Issues with connecting Payment Processor Accounts

Gus and Lindsey W
Feb 17, 2023 11:51 AM
Joined Aug, 2022 19 posts


Has anyone experienced concern and frustration going through the process to set up new listings with a payment method? Our busines structure changed in January 2023 to an LLC and it affected our Lynbrook accounts, which caused a delay with Lynbrook. Then once they sorted that out, they sent the info to OwnerRez to configure in the system and that was 3 days ago. Now they’re saying OwnerRez needed their guidance on how to properly configure in order to make sure we could process refunds under our old account. Lynbrook has said they passed information already to OwnwrRez on how it should be configured. 


Nobody will follow up with me or seems to have any care to call me about the issue. ownerrez has went dark and whenever I call I just get sent to voicemail even though I’ve requested a call back twice. Lynbrook has no answer and our client rep is our today. 

OwnerRez has not communicated to me when it will be resolved or expected to be resolved. My clients are asking why listing haven’t been published on our website and I have no answer. What’s with this? This doesn’t seem like  great customer service…

Ken T
Feb 17, 2023 12:49 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

We've run into some technical issues with getting your accounts configured, and our engineers are working through those with Lynnbrook.  I've actually been in telecons with senior Lynnbrook staff earlier this week about improvements we are making to smoothen the integration process and eliminate some of these discontinuities.

Gus and Lindsey W
Feb 17, 2023 12:53 PM
Joined Aug, 2022 19 posts

It’s fine if the process isn’t the smoothest, but I have left two voicemails with OwnerRez with no response. In an environment like OR, where these timelines can dramatically decrease revenue for us, there should be an SLA around this and a direct POC keep us informed of the timeline and expected resolution. Again, that’s fine, but considering our busines relys on posting our listing, this is an issue that I believe warrants atleast a call back and a POC over the phone. 

We still have no insight into the expected resolution date. 

Ken T
Feb 17, 2023 12:58 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Because we are still working through the issues, which involve both us and Lynnbrook, we also do not have an expected resolution date, though I do think we're fairly close to getting it sorted out.

As has unfortunately been noted in other forum threads, we are currently experiencing an uncommonly heavy load of support requests and are having great challenges in catching up.  We are growing the team as rapidly as possible, but training new staff to provide accurate assistance takes considerable time.

OwnerRez support has always primarily been email based; in very recent times we've added limited phone support, but that is commonly scheduled around a week in advance.  This team is also growing - we have added two staff this week - but it will be some time before they're able to make an impact.

Phone voicemails are handled in the same system as email tickets, and unfortunately are subject to the same delays we're currently experiencing over there.

Gus and Lindsey W
Feb 17, 2023 1:03 PM
Joined Aug, 2022 19 posts

Hi Ken, 

I understand those challenges, but when it becomes a hinderence on our business, our income, is when I become considered. 

if it’s not resolved today I’d like to again request an escalation. Unless you are saying that OwnerRez has no staff available for escalations like these. Is that the case?

Ken T
Feb 17, 2023 1:04 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

It's already escalated as far up as there is - the CTO has been involved in trying to get it resolved.

Gus and Lindsey W
Feb 17, 2023 1:17 PM
Joined Aug, 2022 19 posts

Okay, I will wait to hear today. Also, the issue we have right now is only tied to our 2 new accounts. These are new listings that we’re trying to get published on our website and VRBO to collect bookings ASAP. 

I just wanted to mention it in case the solution right now could possibly be to approve configuring the 2 new accounts, while they work to resolve the issues with the older accounts (4 old accounts). If that’s possible, it would solve our urgency with the two new accounts, since we would be able to request the API for VRBO and publish to our website while we wait to solve for the older 4 accounts. I don’t know the implications and structure of your set up of course, but was thinking about this today.

Ken T
Feb 17, 2023 1:20 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

That's a legitimate question.  I'm not sure either but I'll try and find out.

Gus and Lindsey W
Feb 17, 2023 3:44 PM
Joined Aug, 2022 19 posts

Thanks. Any word so far on if there’s a chance this would be resolved today?

If it’s not resolved today, does that mean we would have to wait until Monday for it to be worked on again?

Gus and Lindsey W
Mar 9, 2023 12:22 PM
Joined Aug, 2022 19 posts

Hey Ken,


We are having a second round of issues processing payments now. We have not received an update on a timeframe for it to be fixed. We submitted the help request last Friday. 

This is a really urgent issue for us because our guest has not been able to make their final payment and we cannot receive the funds. Can you please provide an update on this for us?



Caleb M
Mar 13, 2023 1:29 PM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 174 posts

Hi Gus and Lindsey,

I wanted to make sure you received our response to your help request,


we had to trace some additional things because Lynnbrook was saying they weren't receiving any charge attempts. Looks like what was actually happening was they were seeing some data from the old payment methods and didn't trace that as received at all.
We've tracked down a case where an Lynnbrook method id could be saved on a card from an old payment method and used on a new payment payment. We've released an update that will clear that value when charging again on a new payment method.


This fix applied to all cards saved on old Lynnbrook methods and used with new Lynnbrook methods.

