deposits.

QuickBooks Deposit Sync Fails if Multiple QuickBooks Accounts Syncing the Same Payments. The QuickBooks deposit sync encountered sync failures when multiple QuickBooks accounts attempted to sync the same payments. OR fixed this bug to ensure the QuickBooks deposit sync process correctly handles payments from multiple QuickBooks accounts.

Update Vrbo Listing Import to Handle Updated Listing Page Format. Following some significant Vrbo changes to their listing data, we updated the Vrbo Listing Import to handle that updated listing page format.

Whimstay Handles Cancellation Policies. Because Whimstay serves as the Merchant of Record (MoR), it applies its own cancellation policy for all bookings. However, the Whimstay API integration allowed users to set their own cancellation policies, which were not honored by Whimstay. Due to these circumstances, OR has removed the cancellation policy section from the Whimstay API integration.

Withdrawing Vrbo New Listing Discount Should be Possible. Users attempting to disable a Vrbo New Listing Discount encountered errors. We fixed this issue, and users can disable Vrbo New Listing Discounts.

September 18th release with 26 bug fixes

Airbnb Check-out Task Additional Requests Requires Explanation Text. Check-out tasks configured in OwnerRez that have the "Additional Requests" checked with no explanation text added resulted in Airbnb publishing failures. OR resolved this issue by now requiring additional text to be added if Check-out tasks configured in OwnerRez that have the "Additional Requests" checked.

Allow Grouping by Property on PM Commission Summary. The Group By > Property filter on the Commission Summary report was not displaying by property as expected. We fixed this glitch to ensure that users can use the Group By > Property filter on the Commission Summary report correctly.

Change Weekend Nights Text Layout When 'Default` on Property Rules View Page. For clarity, we have added the prefix "Default:" to the configured Property Rules Weekend Nights (e.g., "Default: Friday - Saturday").

Disable Portal Grants When PM is Disabled. This edge case occurred when a portal user who had team access that was granted by an owner continued to have access after the account user turned off the Property Management (PM) premium feature. We corrected this bug to ensure that portal team access is disabled when account users turn off the Property Management (PM) premium feature. 

Don't Auto-review Canceled Bookings. Since it doesn't make business sense to do so, we will no longer send automatic 5-star Airbnb reviews (if configured) for canceled bookings.

Don't Show Old Everything Sync Errors in Airbnb Limited Mode. Old and out-of-date Everything sync errors were displayed when Airbnb API connections were in limited sync mode. OR resolved this issue so that old Everything sync errors are not displayed when Airbnb API connections are in limited sync mode.

Fix Bug Causing Staff Users Using Sign in with Google to be Prompted for Which Account to Access When They Only Have Singular Access. Staff team access members who attempted to log in with their Google account were incorrectly prompted to select an account when they only had access to one account. We corrected this bug to ensure that staff team access members who attempt to log in with their Google account will not be prompted to select an account when they only have access to one account.

Fix Channel Rate Tester With Airbnb Expected Rate Rent Amount Not Matching Live Amount in Some Cases. The Channel Rate Tester occasionally provided rental rates that did not match the actual live rental rates on Airbnb. OR resolved this issue so that the Channel Rate Tester provides rental rates that do match the actual live rental rates on Airbnb.

Fix Create Quote/Booking/Block-Off Opening Behavior When No Date Selected Beforehand. The + Create Quote button did not open correctly without first selecting dates. We fixed this glitch, and the + Create Quote button will open correctly whether dates are selected first or not.

Fix For Only One Image Being Imported From Airbnb Messages if Sent in Quick Succession. Sometimes, OR encountered an issue that prevented multiple images from coming in from Airbnb messages simultaneously. OR corrected this bug to ensure that multiple images can arrive simultaneously from Airbnb messages.

Fix Holiday Occurrence Removal Ability. While creating a holiday, users could remove the first occurrence, but they could not remove a second occurrence until after the holiday was saved and then edited to remove the second occurrence. We resolved this issue to allow users to properly remove occurrences while creating a holiday.

Fix Incorrect Delete Validation on Email Templates. Sometimes, when users attempted to delete a disabled template used by "nothing," they incorrectly received the message "unable to delete the template. one or more templates are in use." OR corrected this glitch so that users can delete disabled templates used by "nothing."

Fix LQA "No Payment Method" Message Being Displayed in Error. Despite having a payment method configured, the Listing Quality Analyzer (LQA) incorrectly displayed "No Payment Method" in the LQA results. We fixed this bug, and the LQA will display results correctly.

Fix PM Expense Details Not Being Set When Creating Charges on Mobile. A user notified us that configuring PM Surcharge > Expenses settings was not saved correctly while on a mobile device. OR resolved this issue to ensure that configured PM Surcharge > Expenses settings are saved correctly while on a mobile device.

Fix Property Created Date for Duplicated Property. When cloning a property, the creation date was incorrectly set to the original property creation date. We corrected this glitch so that the creation date is set to the date the property is cloned.

Fix Property Suitability Minimum Age From Changing to 0 When Changing Amenities. The Property Suitability minimum age was incorrectly set to 0 when changing property amenities. OR resolved this issue to ensure that the Property Suitability minimum age is set as configured when changing property amenities.

Handle Case Where Airbnb Booking Was Delayed After Create and Apply DP Correctly. This edge case occurred when a last-minute Airbnb booking webhook was delayed in sending from Airbnb. OR resolved this glitch to ensure that Airbnb bookings with damage protection policies are processed correctly, even if they are delayed.

Improve Failure Messages When Sending Triggers. OwnerRez has improved the trigger condition process to easily generate more useful failure messages.

Remove Link to Payment Processor From Deposits Grid. Instead of just opening a specific deposit, the link displayed on the Deposits grid sent users to their payment processor method area. To reduce frustration and confusion for users, the link displayed on the Deposits grid to their payment processor method area has been removed.

Remove Old Autoresponders Area From Settings and Menus. Since Autoresponders were retired in February 2024, OwnerRez has now removed the in-app Autoresponders area from Settings and Menus.

Send Kitchen and Kitchenette as Two Separate Amenities to Airbnb. Just as in OwnerRez, the Kitchen and Kitchenette are two separate amenities in Airbnb. Depending on the property amenity selections in OR, we will send one or both of the Kitchen and Kitchenette amenities to Airbnb.

Skip All Cases Where Tag Automations Could Apply to Block-Off Time. When all other conditions were met, tag automations were incorrectly applied to blocked-off time. We fixed this bug to ensure that tag automations are not applied to blocked-off time.

Skip' Booking Balance Is Past Due' Notification for Booking.com VCC Payments. Booking.com (BDC) "Booking balance is past due" notifications were incorrectly sent to users for BDC bookings with virtual credit card (VCC) payments, even though the card wasn't ready. OR will no longer send past-due notifications for VCCs.

Update Weekend Nights Help Text on Property Rules. For clarity, we have changed the word "Global" to "Default" in the Property Rules > Weekend Nights help text, both in the dropdown list and the help text.

Use Correct Default Country When Adding Guest Addresses. Some users encountered incorrect default countries when adding guest addresses. We fixed this bug to ensure that the default country is correct when users add guest addresses.

When Merging Guests Use Created Date From Oldest Guest. Merged guests had their creation date set to the date of the merging process, causing confusion for users. OR resolved this issue by now using the oldest guest creation date when merging guests.

September 25th release with 16 bug fixes

Add Extra Safeguard to Payment Void Process. Certain edge cases in the Payment Void Process could potentially not function properly. Improvements were made by adding extra safeguards for the Payment Void Process.

Allow Passing Discount Code When Creating Quotes Via API. The OwnerRez v2 API did not initially include discount codes for quote creation. At a client's request, discount codes are now included and allowed to be passed when creating quotes via the OwnerRez v2 API.

Change Notifications Reply-to From alerts@ to no-reply@. Notifications (formerly known as My Alerts) were previously sent with a reply to the email address from alerts@ownerrez.com. OwnerRez has now updated Notifications to be sent from the no-reply@ownerrez.com email address.

Don't Erroneously Show Long-Term Cancellation Policy Column on Channel Policies for Non-Airbnb Channels. The Long-Term Cancellation Policy column was incorrectly displayed on the Channel Policies for Non-Airbnb Channels. We fixed this bug by removing the Long-Term Cancellation Policy column from the Channel Policies for Non-Airbnb Channels.

Display Notification Instead of Error Page When Attempting to Delete an In-use Trigger. Users encountered errors when attempting to delete an active trigger used by an email template. OR resolved this glitch by notifying the user when they attempt to delete an active trigger used by an email template.

Enable Property and Listing Site Trigger Conditions for Blocked-Off Time. The Trigger Applicability Conditions failed to include Property or Listing Site in the Conditions for Blocked-Off Times. We corrected this issue, and the Trigger Applicability Conditions will now include Property or Listing Site in the Conditions for Blocked-Off Times.

Fix Duplicate LQA Warning for Infant Suitability. The Listing Quality Analyzer (LQA) erroneously displayed duplicate infant suitability warnings. OR resolved this glitch so that the LQA no longer displays duplicate infant suitability warnings.

Fix Error Caused by Channel Payments That Occur Just Before Midnight. On rare occasions, channel pull errors occurred just before midnight due to channel payment conflicts. We corrected this bug, and channel payment transactions will be imported correctly.

Fix Error Preventing Users From Canceling Vrbo Bookings With an Error That the Booking is Channel-managed. Vrbo API-connected users were incorrectly prevented from canceling a booking and received erroneous errors stating that the booking was channel-managed. OR fixed this error to ensure that Vrbo API-connected users can correctly cancel a Vrbo booking.

Fix Missing Property Details Menu on Medium-sized Viewports. Users could not access the Property Details secondary menu while on a tablet device. We resolved this issue so users can access the Property Details secondary menu on a tablet device.

Ignore Pet Fees in GVR LQA. The Listing Quality Analyzer (LQA) incorrectly listed pet fee surcharges as errors and prevented users from listing their properties on Google Vacation Rentals (GVR). Since pet fee surcharges are not supported on GVR and are added during the GVR direct booking process, any pet fee surcharges configured in OwnerRez will now be ignored by the LQA.

Improve Display of Season and Property Conditions on Triggers Grid. The Triggers Grid has been improved for a more accurate display, which includes the display of disabled seasons and comma separators between separate seasons and properties.

Improve Push Notification Subscription Longevity. OwnerRez has enhanced the longevity of Push Notification subscriptions to prevent unintended unsubscriptions by web browsers.

Mark All Messages Read on Manual Outbound Message. Received messages that were responded to on the corresponding listing channel platform remained "unread" in OwnerRez. We resolved this glitch by marking all messages as read in manual outbound messages.

Rename Contacts Grid Dropdown Option to "View this guest." The Contacts grid dropdown option incorrectly displayed "Edit this guest." OR corrected this issue by renaming the Contacts grid dropdown option to "View this guest."

Require an Occurrence Date When Adding a Custom Holiday. Custom holidays configured without an occurrence date were incorrectly allowed to be saved. We fixed this bug to ensure that required occurrence dates are added to custom holidays.