List view: Checking off multiple search filters for accurate results

Status: Requested 1 Vote
Michelle H
Jul 16, 2024 12:47 PM
Joined Mar, 2023 2 posts

When under the “List” view - it would be amazing for OwnerRez to be able to accurately populate results if multiple search filters are checked off. Our team learned the hard way that we can only check off/search one filter at a time. If we have more than one filter checked off it will not populate accurate results, and therefore has given us wrong results that we found out later by manually checking under each individual reservation.

Not sure if this has happened to anyone else, but specifically when it comes to finances (which is problematic). For example, if searching for failed security deposits and overdue balances at the same time, the results will not populate both correctly - making us think that guests are paid up when they really are not. We have to check off one category at a time plus manually check for accuracy. This gets confusing and counterintuitive because the majority of websites have this function working for multiple filters. Thank you for your time and effort to fix this!

Jul 17, 2024 10:09 AM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 149 posts

Hi Michelle,

Those filters should not need to be applied one at a time. The results should be accurate when multiple filters are applied. Please send screenshot examples of your applied filters and what you're seeing, and send those in to so that we can have a look. If there's something amiss, we want to get that addresses as soon as possible!

Michelle H
Jul 18, 2024 1:12 PM
Joined Mar, 2023 2 posts

Hi Bri,

We already had an email support conversation with another team member and sent screenshots. We were told that only one filter can apply at a time for accurate results and to start this thread here for the feature request. Not sure…

Thank you!

Rex C
Aug 13, 2024 11:09 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 59 posts

Hi Michelle,

Apologies for the confusion!

Bri is correct that you can set multiple filter criteria for a single search. The system will work that way, however, the important factor is that these are AND criteria... meaning that all of them would have to be met. 

Your example of a partially paid balance and failed Security Deposit in one search would not provide results of all bookings that fit either criteria, it will only show bookings that fit both criteria.

If a booking is fully paid but fails Security Deposit, it would not show in those results.
If a booking is partially paid but collects a Security Deposit successfully, it would not show because it is not meeting all search criteria.

There is not an option of OR criteria searches at this time, that would require separate searches for each criteria as was mentioned in the support ticket.


I hope this clears some things up!