Collect Photo ID Option in Rental Agreement

Status: Released 225 Votes
Shawn H
Aug 25, 2022 6:31 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 287 posts

The custom field file format option has been released!

The File format option can be used for all custom field types, but only Booking type custom fields can be shown to guests on checkout/quote acceptance or rental agreement signing. If you select "file" as the format, you can also show this field during the checkout process to capture a file upload (e.g., JPG, PNG, PDF) from the guest.

Only the file name will be rendered using the custom field code. No image or thumbnail is available to show back to the guest. This is for security purposes at this time. You can insert the field code into the rental agreement or messaging template to remind them that they have uploaded "X" file name as part of the process.

Learn more here:

Chris A
Oct 15, 2019 12:33 PM
Joined May, 2019 19 posts

I would like to suggest adding a few features to the legal agreements. I currently use another service because I am not able to collect a photo ID or ask for additional signatures or intials on certain areas with OwnerRez. Most people do not read rental agreements, and I use Docusign now to add specific sections on the agreement where they have to initial and sign under certain policies to ensure I pointed them out to them. At the end they have to attach a photo ID. Everything is linked together and stored with their IP address.

Are there any plans to make the legal agreements more robust so I can drop Docusign? This is the only reason I use Docusign.


Oct 16, 2019 11:17 AM
Joined Aug, 2019 24 posts

Happy to help, we have a topic in the forum about this exact thing. See Chris’s comment below.

Chris Hynes said:

Yes, we have plans to add an ID upload option via custom fields like the other custom fields during the renter agreement signing. That would be just an image, though, without verifying.

@Chris -- interesting idea on the third party verification. I think Safely is now here: -- that looks like some sort of combined verification + damage protection insurance, but based on their site I'm not sure they're actually looking at an ID.

I see there are others that do ID verification like: -- they will do similar to Airbnb where you send a snapshot of front and back of drivers license and compare to a selfie.

I think you really need to retain the ID for chargeback defense -- that's going to need to be sent with the documentation packet. An attestation of "yes, I verified the ID" is going to be weaker than actually showing the ID that matches the card.

Rich S
Oct 16, 2019 7:14 PM
Joined Dec, 2018 302 posts

@chris A - I agree about the need to verify the person, for example by having them upload an ID which is matched to them somehow.

my $.02 is that you don't need to have additional signatures. Sure it can give some peace of mind, but I've asked the attorney who drafted my rental agreement (Colorado) and he advised me that a single signature is sufficient. My thinking about this is twofold: a) in the days of paper documents it was easy for someone to insert an additional page after the fact, but that isn't possible with e-signing; b) specifically pointing out sections of documents is probably a safety measure for large corporations such as lenders, who could be subject to claims of mis-leading homeowners. As a large company they could be perceived to have an advantage over individuals. But I would doubt that kind of claim would ever be considered by a judge.

In any case, I had the same reservations you did about extra signing/initialing and after getting advised it wasn't necessary, and thinking about it, I concluded that OR's approach is fine. And a lot cheaper than docusign (or RightSignature which I used to use).

Oct 17, 2019 3:26 PM
Joined Feb, 2019 2 posts

Any idea when the option to add ID upload via custom fields will be up and running? Sifting through emails to find ID's is a tedious process. It will be very nice to have them stored on OR along with the legal agreement.

Ken T
Oct 17, 2019 3:31 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Not real soon, because it's a lot of work to get it right.

But there's no need to sift through emails to find them, at least not more than once. When you get an ID from a renter as an attachment to an email, you can go to the Booking in OR, then the Files tab, and upload it there. From then on the image will be associated with the booking and can be easily found and viewed there, no need to root through your email!

Chris A
Oct 17, 2019 3:47 PM
Joined May, 2019 19 posts


I know a single signature suffices in most sitations. Like you say, I do it for peace of mind if an argument arises where they say they did not see that section. Such as a $100 fee for soap in the hot tub. You cannot easily deny you missed that section when you have an initial or siganture right next to it. Plus, it make me feel better that they "may have" actually read that section since it was pointed out to them.

The main reason I like Docusign is because the ID can be bound to the contract. It keeps things nice and neat. There is no verification being performed on the ID, but 99.9% of the time the ID will be legit I would think. There is always the chance it could be fake.

Whenever you guys decide to tackle this it would be quite useful!

Chris A
Oct 17, 2019 3:49 PM
Joined May, 2019 19 posts


Does Docusign offer any type of integration possibly where we could have OwnerRez send the agreements automatically? I have no idea, but it would save time at least manually sending contracts out.

