Automation not firing as expected

Renee C
2 days ago
Joined Feb, 2024 24 posts


I created an automation to send me an SMS daily until arrival day. I'm not sure if that means send the SMS daily if it meets the requirements each day or send until it's successfully been sent to me.

What I'm wanting:

  • Send me a text if a booking has a balance due (zero paid or partially paid)
  • Continue to send me a text if the booking still meets this criteria

I have been getting the text, but no follow up texts.
Suzee S
OR Team Member Joined Apr, 2023 17 posts

Hi Renee!

The Retry option is only meant to retry if the trigger was missed. Once the trigger is successful, it stops retrying.

We don't currently have a scheduled trigger that will check every day. You can suggest this as a Feature Request if you'd like. Here's a link to search our Feature Request forum. If it's not there, you can write your idea up so other users can upvote your idea. This is where many of our new and improved features in OwnerRez come from.