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  • ...s it -- the tax will now be pushed to Airbnb as a custom pass-through tax.
    * Repeat with any additional taxes you have to collect - each individual separate tax authority needs its own entry.

    👉 Stuff to watch out for:

    * If you switch to custom taxes, you must configure all of your taxes with the appropriate criteria. Make sure to check the options on the tax page in Airbnb and on the tax dashbo...

  • ...e I'm on the product team, I get to share upcoming product news every now and again. One of those things I'm really excited about is that we're working on overhauling the OwnerRez "Guest Forms." Good stuff!

    In the meantime, because it's a large overhaul, we know we needed to handle cell phones differently on the current forms. The cell phone field is first and that way if people have one number, it's...

  • ...ng else that Airbnb and Vrbo support in their message system - all from OwnerRez.

    Users can also prepare and send Airbnb special offers (https://www.ownerrez.com/support/articles/air-inquiries-and-stuff#specialoffers) via the Airbnb messaging system.

    We are working towards a long-term goal of having a global unified inbox for all first-class channels, and our goal is to support both direct guest...

  • ...as anyone had any good experiences with this company? We are not interested in selling Early check-ins or Late check-out we give these to our guests for free if available and we don't want to prepare stuff waiting in the rooms to sell our guests. We want to get a % of the huge amount of tourist activities Booked in our Area Like trips to Lego Land, Disneyland, Fishing Trips, Wine Tours, etc.  Why is th...
  • ...o categories that they feel are relevant on their end, but may not be the right way to display them on an independent website.

    When using the widget, I then had a massive list of poorly organized stuff that was not able to be well-stylized for the site. The only way I found to group things as I wanted in a moderately well-stylized manner was to hardcode my amenities into my site manually. See exam...

  • ...e a pricing tool, integrated, those rates change daily, regardless of whether they’re actually booked or not. This leads to big consistency issues in price adjustment. It often tries to do some crazy stuff and I have to manually change rates more often than I accept the new OR generated charges. I see others complain about this a lot in the unofficial OR FB group and would like to see this addressed.
  • ...mparing this year to last.   We purchased this license because in coming to OR this type of data just wasn't available to us.

    What we would like to see is a page in the app that would include the stuff that you have in some of your reports like: 

       The Daily Checklist

       Booking Statistics


       An ADR calc which I don't really see with the data we can get a way to calcul...

  • .../347379669) – Nov 1, 2023 3:16 PM (UTC)

    We are changing it to use the name.  The feedback on that has been overwhelming and the use case is pretty obvious.  The OwnerRez engineer working on lock stuff is already actively working on putting that in place.

  • Any update on this?  

    PM and Accounting work are continuing at full speed.  I documented the deposit and Airbnb stuff above, but we are also working on delivering a Year-End report for PMs/Owners before the end of 2022.

  • ...the weeds on that part first.

    Before Inbox cleanup, we've had to clean up messaging features (like Autoresponder) and work our way through some of the side features so that we can get to the main stuff.  That, too, has already been underway for a while.

    Our PM system has a large V2 about to drop that we've been working on for 2 years which changes a number of significant things around commissio...

  • Love the OR crew!  Thanks for working through all the mirad of cascading issues and for taking time away from your vacation to set things right.  Stuff happens its what you do when the _____ hits that fan that matters.  Great example for all of us OR.  Kuddos!
  • ...astically together.  It may make it a little more difficult to investigate your competition's pricing, but it's just a toggle switch away to see where their fees are.


    The cleaning checklist stuff, I'm guessing will be a separate section of either checkboxes or a generic "low, medium, high" with vague definitions for people to fill in.

  • ...sync and OwnerRez will add a "full sync" of everything to the channel queue.  However, the full resync will wait in line behind everything else.

    So what will happen is all of a sudden all of your stuff will update, both the waiting changes from before and the full resync.

    Unless there's a significant and pressing issue, I would wait a bit longer and check later in the evening (or overnight, dep...

  • Hi Alece,

    You are correct. Statement views are for Owner Statements.

    However, all expenses in OwnerRez are Owner Expenses. There is not (yet) the concept of a PM expense, hence, we have not exposed expense columns in the same manner on PM statements.

    We'll keep this Feature Request around, as we have lots of stuff planned for the PM module in the coming roadmap.

  • ...s://www.ownerrez.com/blog/ribbon-calendar-better-performance-bookings-filter-added-canadian-business-number-bn9-SMS-brands-support#better-performance-ribbon-calendar-bookings-filter) added some good stuff. You can now filter for tags on bookings (like you could on the Legacy Ribbon view) but we don't yet show them on the hovercard. That is planned for an upcoming release but not yet in development. Ou...
  • Ken was partially correct, we have similar stuff planned, but nothing that quite tackles what you're looking for. I'd recommend turning this into a FR at this time.