Report that captures cancellations and refunds?

Pedro T
Sep 2, 2021 2:34 PM
Joined Nov, 2017 50 posts

I submit an invoice monthly to my clients for my commission. Last month I had a number of canceled bookings, some which were partially refunded and others that were not refunded at all. I'm entitled to my commission on the amount kept on those bookings but can't find a good way to capture that in a report on OwnerRez.
I typically use the Line Item report to categorize rents and cleanings and manipulate these in excel to get the data I want. I can check "include canceled bookings" but this report doesn't identify which bookings were canceled. Furthermore it doesn't report refunds.
Anyone have any suggestions?

Paul W
Sep 3, 2021 10:51 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

Hi Pedro,

You should adjust the charges on those cancelled/refunded bookings to be whatever the guest actually paid. So if the booking start at $1,000 but then dropped to $200 (ie. the guest has to pay 200 for the cancellation) then the final charges on the booking should show the 200. You would then put your commission on that. The fact that a booking is cancelled should not impact the finances or reports. You can have cancelled bookings with charges and payments, and they will show up on reports.

Pedro T
Sep 6, 2021 1:30 PM
Joined Nov, 2017 50 posts

That makes sense. I'll need to do that manually though?
And you're saying to record a refund in the booking, correct?
In the Line Item Detail Report I generally use for this after I record the refund I don't see it reported in this report. Which would you suggest I use?

Ken T
Sep 6, 2021 3:56 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Yes, that's right, because you know what the charges really should be / were.

Pedro T
Sep 6, 2021 10:25 PM
Joined Nov, 2017 50 posts

sorry, I edited my message above to add a few more questions you probably didn't see before replying.
You're saying to record a refund in the booking, correct?
In the Line Item Detail Report I generally use for this after I record the refund I don't see the refund reported in this report. Which report would you suggest I use?

Ken T
Sep 7, 2021 10:19 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

At this point I think it's probably better for you to write in to the Helpdesk with the specific booking you're trying to sort out.