Messaging has Arrived in Your Inbox, and Lots More Fun!

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How do you celebrate National Fun at Work Day?

Here at OwnerRez, we have a weekly Book Club 📖 (Atomic Habits is our current read) and regular GUaM 🏋️ (Get Up and Move) sessions. But even when we're having fun, like celebrating our ten-year anniversary at our company retreat in the Dominican Republicwe're always working hard! Read all about it in this Product Update detailing our January 24th release with 19 updates, including Messaging now in your inbox.

New Features Messaging Added to the Inbox Public Beta! messaging has arrived in your inbox!

For those accounts connected via API to (BDC) anyway, native in-app messaging is now available (on a go-forward basis). Corresponding with BDC guests directly in OwnerRez allows users to unify their guest messaging even more. With OwnerRez's guest conversation view and channel templates/triggers, you can save time and automate more of your messaging to be delivered via the channel (or "on the platform").

If you already use Airbnb or Vrbo messaging in OwnerRez, you'll be pretty comfortable with the inclusion of messaging.

OwnerRez has worked diligently in collaboration with to ensure the seamless appearance of your channel messages within the OwnerRez InboxUsers can navigate to their Inbox by clicking on the CRM dropdown menu and selecting Inbox.

CRM Menu

New messages will be listed in the Inbox. Note that the Via column indicates where the messages are from.

CRM > Inbox

Clicking on each message opens the message in the Conversation View. When users open the Conversation View, they can see any comments that your guests have added, allowing them to respond directly to their BDC guest within OwnerRez.

Conversation View messaging history works on a go-forward basis starting January 26th (or when you connect to via API).

Update your channel triggers today to include as an additional listing site to make use of this time-saving automation!

Do you see "echo" messages (i.e., something you sent the guest) coming back from That is probably happening because you have a trigger in OwnerRez sending an email template to your guests.

To fix: Go in and switch that trigger (or create a new one) to send a channel template to guests instead. This will be a cleaner experience for the guest and stop the echo message from happening.

If you use the same email trigger for different types of bookings, put "everything but" on the trigger criteria like you do for Airbnb. Then, make sure that a channel trigger is sent.

The reason the email one creates an echo is that when you email the guest, it sends a message to their platform email address (e.g.,, which lands in the messaging system. The messaging system strips out the text and adds it to the existing messaging thread. OwnerRez is then alerted by that a new message was added to the thread, not realizing that it was the email you sent. When you switch to a channel trigger, this will stop because the message will be created on the thread directly by OwnerRez. No emails will be created on either side.

Glamping Hub as an Official Channel Coming Soon

Be on the lookout for our upcoming integration with Glamping Hub as an Official Channel.

Coming Soon - Glamping Hub

Enhancements & Tweaks

Hubitat and Igloo Door Lock Integration Improvements Private Beta

The upcoming OwnerRez Hubitat and Igloo Door Lock Integrations are moving along! We've updated the following in both integrations. The Schlage locks integration also benefited from many of these updates!

  • Lock Batch process updates
  • Better handling of multiple locks at the same property
  • Improved error messages
  • Enhanced Door code lock Sync and Regeneration processes
  • Timezone normalizations
  • Upgraded Property dropdown menus

Igloo and Hubitat Door Lock Integrations Coming Soon

These updates, made under the covers, may seem insignificant to users, but they lead to improved API responses and usability. It also brings both integrations much closer to being opened up for public beta!

Bug Fixes

Booking List Export Does Not Export Booked Dates Correctly in Some User Cultures. Booking exports initiated from the Booking List View exported dates in a text format rather than the expected date format for those cells. We fixed this glitch, and Booking exports will export the dates column in the correct date format.

Cap Maximum Advanced Reservation to 360 days for v1.1 API. The v1.0 API allowed users to send availability information outside the supported 360 days without returning an error. OR corrected the v1.1 API to cap the maximum advanced reservation to the supported 360 days.

Door Codes are Generated in Some Cases Even When Generate Codes for Blocks is Disabled. OR encountered a regression where door lock codes were generated for blocks despite the user disabling door lock code generation for blocks. This regression has been resolved, ensuring that door lock codes will not be generated for blocks if the user has disabled door lock code generation for blocks.

