Experience the difference of "Elite".

Shelley S

Joined March 2022
28 posts

Feature Requests » Availability search WITH booking

I still cannot figure this out and my site is on Wordpress. I'm using the booking/inquiry across all listings and making sure "all properties" is selected. It doesn't work right, it ONLY shows result…

(Posted Nov 2, 2022 7:57 PM)

Feature Requests » Availability search WITH booking

Can you please provide a help article or give me more direction on this? My website is now on Wordpress. And I've put the property search/availability widget on this page: https://stardustret…

(Posted Oct 29, 2022 7:25 PM)

Feature Requests » Availability search WITH booking

Actually, yes my current website is on Wix but I'm in the processing of building a new one on Wordpress. You can see it here (still in development): stardustretreatgroups.com Will I be able t…

(Posted Oct 18, 2022 12:26 PM)

Feature Requests » Availability search WITH booking

You are really lacking in one important widget. Right now, you offer an availability search widget (in which the returned available results simply give a "more details" button to go to that room …

(Posted Oct 15, 2022 6:18 PM)

Feature Requests » More branding customization

I would like to see a little more customization ability in colors and such. The ability to select/input a certain brand color for titles, rooms names on the searches, etc.

(Posted Oct 15, 2022 6:14 PM)

General Help and Questions » Ribbon Calendar on Mobile

Single month calendar is same thing - the calendar shows fine, but there's no option to select which property you want to view. ??? https://uc.orez.io/w/images/1063488780844f088db6543b7677ac27-Medium…

(Posted May 4, 2022 12:07 PM)

General Help and Questions » Ribbon Calendar on Mobile

I've tried to do this too - but using the multi-month calendar, in mobile the dropdown button to select which property to view doesn't show? stardustretreat.com, see screenshot below. I have a Wix we…

(Posted May 4, 2022 12:04 PM)

Feature Requests » Mobile version of calendar widget

My ribbon calendar widget also doesn't look good or easy to read on mobile. Check it out at my home site stardustretreat.com. Is there another widget that is better for mobile?

(Posted May 4, 2022 11:54 AM)