Hopper Homes, Search Filters for Dropdown Lists, Weekend Nights Property Rule, Quote Holds via API, and More

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Your success ignites OwnerRez's innovation on today's Never Give Up Day! ๐Ÿš€

It may be Friday, but we aren't surrendering just yet! Soar into the latest product update about our August 16th release with 16 updates, which include our Hopper Homes Partnership and some great new features like Search Filters For Dropdown Lists and Weekend Nights Rule Added to Property Rules.

New Features

Hopper Homes Integration is Live!

In case you missed Wednesday's announcement, OwnerRez is excited to announce our partnership with Hopper Homes as a new first-class channel partner!

Hopper Homes Listing Channel Integration

Read the Hopper Homes Setup & Connecting support article to learn more.

Search Filters For Dropdown Lists

Navigating through an extensive array of options in a dropdown menu to find the proper selection can be challenging, particularly when certain choices closely resemble each other.

OwnerRez has added new search filters to all dropdown lists with 10+ items!

The Create Trigger Event single-select (radio button) dropdown list is just one example.

Trigger Action Event Dropdown List Filter

But users can use the search filter in multi-select (checkbox) dropdown lists, such as the Listing Sites dropdown menu list.

Multiple Group Dropdown List FilterIf users have 10 tags or more configured, the multi-select (checkbox) dropdown list search filter will be visible.

Tag Dropdown Menu Filter

OwnerRez is crossing its fingers that these fresh search filters for dropdown lists will make searching for the proper selection easier for our users.

Weekend Nights Rule Added to Property Rules

So, when you talk about the weekend, are you including Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights? Or is it just Friday and Saturday nights? Or maybe you're considering Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights? It might vary for each of your properties, depending on their locations!

Weekend Nights Rule has always been a global setting that applied to all properties in OwnerRez and was configured by navigating to Settings > Pricing Preferences > Weekend Nights dropdown menu selection to make that change. But that didn't help users that wanted to apply different Weekend Nights to other properties.

Change Pricing Preferences Weekend Nights

But now OwnerRez offers users the flexibility to determine which nights are considered "weekend nights" for each property by navigating to their specific Property > Rules > Change > Weekend Nights dropdown menu selection. This will be especially helpful for those that operate properties needing different weekend strategies.

Property Rules Weekend Nights Dropdown Menu

Watch the Property Level Rules support video to learn more.

Enhancements & Tweaks

Option to Add Holds to Active Quotes Via API

OwnerRez users have had the option to Hold these dates so that other guests cannot book these dates while this quote is active for quotes in-app for a while now, but there was no way to accomplish the same calendar block for active quotes via our API. 

Here's an in-app Quote example using the Hold these dates so that other guests cannot book these dates while this quote is active option.In-app Hold these dates so that other guests cannot book these dates while this quote is active option

OwnerRez added an update to the API that adds a createHoldBlock parameter to the POST Quote API creating the option to add calendar blocks for active quotes via API.

createHoldBlock parameter to the POST Quote API

Learn more about this topic by reading our API for Apps - Creating Quotes and Bookings support article.

Rent Taxability Help Text Added

To tax or not to tax...that is the question!

Some users inadvertently turned off rent taxability when they really shouldn't have (perhaps not understanding the consequences of that change) and were confused when their configured taxes were not applied to quotes, surcharges, bookings, etc.

OwnerRez has additional help text added to many other settings in-app, so we decided that it would be beneficial for users to add help text under Rent Taxability too. To help guide our users, we've added the following help text, Control whether "Rent" charge line items are taxable or not when generating charges for quotes or bookings, under the Rent Taxability section of Pricing Preferences.

Rent Taxability Help Text Added

Rent Taxability defaults to Taxable and users can review their own Rent Taxability selections by navigating to Settings > Pricing Preferences > Rent Taxability.

Learn more by reading the Taxes Overview support article.

Tag Filter Label Clarifications

OwnerRez frequently gets questions about tag criteria, which is a bit confusing. Users often ask whether our tag criteria are Boolean operators that allow users to combine words and phrases using the words OR or NOT to limit or broaden search or trigger results.

Boolean Operators OR and NOT

We want to help our users define their tag criteria searches correctly so those grids and filters display the correct results and the right triggers fire through the use of their carefully crafted tags.

Previously, Tag Filters were labeled either "Has Tags" and "Doesn't Have Tags".

We've updated the Tag Filter Labels in-app, including the Booking Views, the Quote, Guests, Owners, and Properties grids, as well as the Create Triggers section and we hope those labels are now clearer for our users.

  • Has Any of These Tags (i.e., OR), means that the one (or more) tags WILL be displayed or sent via a trigger.
  • Has None of These Tags (i.e., NOT), means that the one (or more) tags WILL NOT be displayed or sent via a trigger.

But let's attempt to answer the original tag criteria question because we know you are now wondering!

In this example, your team needs more time to prepare for Anniversary or Birthday trips, so Early check-ins are NOT allowed.

