Are message templates actually really seriously not available from the new unified inbox?

Jan 31, 2025 2:24 PM
Joined Nov, 2023 67 posts

The new unified inbox looks pretty and includes some long-overdue functionality, but...

I can't figure out how to send canned message (i.e., templates) from the unified inbox.

Just now, when a guest asked for alternate directions, instead of doing it the old way by choosing "Use Template" and then choosing the one I want, I had to:

1. Go to Setting | Templates | Channel Templates

2. Find the message to use

3. Copy the message by hand

4. Paste the message into my reply to the guest by hand

5. Manually replace all the field codes

6. Send

This is not an improvement.

Am I doing something wrong?

Paul W
Jan 31, 2025 4:35 PM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

Hey Undercard,

Yes, you're exactly right - it needs to be there. And actually, that canned response button is there (in the new inbox) under the covers.

Right before release, we discovered an issue and yanked the bottom out to not create confusion.  The engineering work to put it back is already under way, along with some stuff to make it better.

Apologies for the heartburn, but it'll be fixed extremely soon.

Anything else you see in the new inbox that is causing problems? We have a lot of feedback already, but never hurts to get more.

Thanks in advance! 🍺



Jan 31, 2025 5:49 PM
Joined Nov, 2023 67 posts

Thanks for the timely response!  If you're working on it, I can tolerate it.

But since you asked what else could be fixed:

(1) Ability to resize the panels

(2) When opening the inbox, the main panel should show the latest message, not a blank screen (maybe this is just my preference)

(3) Filtering is great (thank you!) but it would be nice to have a search function.


Feb 3, 2025 2:42 PM
Joined Nov, 2023 67 posts

I would add another thing:

(4) Instead of (as well as?) providing a link to the Airbnb user profile in the right-hand panel of the inbox, it would be *much* more useful to have a link to the Airbnb booking.  This would allow a quick link to do things like send/request money and double-check other information about the listing.  Only rarely am I interested in the user's Airbnb profile, which in any case is easily accessible from the Airbnb booking.  The opposite is not true -- you can't go from the Airbnb user profile to the Airbnb booking.

Shawn H
Feb 5, 2025 5:45 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2021 287 posts

Search and window resizing are things on the table for consideration. Thanks for those and your other feedback!

P.S. The templates in the Inbox were put back in place earlier this week. Some other template access tweaks are in the works.

Renee C
Feb 6, 2025 4:20 PM
Joined Feb, 2024 29 posts

My inbox says I don't have any channel templates, even tho I do...

I figured out, you have to create specific "guest" templates. 

I don't know if there's a future update that will consolidate templates. I get lost sometimes between the different templates. I have the same information template (directions for example) that are SMS, Email, Channel - never mind within each of those if it's for a booking, guest or otherwise.

Edited to add:

You can't duplicate a template to a different type of subtype - I can't copy my directions from a booking template to a guest template.

Dan K
Feb 7, 2025 2:12 PM
Joined Jan, 2025 23 posts


Michael E
Feb 25, 2025 10:09 PM
Joined Feb, 2022 2 posts

 Great effort on the Unified Inbox. Apart from what I hope will be an update to integrating full email support, another quick UX item I’d throw out there is the fixed 2-line height of the Compose box which makes authoring and editing on my mobile device nearly impossible.  I’m so used to being able to quickly knock out a message and edit templates on the go, and now with the limited vertical scroll space, I’m having to find workarounds… can we get something up around 8-10 lines since the input interface seems to overlay the message history anyway and shouldn’t restrict what’s accessible for past message reference?

Tom S
6 days ago
Joined Oct, 2022 2 posts


2 suggestions:

1. I'd like to see everything related to guest communications in one place, communications, rental agreement sent/signed, triggered messages sent.  This would show me the total communications with the guest in one place.  Also, when a guest makes an instant booking, the rental agreement goes out to them, they sign it and the confirmation message goes out to them.  Until they communicate with me, they don't show up in the inbox at all.  I had a guest make a booking 15 months out and it took me a while to find them to make sure they wanted the booking in 2026, not 2025. I finally had to scroll through the calendar to find them to send them a message to confirm their dates were correct since nothing shows up in the inbox until one of us asks a question.

2. When you click on a guest in the inbox and it opens the messages, have it open on the most recent message, not the 1st message.  When you have a guest who likes to message you about everything, I really don't want to scroll all the way through everything to see their last message.
