New Ribbon Calendar with Sliding, Filtering, and Cross-Month Bookings!

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Are you observing Plan A Solo Vacation Day ðŸ§³while listening to Pink Floyd's chart-topping album Dark Side of the Moon, which was released today in 1973?

Pink Floyd's philosophical lyrics dealt with the pressures of modern life and how those pressures can sometimes cause insanity, and today's Plan A Solo Vacation Day encourages people to get out and explore the world on their own and the self they find within it.

While these two events appear to be incompatible at face value, OwnerRez understands how complex running a vacation rental business can be. Our mission is to deliver a fast and reliable software solution for you. But before you go off exploring, don't forget to slide into today's product update that details our March 1st release with 3 updates, including our spiffy new Ribbon View! 

New Features

Ribbon Calendar Overhaul

Not just an overhaul but a facelift! Maybe you saw our teaser video on Facebook? We're hyped, and for OwnerRez users that own or manage multiple properties, the new Ribbon View will be pretty thrilling. And it will improve as we add more to it over time. But let me share what's included so far...

The Ribbon view offers a versatile way to view past and upcoming bookings seamlessly. Users can view the Ribbon calendar by selecting Ribbon on the Bookings page. The current date will always be highlighted in a light yellow color.

Ribbon View

For this exercise, I'm using the setting under display preferences to have the property name be color-coded according to the property calendar color. When users hover over the individual Properties on the left menu, a nifty informational pop-up (i.e., hover card) will appear detailing information about that specific property.

Property Information

And users will still find individual Booking Information when they hover over each booking too. Blocks are also visible.

Booking Information

But the most exciting part of the new Ribbon View is that users can now slide the view using the "Handle" back and forth, to view past and future bookings, including scrolling across months.

Ribbon View Handle

But does it work on mobile, you ask? And how will I fat-finger that "handle" on my phone? No worries there. Just let your fingers do the walking on your mobile device. Check it out in action! We'll be adjusting the ability to have different mobile swiping velocities in a future release.

Mobile Ribbon View

Not sure if you are comfortable with the new look and feel of the Ribbon View? We know change can be challenging, and technically it is not at "feature parity" with the old view at present (i.e., you can't filter on Booking info yet). So, that's why we still have a way for users to revert to the Legacy Ribbon View for the time being.

Want to see more? Read all about it in the Ribbon View section of the Main Bookings Display support article.

Bug Fixes

Upgrade Channel Bridge to Use New Vrbo Booking Data Endpoints. We upgraded Channel Bridge (to version 12) to use different Vrbo booking data endpoints. Vrbo recently retired some old API endpoints that Channel Bridge relied on, essentially breaking it for use with Vrbo. We've moved it over to using available data from newer Vrbo endpoints.

Fix Account Billing to Apply Negative Invoice Balances Against Future Invoices. This was an edge case where booking cancellations that generated Damage Protection refunds were displayed as a credit on OwnerRez users' accounts, but the credit was never applied to either the user's regular subscription invoice. This bug has been fixed, and any credit amounts will be correctly applied to user accounts.

New Backdated Product Updates available since last time:

5 Comments (add yours)

Tracy P
Mar 2, 2023 11:08 AM
Joined Jul, 2019 18 posts

Thanks for the updates - very nifty!  I am wondering though if there is an easy way to filter by property like before.  For example, I have five properties listed and often only want to view four of them.  I can figure out how to do that now with the new calendar.

Tracy P
Mar 2, 2023 11:13 AM
Joined Jul, 2019 18 posts

Adding to my comment on the new ribbon calendar....  how do I filter by payment due/overdue, etc. and legal agreement signed or not?  

Anne S
Mar 2, 2023 4:16 PM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 152 posts

Thanks for the updates - very nifty!  I am wondering though if there is an easy way to filter by property like before.  For example, I have five properties listed and often only want to view four of them.  I can figure out how to do that now with the new calendar.

by Tracy P – Mar 2, 2023 4:08 PM (UTC)

Our pleasure Tracy! If you are lucky and all four of your properties have one letter in common, you could add that letter to the filter box.
Property Filter SearchBut most of us will probably have to use the Property Filter covered in the Filter Options section of the Main Bookings Display support article.

Anne S
Mar 2, 2023 4:22 PM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 152 posts

Adding to my comment on the new ribbon calendar....  how do I filter by payment due/overdue, etc. and legal agreement signed or not?  

by Tracy P – Mar 2, 2023 4:13 PM (UTC)

Hey Tracy! While the new Ribbon View only allows for Property Filtering (for now), the Legacy Ribbon View continues to offer both Property and Booking Filter options. You can follow this link to change back to the Legacy Ribbon View

Bill M
Mar 3, 2023 3:15 PM
Joined Jun, 2019 6 posts

I feel like Ownerrez keeps glitching and is really slow to load and respond since this update.  Anyone else seeing this?