Experience the difference of "Elite".

Serg F

Joined July 2023
3 posts

Feature Requests » Levels of Team Access Permissions

We need more flexibility on portal user access. Our cleaners need to know how many guests we have on each reservation which gives our cleaners info on number of linens used etc etc Aldo the cleaners …

(Posted Aug 23, 2024 2:23 PM)

Feature Requests » Giving cleaners information about number of people in a given reservation

Hey Ken,  Thank you for work around. As such lets please accept the fact that it is a "work around" and it has its limitations. Using OR a hosts can certainly create a trigger and send this info …

(Posted Aug 23, 2024 2:13 PM)

Feature Requests » Giving cleaners information about number of people in a given reservation

Unfortunately Portal User access does not have a capability for our cleaners to see number of guests for a reservation. This is important piece of information for our cleaners as number of days in th…

(Posted Jan 18, 2024 4:06 PM)