Is there the possiblity of making this something that could be done in OwnerRez? I know that there is a work around by importing from Excel...just putting in my requests! These are nitpicky things - we love OR. Thanks! Lisa
Yes, it is on the roadmap for 2023! We're doing some other large PM expenses work first to make way for recurring ones. There is already a request thread for it though, so closing this one.
Hi from past messages this was in the pipeline in 2021 its now 2023, any news.
As Shawn mentioned in February this is currently still in development and progress is ongoing, as far as an ETA goes we can't provide anything at this time.
Thank you for your patience.
Just checking to to if this has been added yet. This would make expenses that happen every month at the same price so much easier to capture for charges on an owners statement.
Do you have any time frame in mind for 2023 as we are about to jump ship to another provider who offers comprehensive accounting system built in. It would be great to understand when and what you are planning to offer so we could maybe delay our decision.
Hi Bonnie,
Looking at the Key Focus area for Q1 and Q2, as well as the general roadmap, I would estimate that it lands sometime between Q2 and Q3 at this point.
We have had a number of set backs with PM-related functionality, which has delayed some of our releases, but this remains a very high priority and is likely next to be worked on after the PM V2 upgrade goes out.
Can't wait this will save so much time.