Help with some odd pricing.

James L
Dec 10, 2024 4:12 AM
Joined Oct, 2021 77 posts

I have had a request from one of my clients and I'm going round in circles with the pricing.

They want a sat-sat price and a Mon-Fri price, this of course varies several times a year.

Any suggestions how I do it?

I tried Spot rates with the check in day having the whole price on it but it won't accept £0 for any of the other days.

Dec 20, 2024 10:06 AM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 153 posts

Hey James,

This wouldn't be configurable within rates, but you might be able to accomplish what you're looking for using Length of Stay (LOS) discounts with criteria that only apply the discount to certain days of the week for arrival and / or departure. Airbnb gets a bit particular when it comes to what discount criteria they'll allow though, and I don't believe they'll accept a LOS discount with specific days of the week applied. It may work for direct bookings and Vrbo though.

More info on LOS discounts here -

And Airbnb's discount specifications here -

When creating discounts, it's always good to check them using the Channel Rate Tester to see if they're working as intended.

Should you need further assistance with this topic, please write to us at and we'll be happy to help.



James L
Dec 21, 2024 6:04 PM
Joined Oct, 2021 77 posts

I've tried seasons, lengths of stays, about a dozen different ways of doing it and I'm getting close to giving up.

The thing that keeps me hunting is the clients claim that his previous manager could do it.

They want to allow Sat-Sat every week and Mon-Fri in some weeks but not all.He also wants the daily rate for the Mon-Fri to be higher than the Sat-Sat. He also wants the difference to vary, so not 25% lower throughout the year but 20% some weeks and 30% other weeks.It also need to be able to push out to Airbnb and Bookingdotcom.He's convinced that his last company did exactly this for him. So before I go back and tell him I can't do it I thought I'd try my luck with you helpful people. Any help will be gratefully received.