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  • Blog you look at your ribbon calendar, you'll notice that a little green button appears as you hover over the empty cells.

    Give that a little click, and bam - up pops a quick quote box witha bunch of stuff prefilled for you including the rates and any rules or warnings that might prevent the guest from booking.

    You can edit the quick quote and instantly see the rate and rules change.

    Just hit the E...

  • Forums

    Any update on this?  

    PM and Accounting work are continuing at full speed.  I documented the deposit and Airbnb stuff above, but we are also working on delivering a Year-End report for PMs/Owners before the end of 2022.

  • Blog

    ...rd Party Alerts will continue to work as they do now, and we will make sure to cleanly migrate the existing ones to trigger events in future months, but you can already start crafting your own custom stuff using trigger events now.

    Available PropertyFieldCodes

    Have you ever wished that your email messages automatically showed the guest what properties wereavailable when they request unavailable tim...

  • Blog

    ...each bedroom greater than four. Any vehicles parked outside must be in the driveway, parking apron or other designated parking area.

    Well, ok then! Maybe this is a reaction to all the house party stuff in the news recently?

    How badly impacted is Hawaiis tourism industry these days? The Hawaii Tourism Authority released data on Tuesday that showed vacation rentals across the state were only at 14...

  • Forums

    ...mparing this year to last.   We purchased this license because in coming to OR this type of data just wasn't available to us.

    What we would like to see is a page in the app that would include the stuff that you have in some of your reports like: 

       The Daily Checklist

       Booking Statistics


       An ADR calc which I don't really see with the data we can get a way to calcul...

  • Blog

    Glad to see the portal feature.  That's been an issue with my business partners who were used to looking at pricing and occupancy on our previous system (while not having the ability to mess stuff up).  Looking forward to the granular access and read only features for them and the Staff/Cleaner function.  Would be great to have a report/portal access that says "Property A guests stay from B to C with D...
  • Forums

    I would suggest you not to swallow around one Topic at a time. You should consider going through the following link topic by topic. You might not need the quote stuff.

    Otherwise you might encounter a dozen other things you cannot do or might miss out on.

    There is also a search area on top that might help.

  • Forums

    ...s or instant booking. Trip insurance for guests. guest emails. pricing. updates. pictures. reviews. taxes. reports. etc.

    That is why I suggested that support link. It will lead you to a lot of stuff including things you might not have considered.

    go to each menu item on the top of the booking area. look at and study each carefully.

    Some wander through here with blank stares.

    This is a powerf...

  • Forums diapers down the drain into the septic} etc. Ebay and Apple have huge legal departments and deal in billions of dollars. Losing a few (thousand, hundred thousand, or million) bucks (on preventable stuff) here or there is OK for them, but not for the individual owners. So apples and oranges, an inapplicable example of a "playbook" to use. I prefer to keep myself happy 1st, then the guests, which mean...
  • Blog

    ...sync and OwnerRez will add a "full sync" of everything to the channel queue.  However, the full resync will wait in line behind everything else.

    So what will happen is all of a sudden all of your stuff will update, both the waiting changes from before and the full resync.

    Unless there's a significant and pressing issue, I would wait a bit longer and check later in the evening (or overnight, dep...

  • Blog

    Love the OR crew!  Thanks for working through all the mirad of cascading issues and for taking time away from your vacation to set things right.  Stuff happens its what you do when the _____ hits that fan that matters.  Great example for all of us OR.  Kuddos!
  • Forums

    But I realize there have been changes, such as recent HomeAway API

    So, is doing this going to port over my OwnerRez content for each property? Is the calendar and other stuff automatic? Do the Amenities I selected get picked up automatically? What about the Owner information, short description, and other fields on the Description page?

    I want to do this right once, not...

  • Forums

    ...ants here.

    I believe that vacation rentals are currently done via Airbnb, vrbo, etc and not direct yet

    But it would be good for your to get out on front of this, and at least review the developer stuff above. It might be something that comes soon or eventually...

  • Forums

    ...astically together.  It may make it a little more difficult to investigate your competition's pricing, but it's just a toggle switch away to see where their fees are.


    The cleaning checklist stuff, I'm guessing will be a separate section of either checkboxes or a generic "low, medium, high" with vague definitions for people to fill in.

  • Forums

    Hi Alece,

    You are correct. Statement views are for Owner Statements.

    However, all expenses in OwnerRez are Owner Expenses. There is not (yet) the concept of a PM expense, hence, we have not exposed expense columns in the same manner on PM statements.

    We'll keep this Feature Request around, as we have lots of stuff planned for the PM module in the coming roadmap.

  • Forums

    The insert field popup shows whatever is relevant to the current template. Note that there are different tabs of information there (property, booking etc) where the check in info would be related to the booking not the property, and you can also filter down in a tab to find stuff by name.

    You can find the exhaustive list of all codes here:

  • Forums

    1) Get rid of Evolve. They also charge your guests high commissions, have a questionable reputation, only do the easy stuff Ownerrez does, and they control your reviews and prevent you from using

    2) Read the channel bridge help and forum article(s). You can search on the Support page.

  • Blog

    Yep! We've got a lot of stuff on the drawing board for triggers. There's so much promise there by adding some additional logic that can let you automate a lot of that manual scheduling.

    We'll keep everybody posted as we progress throughout the year.

  • Forums

    ...pays in full. They can't do that without your interaction, so you'll always have a decision point of "guest wants to pay in full... let me charge them and then go skip the reminder email".

    We've got stuff in the works for making the skip auto -- eventually you'll be able to go into the trigger and do something like add criteria of "only send if amount due > 0" so that it is date and rules based, but w...

  • Forums

    No, we engineer our releases to only take a few seconds of downtime. You shouldn't even see a blip. This release involves some low-level stuff that affects a LOT of areas in the software so we're doing a lot of testing and staging beforehand.