Experience the difference of "Elite".

Compound Trigger

Status: Requested 1 Vote
Ed T
Jun 22, 2024 4:25 PM
Joined Nov, 2023 24 posts

Ken et al,

I send guest materials in the days immediately before arrival.  A guest booking on the day of arrival will not get a templette that has a trigger 3 days before arrival. A guest booking 2 or months prior is likely to forget this data.  If i send a templette on arrival and 3 days prior both a guest booking 4 days out would get the same template 3 and 4 days before arrival.  Sending numerous materials on booking combined with sending the same material is not the professional image I want to present.

I'd like to build a conditional trigger 

                 If ArrivalDate > 3 days from BookingDate  then 

                        Send template 3 days before ArrivalDate


                        Send Template NOW   



Type <Scheduled>

Immediate   <Before> __3_   <Days Before>  <Booking has Arrived>  __9am__

Condition     blank

Action          blank

Caleb M
Jun 23, 2024 1:48 PM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 164 posts

Hi Ed,

Currently the triggering system is not advanced enough for compound triggers like you've detailed, I've moved your post to the feature requests thread so we can track community desire for it.

I'd recommend sharing the idea around and trying to get other upvotes for it at this time. 

Ed T
Jun 23, 2024 2:03 PM
Joined Nov, 2023 24 posts

Thanks Caleb,  your offering is very powerful as it is now.  It seems like it is very close as the current trigger system supports multiple <conditions> which allow one to filter out specific subsets. 

Wesley W
Jul 17, 2024 2:31 PM
Joined Apr, 2024 12 posts

Couldn't this be accomplished by asking it the retry until the day of arrival?  Under the trigger settings.