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{BUFIXUP} field code - How to keep the weblink from getting scrubbed in the channel message (specifically booking.com)

Brian R
Jun 26, 2024 2:22 PM
Joined Sep, 2022 2 posts

Checking here before going to support, hoping some folks have creative solutions. 

My goal is to get the guests contact info, card for deposit, and agreement signed through the BUFIXUP field link. I have a template that works well for all other channel messages. The problem is that Booking.com scrubs the BUFIXUP link (doesn't seem to be the case with Airbnb). What is the best workaround to keep this automated (with the specific guest BUFIXUP link) while preventing the scrub? Thanks for the help with finding a fix!

Note: I would say that booking.com is scrubbing anything with a .com, www., or https:, but they didn't scrub my email in the booking.com message. They only scrubbed the BUFIXUP link and my website link. 

Jun 27, 2024 11:11 AM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 74 posts

Hey Brian,

We have a blurb on that topic here:


The long and short of it is that you likely have link protection enabled in your message security settings in the Booking.com extranet. You should be able to either disable that link security feature so that adding safe sending domains is not needed, or leave it enabled and add the following OwnerRez domains so that your OR links can be sent successfully.

Brian R
Jun 28, 2024 2:19 PM
Joined Sep, 2022 2 posts

Yep, that was it. Not sure how I missed it before. You guys are awesome.