No email on file to receive trigger messages

Carol S
Jan 30, 2024 10:06 AM
Joined Oct, 2023 6 posts


I have a guests checking in  2 days and did not sign my rental agreement or paid the security deposit.  The guest however paid in full through Airbnb.  I checked the triggers for the rental agreement and the security deposit hold in ownerrez and it says no email address on file.  If the guest does not have an email to complete these steps;  How do I handle this situation?  

Adria H
Jan 31, 2024 12:52 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2022 155 posts

Unfortunately, Airbnb discontinued its proxy email system.  In order to use OwnerRez to send messages to guests automatically, you will need to be using our Airbnb API connection and configure your messages as channel templates.

Note that if you require your guests to sign your Rental Agreement as we recommend, that process collects the guest's real email address, so regular email message templates can be sent automatically to guests after they've done that. But the original message with the link for the guest to sign their Rental Agreement, can only be sent automatically as a channel message.

Some hosts choose to create all Airbnb messages as channel messages. Other hosts use only the initial channel message to request the real email and/or request the rental agreement be signed and then use emails for the subsequent messaging.