Requesting Credit Card for Payment/Security Deposit

Feb 21, 2020 11:25 AM
Joined Feb, 2019 2 posts

For the bookings accepted through Vrbo, my rental contract requires the guest to make their second payment through my OwenrRez/Strip account rather than on the Vrbo platform. When requesting the guest submit a credit card the only option I can find is the one to submit a "new" card. The header reads "This page will help you update your billing information so that future payments and security deposits use a new credit card instead of the one on file. Use the fields below to enter a new credit card and select what types of transactions it should be used for." Is it possible to change this heading or am I missing an option to request CC info without requesting payment? The guest does not have a CC on file as they made the initial payment through Vrbo.


Ken T
Feb 27, 2020 12:40 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Hi Beth,

You're misunderstanding the message. Requesting the guest's credit card this way, will do exactly what you want - it'll store their information for future use, and then when the scheduled transaction time arrives, it'll use it to make the payment. Not before.

Mar 27, 2023 1:05 PM
Joined Mar, 2021 1 post

My guest needs to update her Credit Card. Where can I find this link or request? 

Ken T
Mar 28, 2023 11:50 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Go to the Booking in OwnerRez, Transactions tab, and use the Request dropdown button to Request New Credit Card.  That'll send the guest an email with a link to enter the new card information, which will then be stored in the Booking record available for use.

Nader A
Oct 25, 2023 1:07 PM
Joined May, 2022 1 post

Can a guest fill this out and provide a new credit card after the security deposit had been processed but prior to check in? 

Adria H
Oct 25, 2023 1:38 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2022 155 posts


You can request a new card:


If you go into a booking's Transactions tab, and click "Request", and then "Request New Credit Card", you should see a prompt where you can click "Compose Email:

When you click "Compose Email", and send it to the guest, the guest should see a link they can click on within the email, to update these details.

When the guest clicks on that blue link within the email, they should see a form (where at the bottom, they can choose what the new card should be used for).

Then, once the guest has submitted the new payment info, you'll want to check the Transactions tab, to make sure the next scheduled payment (and any potential security deposit) will both be paid by the new card.


In the specific case you mentioned, where the security deposit is already set up, you would verify that the guest had properly attributed the new card to the security deposit and the change had occurred.