Ken T
Oct 17, 2019 3:56 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

I'm especially familiar with Docusign, and I know OwnerRez has no direct integration with them at this time. You may be able to work something out manually, I dunno. If you do, let us all know! :-)

Oct 17, 2019 5:48 PM
Joined Aug, 2019 24 posts

Stellar Idea!!!!! saving the ID in the portal, hello genius have we met? Thanks Ken

Ken T
Oct 17, 2019 7:23 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Depends on how many help tickets you send in. :-)

Rich S
Oct 18, 2019 12:07 PM
Joined Dec, 2018 302 posts

@chris hynes -

I inquired with and they don't support homeowners right now, only property managers. I didn't get any indication of cost or features, but they said they are working on a homeowner product for the future.

Is there a timeline for when the ID would be implemented in OR? That would take us 80% of the way there I'd imagine. I personally might ignore it much of the time, but if anything sets off my worrying about a potential guest I'd be sure to scrutinize the ID.

And are you worried about the legalities of hosting such personal data, or is that something OR already has to deal with so no additional issues?

Ken T
Oct 18, 2019 3:37 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

We are not lawyers, and we have OwnerRez users worldwide. Each owner has to be responsible for obeying the applicable laws in their particular jurisdiction.

That said, if people email you images, in most cases you have the right to archive them so long as they are never revealed to unauthorized individuals. OwnerRez uses industry-leading encryption protocols for its data - we're required to by the banks, because we store data that can be used to charge guests' credit cards. Any personal documents we store would use the same encryption, authentication, and protections.

So we do not anticipate any additional issues in most cases. Again, each owner should consult suitable legal counsel in their particular jurisdiction if they have special reason for concern. Even in the United States, some specific states and even cities have special quirks.

Shay G
Nov 16, 2020 11:05 AM
Joined Jun, 2019 12 posts

Is there not a way to integrate an option for guests to add their ID with photo as an attachment?
I've been using HelloWorks for guest ID's, and it's simple in that the guest can upload a snapshot or a png/jpg file of their driver's license.

joelle m
Nov 16, 2020 11:35 AM
Joined Oct, 2020 15 posts

any progress on this feature?
I would love for guests to be able to upload attachements. Currently, the guest is asked to do it separately which adds a little bit of frustration on their part.

Donna M
Nov 30, 2020 12:59 PM
Joined Sep, 2017 41 posts

>>You cannot easily deny you missed that section when you have an initial or signature right next to it. Plus, it makes me feel better that they "may have" actually read that section since it was pointed out to them.<<

Now fast forward to Booking in the Time of COVID-19 and the horrors of Chargebacks: Why having multiple sections with initial or signatures are essential today.
And as the 2020/21 winter holidays bring even more uncertainty to the VR business with the ever-present worry - will I or won't I be closed down to "stop the surge"...

I recommend you read -COVID‐19 and Vacation Rental Payment Risk: THE BIG PICTURE (

Skip to the bottom section titled: "UPDATED CHARGEBACK INFORMATION RELATING TO COVID‐19. As of 4/6/2020"

Note specifically:

>>>Cancelled Services/Credit not Received
Best chance of reversal will PROVE the guest agreed to your cancellation policy and cancelled outside of it
√ Guest signatures and/or initials are within 1” of your cancellation policy
√ Proof the guest had to click to agree to your cancellation policy online to complete the booking
√ Documentation showing the date the guest attempted to cancel

>>>Services not Rendered/Provided
Best chance of reversal will PROVE the guest completed their stay or agreed to your cancellation policy and cancelled outside if it.
√ Guest signatures and/or initials are within 1” of your cancellation policy
√ Proof the guest had to click to agree to your cancellation policy online to complete the booking
√ Documentation showing the date the guest attempted to cancel

Ken T
Jan 26, 2021 7:48 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

[Another topic was closed as a duplicate of this topic (]

Michael D
Jan 27, 2021 2:42 PM
Joined Oct, 2019 55 posts

If this is implemented make it optional. We don't need ID's so I don't want to require my guests to upload one.

Lori R
Feb 11, 2021 1:15 PM
Joined Nov, 2020 1 post

Pleaseeeee add this feature!!!

Feb 12, 2021 2:11 AM
Joined Oct, 2018 42 posts

Yep I see this as beneficial option for those of us here in Oz as well

Evelyn E
Feb 12, 2021 1:03 PM
Joined Mar, 2018 12 posts

I think it is necessary to provide a secure portal for the guest to upload their ID. This is becoming more of a concern to guests and it is necessary when fighting a chargeback.