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  • ...effect at the original booking.
    * Have the guest inquire about new travel dates. If the host desires, the host can send a special offer (https://www.ownerrez.com/support/articles/air-inquiries-and-stuff#specialoffers) in which the new booking charges include a credit for some portion of the old booking payment. The new cancellation policy for the new dates will only apply to the amount of any new c...
  • ...s it -- the tax will now be pushed to Airbnb as a custom pass-through tax.
    * Repeat with any additional taxes you have to collect - each individual separate tax authority needs its own entry.

    👉 Stuff to watch out for:

    * If you switch to custom taxes, you must configure all of your taxes with the appropriate criteria. Make sure to check the options on the tax page in Airbnb and on the tax dashbo...

  • ...ng else that Airbnb and Vrbo support in their message system - all from OwnerRez.

    Users can also prepare and send Airbnb special offers (https://www.ownerrez.com/support/articles/air-inquiries-and-stuff#specialoffers) via the Airbnb messaging system.

    We are working towards a long-term goal of having a global unified inbox for all first-class channels, and our goal is to support both direct guest...