maintain history of last pushed spot rate / min night

Status: Requested 3 Votes
Rich S
Dec 22, 2019 1:46 PM
Joined Dec, 2018 302 posts

I've previously asked for a sparkline type of history on spot rate changes, but a simpler to implement but still useful feature would be for OR to keep a record of the last pushed rate/min night setting for each property. That would give users a useful way to double check in the details (before pushing rates) which dates have changed. Might be a little complicated since the listing collapses common values into groups and maybe only some dates changed, but possibly there could be a toggle to show the changed history ungrouped.

As it is it's not really easy/practical when making 20+ changes to visually see them in the details listing, so one must just hope it is all correct.

(edit) Would also be nice of the date/time of the last push was captured on the channel bridge page with the 'push' button. It's necessary to push all properties individually, and then wait 60 seconds for the push, so it's easy to be distracted and miss a property. Or maybe add a method to 'push all' properties.

Chris Hynes
Dec 23, 2019 6:34 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1403 posts

Yep, both the "last pushed" date and the "push all" are things we've got on the list.

I really wish the channels would just remove the restrictions and property mins on API's and we could just directly hit API everywhere -- that'd simplify all of this immensely!

Valerie R
Jan 14, 2020 12:54 PM
Joined Sep, 2019 122 posts

Yes, it would simplify things like this if the channels would remove the restrictions and property minimums...but I can't imagine VRBO would be so eager for ALL of their listings to start processing payments on their own instead of using VRBO's system.

Having recently integrated my VRBO account with OR, I think the greatest benefit for me (even more than the simplicity of managing all aspects of my properties from my OR dashboard) is having all of the payments processed through MY merchant account instead of through VRBO's payment system.

I hadn't anticipated this and LOVE it! No more worrying about VRBO refunding a guest without my knowledge or permission and no waiting for VRBO to send the payment to me.

If VRBO dropped the restriction to use a channel manager from 5 properties to one, then just imagine how many payments will be leaving their system and how much less control they would have over the reservations.

Anyway, I'm really happy that I made the decision to use OR's channel manager and integrate my VRBO account with OR.

It IS interesting that Airbnb allows accounts with only one listing to use the channel manager, AND Airbnb still processes the guest payments; Airbnb does not allow the host to process the payments through their own merchant account like VRBO does. That is a huge difference....and I wonder how long it might be until VRBO decides to copy Airbnb (which they seem to want to do often.)

Ken T
Jan 14, 2020 2:51 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Valerie R said:

It IS interesting that Airbnb allows accounts with only one listing to use the channel manager, AND Airbnb still processes the guest payments; Airbnb does not allow the host to process the payments through their own merchant account like VRBO does. That is a huge difference....and I wonder how long it might be until VRBO decides to copy Airbnb (which they seem to want to do often.)

Auuuggghhh! Don't give them any ideas! :-0