Guest Sarah Johnson has an Anniversary trip tag associated with her booking and has requested an Early check-in.

Guest Booking Tags

While Guest Mary Jones only has a Birthday trip tag associated with her booking.

Guest Booking Tags

Let's use the booking filter and add the "Has Any of These Tags" tag criteria for both Anniversary or Birthday trips and select Search.

Has Any of These Tags Booking Filter

The search results display that both the Sarah Johnson and Mary Jones bookings are highlighted with the property color, while other bookings that do NOT have either Anniversary or Birthday trips tags associated with the bookings are greyed out.

Has Any of These Tags Booking Filter Results

Now let's add the "Has Any of These Tags" tag criteria for Anniversary or Birthday trips and select the "Has None of These Tags" of an Early check-in to see those results.

Booking Filter Tag Criteria Added

Our search results indicate that only the Mary Jones booking has the required additional time for your team to prepare for her Birthday trip adequately.

Booking Filter Tag Criteria Results

As you can see, ALL tag criteria must be met for results to display in the Booking Views, the Quote, Guests, Owners, and Properties grids, as well as in the Create Triggers section.

Want to make sure that your triggers will fire correctly? A good test would be to apply tag criteria to the Booking Filter to verify tag results before you apply tag criteria to your trigger configuration.

Learn more by reading our Tags Overview support article.

Bug Fixes

Add Title Attribute for Widget iframes. Widget iframes not correctly optimized for accessibility returned the error message, "iframe elements do not have a title." even though a title was added to the widget iframe. We have corrected this error, and widget iframe titles will be correctly assigned and optimized for accessibility.

Change the Failure Message When Sending an Email Hits an Unknown Snag. The previous system alert email failure message text displayed the unhelpful message, "Unknown. Contact support for more information." However, the Helpdesk team would advise users to resend the message again manually so that guests would receive the message. We have changed the system alert email failure message (and communication history) text to display the more expedient and useful, "Unknown. Try resending it manually."

Fix Broken Link Protection When Property Public Name is Changed. When users created a multi-property OR Hosted Website with the broken link protection enabled and subsequently edited one of the properties' public names in the Public name field, the broken link protection redirected potential guests to a not found page with a page index list displayed. We fixed this bug, and for properties with any of their properties' public names in the Public name field edited, the broken link protection will correctly redirect potential guests to the correct property on their multi-property OR Hosted Website.

Fix Drop Shadow on Hosted Website Headers With Multiple Lines. Users that added multiple header lines to their Hosted Website and set only one of those header lines to display a drop shadow noted that the drop shadow was incorrectly applied to all header lines. We've corrected this bug, and any drop shadow formatting applied to Hosted Website header lines will display correctly.

Fix New Ribbon Extra Width of One Day of Month Showing. Following last week's Ribbon Calendar Update, we noticed extra width space visible on the last day of the month and that the calendar grid was not correctly aligned. This issue has been resolved, and the Ribbon Calendar grid now displays correctly.

Fix New Ribbon Holiday Sticking After Display Then Scroll Then Hover on Old Days That Used to Have Holidays. Following last week's Ribbon Calendar Update, we noticed that the holiday hovering reminder tooltip pop-up remained visible even after a user scrolled past the holiday. We've fixed this bug, and the holiday reminder tooltip pop-ups upon hover will disappear after a user scrolls past the holiday.

Fixed Florida Rentals Not Able to Sync Reviews. Following our July 19th release, it was noted that even though guest reviews for Florida Rentals API-connected properties were pulled from FR and were in the OR feed, those reviews were not being pushed to the FR website. We've fixed this bug, and all FR reviews, including other participating first-class listing channels (currently: HomeToGo, Houfy, and FloridaRentals), will be visible and displayed correctly on the appropriate API-connected first-class listing channel websites.

Make New Ribbon Booking Background Printable Again While Also Keeping Fade to Grey Background on Booking Filter. A user noted that the new Ribbon Calendar booked property color ribbons were not visible when printing. The Ribbon Calendar prints correctly now, displaying the property colors behind the booking's ribbon while keeping any filtered bookings to remain greyed out.

Pet Notes Should be Editable Regardless of Suitability and Max Pets Selection. Users could only edit pet notes if the pets rule was set as "Allowed but up to a maximum." This bug has been fixed so that pet notes can be edited no matter the pet's setting under property rules.

Reviews Entered From Guest Directly Do Not Set the Listing Site (Source). When a guest submitted a review via the OwnerRez review form, it was not setting the listing site the booking was associated with on the review. This has been fixed to properly show the listing site on the review, the Listing Site column under CRM > Reviews, and the Reviews tab of the booking.

2 Comments (add yours)

Aug 18, 2023 5:35 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 212 posts

So pumped about the new search filters for dropdown lists!!!! 🙌🏼

Anne S
Aug 21, 2023 10:13 AM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 150 posts

So pumped about the new search filters for dropdown lists!!!! 🙌🏼

by Alece โ€“ Aug 18, 2023 9:35 PM (UTC)

We are too Alece! 😁