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  • Blog

    ...his to save the Stripe connection right away and then ask for the settings after the fact. That way, if you click away, the Stripe connection is still saved.

    We'll keep our eye on all the new 3DS2 stuff, but if you see something that seems off, let us know right away! Even if you're not a European merchant, keep an eye on your Stripe settings and processing history in OwnerRez and let us know if so...

  • Blog

    ...g Fixes

    Always process Travel Insurance. We have a "Confirm and Finalize" page where users often go to make 'pending' bookings permanent. The confirm page runs the guest's card and does a bunch of stuff including processing Travel Insurance requests. However the user can bypass this by going to the payments area and just running the guest's card directly. When they do that, the booking's 'pending' s...

  • Blog

    ...at booking as well.

    If you use the default OwnerRez renter agreement for your bookings, give that a quick look when you get a free minute. We changed it recently to a bigger better style with more stuff in the header and first couple of paragraphs. This is a format we've been using for awhile in our Concierge Setups, and we wanted everyone to have it.

    To see what it looks like, go to Settings > L...

  • Forums

    ...my properties is a houseboat with special requirements, like flip a switch on when you shower to drain water from boat or its a step 50 stair climb that Guests must be able to walk. I emphasize this stuff several times in listing and in house rules but so many guests argue they never saw anything about it any of it. With the rules on the agreement they sign, I feel it would give more support for me on...
  • Forums

    That's a great list!  Thanks for detailing that.  Several of those things, we already know about and plan to add.  In general, we are planning to do a lot of of accounting work in 2022, so stuff like this is great to be talking about!
  • Forums

    News on which piece in particular? 2022 did bring some big accounting things.

    We are currently pushing hard on large PM work (which includes how expenses are handled and also includes some reporting changes), other accounting things, and lots of other stuff.

  • Forums

    CSS won't work in emails, Rich. Virtually every email program on the planet (Gmail, Outlook, Apple, Android) all strip that stuff out. Even a lot of normal HTML gets removed. Are you trying to create a warning box or alert or something?
  • Forums

    ...sh diapers down the drain into the septic} etc. Ebay and Apple have huge legal departments and deal in billions of dollars. Losing a few (thousand, hundred thousand, or million) bucks (on preventable stuff) here or there is OK for them, but not for the individual owners. So apples and oranges, an inapplicable example of a "playbook" to use. I prefer to keep myself happy 1st, then the guests, which mean...
  • Forums

    I HATE the process in place for the channel bridge...yes, it's probably just me...we go to the extension ( since chrome upgrade those are hidden, btw, and cannot figure out how to get them on my small tablet). Why can't we put all channel bridge "stuff" on one page instead of the extension...then the download...then go to another page to upload...awful.
  • Forums

    @Chris: You're right about certain things like push notifications or camera integration (for cleaning checklists) though camera stuff can actually be done with regular web app. To bridge the gap on push notifications, we've kicked around the idea of having System Alerts go from email to text (or both) so that you get a text message instantly for certain things. That would help and make it so we didn'...
  • Forums

    I've also had weird stuff with air bnb conversations. 2 seperate enquiries from the same person for different properties. One enquiry appears voided but the conversation link takes me to the active enquiry. I have emailed support with more in depth details.
  • Blog

    Yep—I’d love to see triggers for Airbnb messages. A lot of the stuff I email to the proxy now (checkout reminders and instructions, etc.) is better suited to the Airbnb message stream. Hope that’s coming soon!
  • Forums

    ...onnected and then you reauthorized it. When that happens, we re-merge the existing bookings to make sure nothing's changed during the period where the channel was disconnected.

    I've also had weird stuff with air bnb conversations. 2 seperate enquiries from the same person for different properties. One enquiry appears voided but the conversation link takes me to the active enquiry.
    Airbnb uses a sin...

  • Forums

    ...t will come back to OwnerRez.

    We have a long-planned update coming (no ETA) to unify the messaging around the guest conversation and provide 2 way email there along with your other SMS and channel stuff. The inquiry records will come into there as well.

  • Forums

    I think there's a misunderstanding - you'd subscribe to VR Scheduler or Resort Cleaning, integrate that account with OwnerRez, and then set up your cleaners with accounts to log in to those systems, which offer those features. They don't have to do any fancy tech stuff.
  • Forums

    The fix has been released (last week), along with a ton of other stuff: https://www.ownerrez.com/support/articles/update-2020-10-13
  • Blog

    every time I read the "best cities" type of stuff, I chuckle. Who TH will buy in Cleveland as a VR? People are fleeing big cities in droves for a number of reasons. And several places on the list I have never even head of.. and probably neither did the tourists.
    Climate emergency? it is mostly called "weather". On the other hand, they should get busy stopping CHINA, not Oregon, from polluting, if the...
  • Forums

    ...hers would be outlined in the rate notes.

    2) For amenities, we've thought about that but the problem is if we put it in a widget then it's going to affect the SEO on your site. Google doesn't search stuff in widgets as well as they do things that are written out directly on the site which is why we've so far avoided making widgets for the content parts that you do want to SEO.

  • Forums

    Ahh, normality. Soon, hopefully!

    2) For amenities, we've thought about that but the problem is if we put it in a widget then it's going to affect the SEO on your site. Google doesn't search stuff in widgets as well as they do things that are written out directly on the site which is why we've so far avoided making widgets for the content parts that you do want to SEO.
    You are right! I did not think...

  • Forums

    ...M303155 -- but I suspect my OwnerRez integration is interfering with that.)

    Given the seriousness of the COVID-19 crisis, can this be bumped up in priority? I know it's a long-term project, but TBH, stuff like this is way more important now than, say, a new rates editor.

    Yes, we can manually add blocks after each booking, but that gets extremely tedious to monitor and change, especially with how quic...