Airbnb's Awaiting Payment showing as open dates in OR calendar

Ariel D
Dec 22, 2023 9:35 PM
Joined Dec, 2023 6 posts

Hi; I have Airbnb and VRBO connected via API to OR. I got a new booking from Airbnb, but the booking is waiting for payment; that booking shows the dates as unavailable in Airbnb (both to in the host calendar and if another Airbnb guest wants the same dates, they are not available). The thing is, those dates are open and available in OR, so if I simulate a direct booking, a VRBO booking, or even an Airbnb booking, it says the dates are available...does anybody know why is this happening? 

Ryan C
Dec 28, 2023 6:38 PM
OR Team Member Joined Feb, 2023 9 posts

Hi Ariel. How did you see the booking was made? Did Airbnb send you a notification? I'm guessing that they tentatively create the booking, but don't send it to us until they receive payment. Once OwnerRez has received a booking from the API sync, the availability will be blocked on your calendar.

Ariel D
Dec 28, 2023 7:01 PM
Joined Dec, 2023 6 posts

Hi. In Airbnb, I saw "Awaiting Payment" in their calendar, showing the dates blocked, so if I try to make another booking for those same dates, in Airbnb, I can't). The problem was, going to VRBO, those dates were open (as they were open in OR). Thus, another person could make a booking there, and if Airbnb confirms their booking, this will end up with a double booking, IMO.
In this case, after a few hours, the person making the booking did not pay, so Airbnb released the dates in their calendar as available. 

Anne S
Dec 29, 2023 9:27 AM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 140 posts

Hi. In Airbnb, I saw "Awaiting Payment" in their calendar, showing the dates blocked, so if I try to make another booking for those same dates, in Airbnb, I can't). The problem was, going to VRBO, those dates were open (as they were open in OR). Thus, another person could make a booking there, and if Airbnb confirms their booking, this will end up with a double booking, IMO.
In this case, after a few hours, the person making the booking did not pay, so Airbnb released the dates in their calendar as available. 

by Ariel D – Dec 29, 2023 12:01 AM (UTC)

Hey Ariel, this Airbnb Help Center article explains Awaiting Payment, meaning that the booking in question, while blocked on the Airbnb calendar, was not a completed booking on the guest's part. If the guest had attempted to complete their Airbnb booking, OR's instant availability check would have run, so there was no risk of a double booking against the information in OwnerRez. If those dates happened to be booked by another guest, either directly or via Vrbo, the Airbnb Awaiting Payment booking would be blocked from completing the booking.

Ariel D
Dec 29, 2023 10:36 AM
Joined Dec, 2023 6 posts

Excellent, thanks for your thorough explanation!

Anne S
Dec 29, 2023 11:15 AM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 140 posts

My pleasure, Ariel! Glad you found it useful. Happy 2024!