Filter Out Child Rates From Property Mapping UI. Child Rates were improperly displayed in the Property Mapping user interface. We resolved this issue, and Child Rates will no longer be displayed in the Property Mapping user interface.

Filters on Team Grids (Portal and Staff) Have Confusing and Inconsistent Persistence Behavior. Both the Portal and Staff Team Access filter grids' Clear and Reset buttons were not acting as expected and continued to display filtered results based on conditions previously set by users. OR fixed this glitch, and the Portal and Staff Team Access filter grids will now act as expected and correctly.

Fix a Typo in Owner Statements. Owner Statements contained a typo where the word "booking" was duplicated on some expense descriptions. OR corrected this typo in Owner Statements, and the word "booking" will no longer be repeated.

Hubitat Common Locks Fail to Sync Properly. Hubitat connected common (e.g., shared main entrance) and multiple (e.g., front and back door) door lock mappings failed to sync correctly. We resolved these issues to ensure that common and multiple-type door lock mappings sync correctly.

Large Number of Properties on Portal Access Display are Cut Off on Some View Ports. Some Portal Team Access users with access to accounts with large numbers of properties encountered a visual bug that truncated or cut off the list of properties. OR corrected this glitch to ensure that Portal Team Access users can view complete lists of all properties.

Optimize Bookings Ribbon First Load. Booking Ribbon calendar loading times were slow for OR users with many properties. We have optimized the Booking Ribbon calendar metadata build loading times to ensure that accounts with large numbers of properties load faster.

Portal user > Reset Password Button Fails in Some Cases. Some Portal Team Access users encountered Reset Password failures because the Reset Password email incorrectly included the inviteId field instead of the id field. We fixed this bug, and Portal Team Access users' Reset Password emails will now contain the correct id field.

Remove Mention of Renter Agreement From {BBINFO}. The sentence contained in the {BBINFO} field code, "An electronically-signed copy of the renter agreement will be emailed to you." has been determined to be unnecessary as the {BBINFO} field code pertains to a high-level overview about billing shown to the guest in the confirmation email and has been removed.

Review Date Incorrectly Updated on Subsequent Airbnb Webhooks. Updated Airbnb reviews displayed the channel review period expiration date rather than the expected actual written date on the updated review. We have fixed this bug to display the exact written date on the updated review correctly.

Schlage Logic to Match Existing Code to Booking Fails. An OR user with a Schlage API-connected lock encountered door lock code generation failures due to a timeout error. When the system attempted a retry, they received a "The requested access code name is already in use on the device" error message because the door lock code already existed. OR corrected this glitch to now attempt to match an existing code on Schlage locks upon retry.

Send a System Alert When a Deposit Fails to Import Correctly. OR deposit import failures failed to send system email alerts to account users. OR resolved this issue to ensure that deposit import failures will send system email alerts to account users.

Show Cancellation Policy As-of-date in Travel Insurance Section on Quote. Full Cancellation Policies were incorrectly displayed within the Travel Insurance section of quotes rather than correctly displaying the effective Cancellation Policy as of the time of the quote. We corrected this bug to display only the effective Cancellation Policy as of the time of the quote.

Treat Nofie as Request To Book for Airbnb Request To Book Requirement. Nofie API-connected users who attempted to complete a Request to Book (RTB) Airbnb API connection encountered errors stating that they had to switch their Nofie API connection to RTB to meet Airbnb's requirement. However, Nofie was incorrectly listed as Instant Book, leading to this error. OR resolved this glitch, and Nofie will be correctly listed as Request to Book (RTB).

10 Comments (add yours)

Jan 27, 2024 11:09 PM
Joined May, 2019 15 posts

We began getting a copy of all the emails sent to masked email, how to disable those? The confirmation, payment receipts etc.

Richard and Dallas C
Jan 29, 2024 5:14 AM
Joined Aug, 2020 9 posts

Great to have an integration for in our dashboard, but we are now snowed under with messages, including our own replies to guests! 

