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Tag Automations
(page 2 )

Status: In Development 58 Votes
Aug 20, 2024 6:20 PM
Joined Sep, 2019 81 posts

Shawn I don't see a way to automate a tag if a booking has a specific SURCHARGE on it.    For example a hot tub fee or a pet fee.  

Is this still coming?

Steven C
Aug 20, 2024 6:32 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2021 11 posts

Yes.  The current tag automations are just V1 so we could get the feature release out and allow users to get used to using tags and setting up automatons via the trigger system we already had in place for messaging.  In future releases there are plans to expand on the functionality.  Add-on/Optional Surcharges are on the list of planned improvements for this feature