Trigger forecast not accurate

Renee C
Jun 20, 2024 11:44 AM
Joined Feb, 2024 29 posts

I have in my trigger forecast, messages that say they're not going to send, but are actually being sent and when I go to the profiles messages, the system says they will send.

Why is the forecast not showing accurately?


Jun 21, 2024 5:20 PM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 149 posts

Hi Renee,

You should be able to click into the Template and corresponding Trigger from the columns in the Trigger Forecast. Can you take a look at those, as well as any bookings in question, and see if those specific Triggers on the Forecast actually apply to those bookings?

For example, I clicked into one of those bookings and noticed it was a Vrbo booking. The Trigger in question was an email Trigger that excludes Airbnb and Vrbo from the listing site applicability. Looks like you have some similarly named email and channel Templates that are both set to fire off around the same time. I believe the "will not run" you're seeing on the forecast may be emails whose Triggers do not apply to the channel your guest booked on, while the ones that sent successfully on the booking were channel messages that did apply.

If you notice any that really don't make sense, please write us an email at so we can take a closer look. Providing ORB#s and screenshots is always helpful!