Paul W
Jan 29, 2024 7:58 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

Hi everyone,

If you are seeing an "echo" message coming back from, that is probably happening because you have a trigger in OwnerRez sending an email template to your guests.

Go in and switch that trigger (or create a new one) to send a channel template to guests instead.  This will be a cleaner experience for the guest, and it will stop the echo message from happening.

If you use the same email trigger for different types of bookings, put "everything but" on the trigger criteria like you do for Airbnb.  Then make sure that a channel trigger is sending.

This is the same set up for Airbnb.  Send channel triggers, not email triggers.

Make sense?

PS. The reason the email one creates an echo is because when you email the guest, it sends a message to their platform email address (eg. which lands in the messaging system.  The messaging system strips out the text and adds it to the existing messaging thread.  OwnerRez is then alerted by that a new message was added to the thread, not realizing that it was the email you sent.  When you switch to a channel trigger, this will stop because the message will be created on the thread directly by OwnerRez.  No emails will be created on either side.

Richard and Dallas C
Jan 30, 2024 3:53 AM
Joined Aug, 2020 9 posts

Thanks Paul,

It seems that all emails are being echoed! We have an autoresponder telling guests we are away from our computers, we see two copies of that. Along with two copies of confirmation, two copies of bill payment. We got a bit excited as we thought we had a large number of new bookings! Turn out to just be 3 new guests, but about 30 emails!

Kind regards

Richard and Dallas

Paul W
Jan 30, 2024 8:04 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

Hi Richard and Dallas, any email message that you send to the booking (which goes to the platform email address) will land in the message system and, thus, echo back a "new message".  This includes things like system messages and payment receipts.

The platform email address ( is no longer necessary, and we are going to release an update to stop using that completely for bookings.  At this point - now that direct messaging has been integrated - it's confusing and unnecessary to use that email address.  Sorry for the extra spam in the meantime.

Richard and Dallas C
Jan 30, 2024 8:07 AM
Joined Aug, 2020 9 posts

Thanks Paul, We can see why you did this, but it does fill up our inbox! 

Val Rogers
Feb 1, 2025 1:00 AM
Joined Oct, 2016 34 posts

I was searching in the Support area to see if I could find out if it is possible to edit or modify the information that is included on the {BBINFO} field code and came across this blog update from a year ago. It says that the sentence "An electronically-signed copy of the renter agreement will be emailed to you." was removed from that field code, yet, I am still seeing it included when the field code is used.

I've added the {BBINFO} field code to the payment receipt system template because I think it is a good idea to tell the guest what information will be on their bank or credit card statement to identify who the payment was made to, in order to help avoid any confusion on the part of the guest when they can't remember making the payment or when a scheduled payment has been made. 

Can someone please look into this and see if 1) the mention of the renter agreement can actually be removed or 2) is it possible for us to edit the information in this field code or 3) is there is a field code for the payment account's statement description that we can use in the payment receipt template? I know I can create my own payment receipt templates to include each client's specific statement descriptor, but it would be so much easier if there is a field code that would customize that information in one payment receipt template depending on whose payment account was receiving the payment.

Feb 6, 2025 11:33 AM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 163 posts

Hi Val,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It seems that line "An electronically-signed copy..." was not removed from everywhere it should have been. I've opened a card with our dev team to get that addressed as soon as we can.

While that specific field {BBINFO} cannot be customized, you always have the option of creating your own Custom Fields!

Valerie R
Feb 6, 2025 12:13 PM
Joined Sep, 2019 122 posts


Is there a field code that includes the "statement description" for each payment account (the identifying name that appears on the guest's bank statement for the payment that they made through the owner's credit card processing account)? That is the part of the {BBINFO} custom field that I am hoping to use.

Anne S
Feb 7, 2025 4:43 PM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 152 posts


Is there a field code that includes the "statement description" for each payment account (the identifying name that appears on the guest's bank statement for the payment that they made through the owner's credit card processing account)? That is the part of the {BBINFO} custom field that I am hoping to use.


Perhaps the {PCCSTEXT} Credit Card Statement Text or the text shown on the guest's credit card statement is what you are looking for? If not, please contact us so we can help you more directly. All the best.
