Search and updated profile information

Status: Requested 1 Vote
Kim Elzey
Jan 16, 2019 12:34 AM
Joined Dec, 2018 1 post

Hey Guys,
I'm really really new at vr rental, and to OR. First - the customer service you guys provide is amazing. Thank you. This is way more complicated to set up than one might imagine, and you guys are are easy to flag down and get one on one personal help. Thank you.

To that end, i feel like the 'search' of it all could be updated. As a newbie, i'm constantly getting lost on this sight. there are a ton of rabbit holes to go down, and once i go down one rabbit hole, I can't get back to where I started. If I could search words and phrases, it would make it easier to get around. One example would be 'push rates' or 'push rate'. I read about it, but had a hard time finding it again. Another item that took me forever to locate, was my 'orp' address. which brings me to my 2nd suggestion - updating the profile information...

'Orp address' could also be searchable. Likewise, it could also be located under Profile Information. Anything unique to a person or entity's distinguinshing characteristics should be easily located and Profile Information would be a good place for said items.

Just a couple of thoughts. This website goes deep. Searching it more effectively would go a long way and would alleviate a lot of the hands on you guys do. After reading the recap of what y'all did in 2018, I can tell you're busy. If search were elevated, it would free up your time. Just sayin...

And Thank you for your time. You've spent a lot with me, so far, which I do appreciate. Immensely. Thank you!

Paul W
Jan 16, 2019 9:00 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

Yep, we need to do better on that. The fundamental problem with that is the support content itself, not the search. Our support docs are very limited and only cover a small part of the system. Many many features are not documented. We have a plan in place to work on that over the upcoming months.