Being near the border --
guests come from Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana --
have had a few from other states also--
would be nice to have a report for that.
Great idea, Whisperwind!
I would also LOVE to see a report that shows me which states and cities my guests come from. Pretty please?
Does this report exist yet?
Hi Noelle,
If you navigate to CRM > Contacts, then export at the top right you'll be provided a list of all your guests with their address location as well. Long-term we have had discussions of custom reporting, however I can't provide an ETA for such a feature at this time.
VRBO hides the address of guests on reservation information -- how can OR get that?
Vrbo API connected hosts should be seeing the address come in automatically at booking creation. Non-API Vrbo hosts can collect the address either as part of the rental agreement signing process. The contact details should also come in via channel bridge.
Hi Caleb,
Thank you for the instructions, however the export does not indicate which property they visited. Could this column be added? Ideally want to understand from where the majority of guests are coming to visit for each property managed.
You can export the information you're looking for by exporting your Bookings List view & sort the export file by property.
To do this, go to the Bookings tab in the OwnerRez menu bar, then select List on the far right (assuming you're not already in List view):
Once you're on the list view, use the Filter option to tell the system what date ranges to encompass, or whatever other preferred filters you'd like to sort by:
Next, use the Export button to export that file. You can either download to excel using the Export button alone, or us the dropdown arrow to choose your file preference: