Lock Battery % Notification for Schlage Lock Integration (and potentially others)

Status: Planned 12 Votes
Ozark Stays
Apr 22, 2024 2:27 PM
Joined Aug, 2020 24 posts

I love the Schlage lock integration, it's simple and inexpensive and works great. And I like how it pulls lock code / code sync status to the booking record. However, I don't really have any automation around warning me when battery percentages drop down. I would like either a trigger or a system notification email to let me know when the battery percentage drops down below a certain threshold. As it stands, I have to navigate to the Schlage integration dashboard (which is buried in the settings menu) to view the battery percentages. RemoteLock was good about sending warning emails when I used them and I would like that same automation from the OR Schlage integration.

Ken T
Apr 24, 2024 3:30 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Yes this is planned, as the Schlage API does support this capability.  No ETA though.