Help with payments

Status: Requested 4 Votes
Haydar B
3 days ago
Joined Jan, 2018 7 posts

I hate Their extranet-customer service is the worst I have ever experienced. Unfortunately I do not want to un-list one of my properties there, because my property is ranked high on their website and there's a lot of demand. So I am stuck with them. 

I have been trying to resolve an issue with payment processing, and for more than 6 weeks, I have been going through the same cycle: I call their support, they apologize for the issue I am having, they promise their payment processing department will resolve the issue. 2 days later I receive a message from their team asking me to call the same number I called in the first place. I tried calling them, or sending them a message through the extranet app, same cycle repeats.

In order for ownerrez hosts to deal less with support, can ownerrez request BY DEFAULT to enable collecting  CVC code and zipcode for credit card payments? Currently by default they do not send it to ownerrez. 

That will not resolve all the problems, but I believe it will significantly reduce our dependency on's terrible customer support. 

Adria H
2 days ago
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2022 155 posts

Hi Haydar:

The tricky part about the is that you can be on Payment on, meaning they function similarly to Airbnb. Or you can be approved for credit card details, however, if the AI determines that a given property is "unverified" despite the system showing you are approved for credit card details, the AI overrides it and puts you on payment at arrival- as if you are a hotel with a front desk to collect payments.

You are then left to request the payment details directly from the guest via OwnerRez.

If you have a different issue wtih the CVC and ZIP code, can you write in to and provide specific booking and property info so we can investigate for you?

Haydar B
2 days ago
Joined Jan, 2018 7 posts

They grayed me out on payments by Each time I submit a ticket, they apologize, and tell me they will fix the issue, then they send me a message asking to call the same number to resolve the issue. It’s pretty frustrating since at the same time they don’t collect cvc either so ownerrez can’t authorize any payment. So I am not sure what to do at this point. I understand it’s not your problem but wondering if you can do anything on your side to help hosts avoid customer support as much as possible.