Where to set up per booking expenses?

Julie M
Apr 2, 2024 10:16 AM
Joined Jan, 2021 12 posts

Y'all, I am at my wits end here... 

I was preparing an owner statement today and noticed one of the bookings was missing a cleaning fee expense.  I went to the booking detail and found that the cleaning fee did not show up there as an expense.  All the rest of the bookings for the month showed the cleaning fee, which is automatically generated on a per booking basis.

I'm trying to backtrace the settings for when the expense is set to occur to make sure it's not messed up somewhere there.  And y'all, I CANNOT FIND IT.  

Where on earth do I set up expense settings globally?  The ONLY thing I can find is manually entering expenses in the PM tab.  Yet at some point in history I was able to set up specific charges with vendor details and apply them to specific properties.  I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Was unable to find basically anything in the forums or the help files regarding "expenses" or "vendors" or similar.  Please help.  I'm now terrified I've lost thousands of dollars because the cleaning fees were not correctly billed to my owner.

Apr 2, 2024 11:25 AM
Joined Jan, 2020 188 posts

Hey Julie! Check the cleaning fee Surcharge for that property and scroll down to the Expense section. That's where you can designate how much of it should go to you as the PM. This is customizable on each individual Surcharge that is applied to bookings. 

Settings > Surcharges > This particular cleaning fee > Scroll down to Expense section

Julie M
Apr 2, 2024 11:29 AM
Joined Jan, 2021 12 posts

OMG you're a lifesaver I was pulling my hair out LOL  Thank you!!

Doesn't seem to shed any light on why one of the bookings didn't have it, but maybe that was a glitch?  If so that'll just be one more thing for my VA to check up on every month... 

Apr 2, 2024 11:32 AM
Joined Jan, 2020 188 posts

If your expense settings were correct on the surcharge, I'd open a support ticket with OR to figure out what went wrong!